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Tips for Successful Shrimp Harvesting: No Stress Shrimp, Well Maintained Clean Ponds

Getting a satisfying shrimp harvest is the dream of all shrimp farmers. The key to proper crop yields, of course, is good pond and shrimp maintenance. However, sometimes the steps taken by Cultivators are not quite right. In fact, sometimes cultivators have difficulty getting the secret key to profitable shrimp cultivation.

Apparently, there are several aspects of shrimp farming that need attention so that shrimp farming is successful and shrimp can grow optimally! Here are tips that can be done by shrimp farmers for a successful shrimp harvest!

1. Menghitung Pakan Sesuai Takaran dan Kebutuhan

Purchase of feed can be around 80% of the Cultivator's expenses. However, feed can also be a major problem for shrimp farmers. Leftover feed that is not eaten can be a source of ammonia gas which is toxic to vannamei shrimp. If the feed that is spread is not much, shrimp growth will be slow and not optimal. Therefore, calculating the right amount of shrimp feed is one of the keys to success in shrimp farming.

Here's how to calculate vanname shrimp feed. During the first 1 month of feeding, use a rate of about 1 kg of feed per 100,000 PL size fry. 15-20. In the following weeks, add about 100 grams per week and adjust it according to the number of live shrimp.

To help calculate the prediction of the need or effectiveness of the feed given, use the feature Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm from eFishery!

Wait for the full explanation for calculating the amount of feed for shrimp farming, okay!

2. Mencegah Masuknya Penyakit dan Wabah

Disease is one of the biggest reasons for mass mortality in shrimp farming. There are various diseases that threaten your shrimp, including AHPND, IMNV, and White Spot on shrimp. Each of these diseases originates from different sources and pathogens, but it is easier to prevent than to cure.

One way to prevent disease from entering your pond is to maintain pond water conditions. Make sure the water parameter numbers don't change drastically because it will stress the shrimp and make them susceptible to disease. In addition, keep the pond water clean so that it does not become a suitable place for disease growth. 

To monitor pond conditions, now you can use the feature Daily Report And Cycle Report on the eFarm app. Recording is easier and neater without using paper anymore!

3. Menggunakan Disinfektan atau Probiotik Sesuai Rekomendasi dan Kebutuhan

Disinfectants and probiotics are sometimes not an option when shrimp culture is still healthy, but both are very effective in protecting and preventing disease in shrimp. How to use disinfectants and probiotics in ponds is also not easy, but very effective. Disinfectants are used to prevent disease from entering the pond, while probiotics are used to maintain the health of the shrimp's body.

The use of disinfectants and probiotics must be according to the recommendations and the right dosage so that they are effective and do not actually kill the shrimp. Before using it, first identify its properties. You can watch the video in the feature Learn Cultivation application eFarm to know more!

4. Menjaga Kebersihan dan Keseimbangan Kondisi Air

Water conditions are very important in determining the success of your shrimp farming. As a place for shrimp to live, the water conditions can help the shrimp grow more optimally or even make the shrimp catch diseases more quickly!

To maintain water conditions, here are some parameters that need to be considered by shrimp farmers:

  • Temperature
  • pH
  • Nitrite Levels
  • Nitrate Levels
  • Dissolved Oxygen Levels
  • Salinity
  • Ammonia
  • Water Color
  • Water Turbidity

Make sure that changes in water conditions are not too drastic so as not to stress the shrimp. If there is a change in parameters, immediately adjust the water conditions again!

In addition, the presence or absence of foam in the pond is also a matter of concern. Foam in pond water is not always a bad thing, because foam is an indicator of microbial activity, one of which is the nitrogen cycle process. It is better if this foam is routinely removed.

5. Memanfaatkan Layanan Pendukung Budidaya Udang

Cultivating with tools or pond production facilities will be much easier and maximal compared to without the use of tools or consultation from shrimp cultivation experts. Besides being able to optimize the condition of your pond, cultivation support services can also help you develop your pond business!

Now, it's easier to get support in the form of pond production facilities and cultivation consultations eFarm from eFishery! In this application that was made specifically for shrimp farmers, you can use the feature Cultivation Consultation, where you can chat with shrimp experts who have experience helping hundreds of shrimp farmers to make a profit!

If you need pond production facilities, there are features Cultivation Shop! Here, you can buy the saprotam needed for free on line at competitive prices!

Need Help Regarding Shrimp Cultivation Business?

Fill in your personal data in the following form. Our team will immediately contact you via the number cellphone attached. Make sure the data entered is correct.

Get Maximum Harvest and Bigger Shrimp Weight with eFarm

Those are the tips for getting a successful shrimp harvest! Make sure that you get information from reliable sources so that your shrimp cultivation is maintained! 

Now, you can get information on shrimp farming at eFarm, the app for Shrimp Farmers from eFishery! Application eFarm equipped with various features that can help you in cultivating. One of them is features Harvest Plan, di mana Bapak/Ibu bisa mencatat data panen dan udang hasil panen ya dibeli oleh eFishery dengan harga terbaik!

Downloads eFarm di Google Play Store sekarang dan dapatkan hasil panen yang maksimal, bobot udang makin besar!