sukses budidaya ikan lele
sukses budidaya ikan lele

Cultivation Story: Successful Catfish Cultivation at KPD Using eFeeder

Hello, Mr/Mrs Cultivators! Let's visit the Digital Fisheries Village! The Digital Fisheries Village is the result of eFishery's collaboration with the West Java Provincial Government. In this program, cultivators digitize their business and utilize technology to optimize their cultivation. One of the technologies used is eFeeder from eFishery. 

One of the cultivators participating in the Digital Fisheries Village (KPD) program is Mr. Munalik, a fish cultivator from Subang who chose to cultivate catfish. He is a friendly person and loves to learn. In fact, the stories and experiences of other cultivators became a source of knowledge that motivated Mr. Munalik to be successful in cultivating catfish. 

"Yes, listen to the story of friends. The experience of being deceived, crop failure, crop yields, I also like to ask them questions and this can be used as a lesson for me," he said. 

At the beginning of starting his cultivation business, Mr. Munalik was filled with fear. He does not have sufficient capital or knowledge to start his business from scratch. To avoid failure, he discouraged his intention to jump right into cultivating. Unlike other cultivators who have tried and failed in cultivating a lot, Mr. Munalik chose to really study the ins and outs of catfish farming before starting his business. He studied left and right until he was ready to cultivate, from listening to other cultivators' stories to finding a trusted fish farming expert. In a way, the process of seeking knowledge took longer than Mr. Munalik's current cultivation age!

Currently, Mr. Munalik has 4 earthen ponds with an average size of 25×2 m. Of the 4 ponds, 3 of them use eFeeder for Fish from eFishery. The stocking density of the pond is around 110,000 fish per pond.

After having experience and seeking knowledge of catfish farming, Mr. Munalik shared his experience using eFeeder. 

“When I was still giving feed manually, I was tired because I had to lift it here and there. Not to mention when it rains, the fish are too late to be fed. Lots of fear when it was still manual. Now, because I use the eFeeder, it is very helpful in terms of feed distribution time, energy, and crop yields," said Mr. Munalik.

After using the eFeeder, Pak Munalik's catfish can reach a size of 5-7 fish/kg more quickly. In fact, the growth of catfish is more even because the feeding is more even.

Itulah Cerita Budidaya Pak Munalik yang telah sukses budidaya ikan lele dengan menggunakan eFeeder.

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