probiotik ikan lele
probiotik ikan lele

Catfish Probiotics: Tips, How to Use, and How to Make it

Catfish probiotics are a type of additional feed containing good microorganisms that are useful for improving the quality of life of fish. The combination of giving probiotics with artificial feed can keep fish healthy. Usually catfish that are given probiotics have meat that is denser, tastier, and rich in nutrients. Come on, find out complete information about probiotics in this article!

What are Probiotics for Catfish?

Probiotics are a group of organisms that are made in the form of natural supporting feeds without any chemical additives. As a supporting feed, probiotics are used to help the growth and development of catfish so that you can reduce the use of artificial feed.

As a catfish cultivator, you certainly know that catfish have a very high appetite. To reduce the high budget used to buy artificial feed, supporting feeds such as probiotics are needed. Not to mention the price of feed which is increasing every year. This can make cultivators not get the maximum profit.

In addition to saving on cultivation costs, probiotics can also be a neutralizer for pool water because they are made from natural ingredients. If it is neutral, the pond will be more stable for the catfish to grow and develop. Probiotics will act as a controller for bad microorganisms in the pond, so that the environmental conditions of the pond can support the growth of good microorganisms. Ponds that are already dominated by good microorganisms will be more comfortable for fish to live in.

Benefits of Using Catfish Probiotics

The use of probiotics as artificial feed is indeed very beneficial for both the farmer and the catfish. As we already know, probiotics can reduce production costs and neutralize pool water. Come on, know the other benefits of probiotics for catfish!

1. Improving the Quality of Catfish

Compared with artificial feed, probiotic feed is more able to improve the quality of catfish meat. This can be seen from the weight of the fish which becomes denser after you use probiotics. In addition, catfish meat that is fed probiotics also becomes more chewy, tasteful, and does not break down easily when processed.

2. Reducing the Risk of Disease Attack and Death of Catfish Seeds

Probiotics are a type of supporting feed that contains lots of good microorganisms. The combination of probiotic feeding can keep catfish healthy and can reduce catfish mortality by up to 2%.

3. Increasing the Growth Rate of Catfish

Usually, if the density of the pond is higher, the growth rate of fish will decrease. But not if you give probiotics to catfish. The presence of probiotic feed intake and Azolla microphylla it will actually increase the catfish growth rate due to the high amino acid content in the feed.

How to Make Your Own Natural Probiotics for Catfish

To get probiotics, you can make them yourself at home. The price of the ingredients is not expensive and easy to find. Here are the ingredients needed to make probiotics and how to make them:


  1. 10 kg of bran
  2. 3 kg of ground corn
  3. 1 kg of tomatoes
  4. 1 kg of cucumbers
  5. 10 kg sweet potato
  6. 20 gr ginger, galangal, and temulawak
  7. 250 gr of brown sugar
  8. 10 kg of shrimp or sea fish heads
  9. 5 shallots
  10. 1 tsp ground pepper
  11. 2,450 ml starter probiotics

How to Make Probiotics:

  1. Steam the sweet potato until cooked. Once cool, mash the sweet potato until soft.
  2. Grind the heads of shrimp or fish until smooth.
  3. Mix the ground fish head, sweet potato powder, and bran. Stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.
  4. Puree the cucumber and tomato using a blender. Put the two ingredients that have been mashed into the container and then add it starter probiotics and brown sugar.
  5. Add pepper, shallots, ginger, curcuma, and galangal, then stir until evenly distributed.
  6. Pour the mixture of tomatoes, cucumbers, and spices that have been mashed, then stir until smooth.
  7. Next, store the dough in a closed container at room temperature. Let stand until maggots or maggots grow in large quantities. If there are a lot of maggots, probiotics are ready to be given to catfish.

Beli Pakan Ikan Lele Bernutrisi di eFishery Pakai Kabayan

Selain probiotik, kunci sukses budidaya ikan lele adalah pakan yang kaya akan nutrisi dan bisa memperlancar tumbuh kembang ikan. Pakan ikan lele bernutrisi tersebut bisa Bapak/Ibu beli di eFishery pakai Kabayan.

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