eFishery's Privacy Policy is an explanation regarding eFishery User's personal data and information, including:

  1. Definition
  2. Applicable Laws and Regulations;
  3. Data Acquisition and Protection;
  4. Data Use, Storage, Utilization, and Processing;
  5. Data Wipe;
  6. Limitation of Liability of eFishery;
  7. Changes to the Privacy Policy;
  8. Intellectual property rights
  9. Cookies; And
  10. Contact eFishery.

References to eFishery in this Privacy Policy may mean PT Multidaya Teknologi Nusantara (“eFishery”), eFishery affiliates, group companies, and eFishery subsidiaries, including eFishery Representatives, who are financial, insurance, legal, accounting, or other eFishery advisors who provide professional services to eFishery, and third parties who work closely with eFishery, namely including but not limited to partners, vendors, farmers and end users.

eFishery reserves the right from time to time to update this Privacy Policy to keep it relevant and up-to-date with changing technologies, applicable laws, eFishery's evolving business practices and the needs of eFishery users. If any changes are made to this Privacy Policy, eFishery will provide a “Date of Last Updated”. eFishery encourages eFishery Users to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about how eFishery manages your personal data and information. By using the eFishery platform service, the User is deemed to have given explicit consent to the Privacy Policy and by continuing to use the Service after the Privacy Policy, the User is deemed to have agreed to the updated Privacy Policy.


Useris a party accessing eFishery platform services, including but not limited to clients, partners as well as other parties who just visit eFishery platform.

“Platforms eFishery” is the official website of the eFishery website and app which can be accessed via the User's computer and/or mobile device.

Service" is (i) eFishery Platforms; (ii) Any content, features, services and functions available on or through the Platform by or on behalf of eFishery.

eFishery System” is a system developed and operated by eFishery, including but not limited to the eFishery Platform.

eFishery representative” are directors, commissioners, employees, or third parties (including but not limited to external auditors or legal consultants) legally appointed by eFishery to represent their interests.

Personal information" is data related to Users that can be identified and/or identified separately or combined with other information either directly or indirectly through electronic and/or non-electronic systems, including but not limited to when Users access eFishery platform services.

Third Party Offerings” are various types of offers with marketing purposes made by parties who work with eFishery. 

Supervisory Agency” is a government agency that oversees the eFishery business sector, in this case including but not limited to the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

Related Sector Regulator” is the regulator that regulates the eFishery business sector.

Forced Circumstances" is covering among others (i) strikes, company closures, and other industrial actions; (ii) riots, riots, invasions, terrorist attacks or threats, war (whether declared or not) or threats of war preparations; (iii) fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, epidemic or other natural disaster; (iv) unavailability or disruption of telecommunications, informatics and/or electricity networks; (v) there is a system failure caused by a third party that occurs outside the authority of eFishery; (vi) the banking system and/or network is not functioning, (vii) actions, decisions, laws, regulations or restrictions issued by the government. In the event of a Force Majeure, eFishery notifies the User no later than 14 (fourteen) Calendar Days after the Force Majeure occurs and tries its best commercial ability to fulfill eFishery's obligations under this Privacy Policy.

Calendar Day” are all days in 1 (one) month including holidays.


eFishery complies with all applicable laws and regulations and policies of the government of the Republic of Indonesia, including those governing electronic information and transactions, the operation of electronic systems, and the protection of Users' personal data; including all implementing regulations and amendments to these regulations which regulate and protect the use of important data and information of Users.


  1. eFishery has the right to request User data and information, including but not limited to:
    1. Information regarding eFishery accounts
      (i) name

(ii) profile, including date of birth, gender

(iii) address and/or location of residence

(iv) usernames

(v) passwords

(v) e-mail
(vii) telephone number
(viii) transaction, financial, and/or banking information

  1. User behavior in eFishery and/or while using the Service
    Product selection information, features, and services. By providing the information in points a and b above, the User waives the rights to claims, losses, demands and lawsuits that may occur regarding the acquisition, storage, use, utilization and/or disclosure of information, including personal information, in the eFishery System.
  1. Users hereby provide explicit consent to the acquisition, storage, use, utilization, and/or disclosure of personal data and information that Users convey (input) into the eFishery System, including User personal data, product photos, chats and conversations in the eFishery system and Users hereby declares that giving consent to the data and personal information is carried out without coercion, in capable conditions, and with a conscious state, where the user gives the consent when creating an eFishery account ("User Agreement“).
  2. With the User's Agreement, the User hereby declares that all data and information belong to eFishery. To avoid doubt, User's personal data, whether entered into the eFishery System or not entered into the eFishery System, belongs to the User as part of his personal rights as a whole.
  3. The User hereby declares that the personal data that the User submits (inputs) into the eFishery System (including documents uploaded and/or provided to eFishery) are original, authentic, true, accurate, complete, not misleading, up-to-date, and are the User's personal rights and /or he is authorized to convey User's personal data to submit it to the eFishery System.
  4. eFishery protects all information provided by Users when Users use all eFishery services, including maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data it manages.
  5. eFishery has the right from time to time to ask for authentication and updating of User's personal data, so that User's data and information is accurate, complete and up-to-date, including stopping the Service temporarily and/or terminating the Service permanently, in the event that the User has not authenticated and updated User's personal data.
  6. The user has the right from time to time to update the user's personal data.
  7. Users hereby understand that the use of certain features in eFishery requires further personal data authentication processes and is subject to the terms and conditions of certain features in eFishery. User hereby confirms User Agreement is an explicit agreement on obtaining, storing, using, utilizing, and/or disclosing personal data that User conveys (inputs) into the eFishery System and certain features in the eFishery, and states that the granting of the use of personal data is carried out without coercion, in capable conditions, and with a conscious state.


