teknik pemijahan ikan patin
teknik pemijahan ikan patin

Anti-failed Patin Spawning Techniques that Need to be Learned

Proper catfish spawning techniques are the key to success in aquaculture. You need to know, proper spawning of catfish will produce quality catfish seeds.

What is catfish spawning? Perhaps for novice cultivators the word spawn was quite foreign to the ears. Spawning is the process of mating between male and female fish to produce eggs.

The catfish produce eggs and the spawning process is carried out to get the catfish seeds. The number of catfish eggs produced can reach 323,500 eggs from one parent. Quite a lot right?

If you do the spawning of catfish yourself, the seeds produced can be sold to fish farmers. Apart from that, you can also grow it yourself, thus saving on the cost of buying seeds. Then what about the catfish spawning technique?

How to Distinguish Male and Female Catfish

Before you spawn catfish, the first step that needs to be done is to differentiate between male and female catfish. In addition, you must choose adult catfish for spawning.

Cara membedakan ikan patin jantan dan betina bisa dilihat dari ukuran tubuh, warna kulit, dan bentuk alat kelamin. Ikan patin jantan memiliki tubuh ramping dan panjang, sedangkan betina memiliki tubuh gemuk dan agak pendek. Selain itu, patin jantan memiliki warna kulit cerah agak kemerahan dengan satu alat kelamin yang panjang, sedangkan patin betina memiliki warna kulit agak kusam dan halus dengan dua lubang alat kelamin.

cara membedakan ikan patin jantan dan betina

Selection of Parent Catfish Ready to Spawn

Bapak/Ibu perlu memilih ikan patin yang sudah dewasa agar pemijahan dapat sukses. Ciri-ciri induk ikan patin yang siap dipijahkan bisa dilihat dari umurnya, bentuk dan ukuran tubuh, keadaan alat kelamin, dan respon ikan terhadap pakan tambahan.

Berikut detail cara memilih induk ikan patin yang siap dipijahkan:

ciri ciri ikan patin siap dipijahkan

6 Patin Fish Spawning Techniques That Are Definitely Successful!

Catfish spawning techniques can be done naturally and artificially. However, natural spawning is often used by Cultivators, because the process is easy and the results are also good.

Here are 6 catfish spawning techniques that you need to know!

1. Water Quality Preparation 

You must use a clean water source for catfish spawning. Also make sure the water is not contaminated and free from disease. How to use water from rivers and groundwater, as well as well water

In addition, make sure the water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius with a dissolved oxygen content of >4 mg/l. Optimal water pH is in the range of 6.0-8.5.

2. Pool Preparation

You need a main spawning pond that has good water circulation channels. This aims to maintain the quality of aquaculture water.

There are 3 types of ponds that need to be prepared for the spawning process. The first is a hatchery pond measuring 15-20 liters. The second is a nursery pond which can measure 2 x 1 x 0.6 m and a catfish rearing pond.

3. Selection of Patin Fish Broodstock

Not all catfish can produce good seeds. Therefore, you need to select broodstock that have the potential to produce superior seeds.

In addition, you must also choose adult catfish broodstock. So, you can see how to select the right catfish brooders, which we have discussed before.

4. Maintenance of Patin Broodstock

The catfish that have been selected are put into a special pond for the maintenance of catfish broodstock. This process is carried out so that the catfish broodstock can mature so that they can be spawned.

During the transfer process, you should catch the sires carefully so you don't get stressed. Next, do fasting for 2 days on the broodstock to make it easier to recognize brooders that already contain eggs.

5. Catfish Spawning Techniques

The male and female catfish brooders are put into one pond for spawning. Let the sires do the mating naturally.

At this stage, feeding, giving supplements and monitoring the development of catfish are carried out. Generally fish do spawning at night.

So the next day you can monitor whether the fish have laid eggs. If so, move the eggs into the hatching pool.

6. Hatching Eggs

The catfish eggs are left until the eggs hatch into larvae. Larvae are very fragile so you need to treat them with care.

With proper feeding and water quality management. Of course, this is the key for fish larvae to survive.

Furthermore, you can sell catfish seeds to farmers or use them yourself for growing catfish.

Kembangkan Bisnis Budidaya Ikan Patin Pakai Kabayan

Mengembangkan bisnis budidaya ikan patin bisa Bapak/Ibu lakukan dengan menggunakan Kabayan (Love, Pay Later) yang menyediakan akses ke institusi finansial terpercaya serta diawasi/berizin OJK untuk membeli pakan. Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang dapat dibayarkan setelah panen. Dengan proses cepat dan persyaratan mudah, budidaya ikan pun makin lancar pakai Kabayan.

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