warna air yang baik untuk budidaya perikanan
warna air yang baik untuk budidaya perikanan

This is the Color of Good Water for Aquaculture!

Hello, Mr/Mrs Cultivators! Do you know Mr. / Ms the color of water that is good for aquaculture is light green, light brown, dark green, and red-brown? The colors mentioned earlier are the colors of water containing organisms that can support fish growth.

Then, what are these good organisms? Come on, learn more in this article!

Good Water Color for Fish Farming

For fish, the color of good water is the color of water that represents the content of good organisms in it. Different color of water, also different content of organisms.

Unfortunately, not all organisms are good for fish, meaning that each color can be an indicator of good or bad pond conditions for fish to live in. So, what color of water is good for fish farming? Check out the table below!

tabel warna air yang baik untuk budidaya perikanan
Table of Good Water Colors for Aquaculture

1. Warna Air Kolam Hijau Muda

The color of light green pond water is usually found in tarpaulin, concrete and fiber pools with catfish, tilapia and carp commodities. The light green color in the fish pond indicates the presence of chlorophyll-like phytoplankton Cyanobacteria And Gloeotrichia echinulata with low density. When there is sun, this type of phytoplankton carries out photosynthesis to increase dissolved oxygen levels in pond water.

Oxygen is produced from the process of photosynthesis Cyanobacteria And Gloeotrichia echinulata very good for fish because it can increase their appetite. So, if your tarpaulin, concrete and fiber pool water is green, keep it up!

2. Warna Air Kolam Cokelat Muda

This color is most often found in earthen ponds, swift water pools, and concrete pools. If your pond is light brown, it means that you are skilled at maintaining the pool. Light brown color indicates adequate and well-preserved organic matter and mineral content. This sufficient material and mineral content can function as a food supply. In addition, a light brown color is a sign that there is no feed settling at the bottom of the fish pond.

3. Warna Air Kolam Hijau Tua

Pool water that is dark green or dark green indicates a dense population of chlorophyll plankton. The dense color of the water can prevent fish from stress because it can limit the fish's vision from shadows and pest disturbances outside the pond.

If you cultivate fish using the biofloc system, this color is normal. However, if you don't use the biofloc system but the pool water is dark green, it means that the condition of the pool is not good. This is due to the too high density of commodities in the pond. Providing aeration at night is recommended because the plankton population will absorb oxygen at night.

4. Warna Air Kolam Merah Kecokelatan

In shrimp farming, red-brown pond water is a sign of danger. However, in catfish farming, the color of this pond water is a good sign. This color is often seen in catfish that are cultivated in tarpaulin, concrete and fiber ponds.

Usually, the red color of pond water occurs in cultivation that uses Red Water System with added probiotic bacteriaLactobacillus and yeast Saccharomyces). These probiotic bacteria are bacteria that act as waste decomposers and maintain water quality. Catfish that are cultivated using this system will grow well because the organic matter in the pond can be used as a food supplement.

How To Get Good Water Quality

cara mendapatkan kualitas air yang baik
Source: eFishery

In order for fish farming to develop properly, the main factor that must be considered is the quality of pond water. To get good quality fish pond water, you can start from the pond preparation stage when you are about to start cultivating. Pool preparation is one thing that cannot be ignored.

The first stage that must be carried out in preparing the aquaculture pond is the drying stage of the pond bottom. Drying is done by drying the pool for 3-7 days, until you can leave traces as deep as 1-2 cm when you step on them. If the pond is dry enough, plow or hoe the bottom of the pond that is about 10 cm deep. Don't forget to clean the rocks and dirt in the pool when hoeing.

Next is the liming stage which is used to neutralize the pH of the water at 7-8. Liming can be done with dolomite or other agricultural lime. To do calcification, put lime into the soil surface and let it sit for 2-3 days.

Apart from lime, you also need fertilizer to get good quality water. In addition to growing natural food for fish, fertilizer is used to restore soil fertility. Fertilization should use manure or compost. Fertilization is done by spreading the fertilizer evenly throughout the bottom of the pond and letting it sit for 1-2 weeks.

After calcification and fertilization are complete, you may already irrigate the pond. Irrigation is done gradually by flowing water as deep as 10-20 cm. Then, let the water stand for 3-5 days to be exposed to sunlight. That way, the organisms that the fish will later need will appear in the pond water. After 3-5 days, you can add more water to the pool until it reaches a height of 60-70 cm.

How to Take Care of Fish Pond Water

cara merawat kolam ikan
Source: Krishi Jargan

There are many ways you can do to maintain or improve the quality of fish pond water. One way is to drain the pool regularly.

You only need to change the pool water if the water smells fishy or smells of ammonia. The trick is to remove ⅔ of the pond water so that the remaining feed at the bottom of the pond is also wasted. If so, refill the pond water and add a certain dose of hygienic fertilizer to restore the physical health of the fish and restore their appetite.

Apart from draining the pond, pond water quality management can be done by placing a wheel over the pond to increase the oxygen content in the pond water. Oxygen is very useful for fish growth because even though fish breathe with gills, fish still need oxygen to breathe.

To maintain the green color in the pond, you can grow plankton. Besides being able to make the pond green, plankton functions as a natural food for fish with a high nutritional content.

The way to grow plankton in ponds is by sprinkling SP 36 urea and dolomite lime into the pond water. If there is already plankton produced, the color of the pond water will turn green. The more plankton contained, the darker the green color of the water will be.

Sewa atau Beli eFeeder di eFisheryKu untuk Menjaga Kondisi Air Kolam Ikan!

efeeder alat pakan ikan otomatis
Source: eFishery

One of the factors causing the poor quality of fish pond water is accumulated feed. So, how to avoid the accumulation of feed? eFeeders the answer!

eFeeders is an automatic feeding device from eFishery which can optimize feeding. With eFeeders, Bapak/Ibu tidak perlu lagi repot memikirkan berapa takaran pakan yang sesuai karena eFeeders can automatically adjust the dose of feed at a predetermined time of administration.

Kabar baiknya, eFeeders bisa Bapak/Ibu beli dan sewa dengan mudah di eFisheryKu, aplikasi yang mempermudah proses budidaya ikan Bapak/Ibu dengan fiturnya yang sangat beragam. Selain beli/sewa eFeeders, di eFisheryKu Bapak/Ibu juga bisa membeli pakan ikan dengan mudah, mendapatkan akses ke institusi finansial yang diawasi OJK, dan menjual ikan hasil panen.

come on, downloads eFisheryKu di Google Play Store dan registrasi sekarang untuk dapat banyak keuntungan dengan klik tombol di bawah ini!

Questions Regarding Good Water Color for Fisheries

Good water colors for aquaculture are light green, light brown, dark green and red-brown.

Good fish pond water colors are light green, light brown, dark green, and red-brown.

  • https://infoduniaperikanan.wordpress.com/2018/01/31/1081/
  • https://www.minapoli.com/info/budidaya-ikan-nila-di-kolam-tanah-bagi-pemula