Life as Field Technical Support: Ilham
Life as Field Technical Support: Ilham

Life as Field Technical Support: Ilham

Kenal wajah cowok satu ini? Kalau belum, yuk kenalan dulu!

Ia adalah Ilham Ikhsanuddin, salah satu Field Technical Support andalan eFishery. Sebagai bagian dari tim lapangan, Ilham adalah garda terdepan eFishery yang siaga membantu Sahabat Pembudidaya ketika menemukan kesulitan dalam penggunaan eFisheryFeeder atau fasilitas lainnya dari eFishery.

Ilham adalah FTS atau tim Field Support yang bertugas di Subang-Karawang, lokasi yang notabene dikenal sebagai area merah budidaya. Maka dari itu, pekerjaannya menuntut mobilitas dan kecekatan yang sangat tinggi. Meski pekerjaannya sangat menuntut, ia sangat senang menjalani hari-harinya di lapangan karena ia mendapat kesempatan untuk bertemu, mendengar keluh kesah, dan membantu Sahabat Pembudidaya menemukan solusi dari masalah-masalah mereka.

Selain secara langsung turun tangan membantu pembudidaya, Ilham juga merupakan wajah yang mewakili eFishery di lapangan. Itulah mengapa Ilham dan anggota tim Field Technical Support lainnya kerap disebut sebagai garda terdepan eFishery!

Simak kisah Ilham Ikhsanuddin di video Life as eFisherian berikut ini!

Ada banyak cerita di setiap sudut eFishery. Ikuti Instagram Life as eFisherian di sini dan simak cerita-cerita eFisherian lainnya, ya!


See a familiar face? If not, let’s get introduced!

His name is Ilham Ikhsanuddin, one of eFishery’s best Field Technical Support. As part of the field team, he is on the front line every day, ready to assist Fellow Farmers with their eFisheryFeeder and other technologies from eFishery.

He is stationed in Subang-Karawang, an area known as the red zone of fish cultivation. This makes his job more demanding than ever, with high mobility and agility required. However, the pressure is not getting to him. Instead, he is very keen on meeting farmers out in the field, conversing with them, listening to their problems, and even helping them with the solution. 

In addition to being eFishery’s hand, the FTS team such as Ilham is the face of eFishery out in the field, a representative of everything eFishery stands for. This is why they’re considered the front line of eFishery!

Take a peek at the life of a Field Technical Support in the video below! Whose story do you want to see next?