  1. eFishery has the right to use User's personal data and information to improve quality and service at eFishery in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and based on User Agreement.
  2. eFishery has the right to use general information and use of services that have been collected to verify User data
  3. eFishery has the right to use transaction information to monitor and find out User transaction patterns, as well as for administrative purposes and investigative purposes or other interests as required by laws and regulations
  4. eFishery has the right to use and store bank name information which includes name and account number, name and/or credit card number to ensure payment/receipt by eFishery Users.
  5. eFishery has the right to use User personal information as a whole for know-your-customer purposes (“KYC“), internal data processing to ensure the technical functioning of the service.
  6. User information collected can be used to comply with applicable laws and regulations, investigate and resolve disputes, and other illegal activities, including when there is a dispute with a third party.
  7. eFishery has the right to use, utilize, and disclose User's personal data and information based on User Agreement, which User has provided at the time of obtaining personal data, unless the following conditions occur, among others:
    1. required and/or requested by the competent institution based on applicable legal provisions, subpoenas, official orders from the Court, and/or official orders from the agency or apparatus concerned, including but not limited to disputes, investigations, investigations, legal processes and settlement processes disputes between eFishery and Users, between Users, and Users with other parties and other illegal activities;
    2. required and/or requested by banking institutions, financial authorities, and/or third parties based on official requests and applicable legal provisions;
    3. to process all forms of User activity including but not limited to transaction processing, payment verification, product delivery and others;
    4. eFishery may work with companies and other third parties who facilitate or provide assistance in the development of certain applications and services for and/or on behalf of eFishery, including:
      (i) provide User assistance;
      (ii) provide information geographic location;
      (iii) carry out services related to the Application (including but not limited to maintenance and management services databases);
      (iv) assist eFishery in analyzing how the Application and Services are used and how they are developed; or
      (v) to assist eFishery's professional advisers and external auditors, including legal counsel, financial advisors, and consultants. These third parties only have access to User Personal Information to perform these tasks for and/or on behalf of eFishery and are contractually bound not to disclose or use such Personal Information for any other purpose;
    5. In disclosing information, eFishery may inform some of the User's personal information so that the information becomes information that cannot identify the User as a whole (aggregated data/anonymous data) intended for third parties used for Application development, database management, analysis or service improvement, promotion and advertising;
    6. eFishery can also combine User Personal Information with other information in such a way that the information is no longer associated with the User, then disclose the combined information to third parties, for purposes as in point e;
    7. eFishery can also combine User Personal Information with other information in such a way that the information is no longer associated with the User, then disclose the combined information to third parties, for purposes as in point e;
    8. eFishery may disclose User information to eFishery subsidiaries, affiliates, partners and vendors to help provide services or manage data;
    9. in an emergency that threatens a person's life, health or safety;
    10. if it is needed for clear purposes for the benefit of the User and User Agreement cannot be obtained on time; or
    11. as may be required or permitted by law.
  8. eFishery has the right to use, store, utilize and disclose personal data based on the User Agreement that the User has provided at the time of obtaining personal data for:
    1. provide Third Party Services and/or Offers, for example:
      (i) for purposes related to payment, billing, activation, provision, maintenance, support, troubleshooting, dispute resolution, deactivation, replacement, upgrade or renewal of the Service;
      (ii) to better understand, analyze and predict User preferences and interests, and combine that information with other information to customize User experience;
      (iii) to ensure the Service is technically functioning as intended and to help identify and solve problems;
      (iv) to facilitate User access and use of Services and/or Third Party Offerings;
      (v) to send subscription offers, messages and posts within the Service on behalf of administrators of Channels or Authorized Accounts;
      (vi) to combine that information with information obtained from other sources (including Third Party Offerings) in connection with the provision of the Services;
      (vii) to comply with or enforce Notices applicable to the Services;
      (viii) to manage or respond to User inquiries;
    2. develop new Services and improve existing Services and provide Users with information about third party content or related products, services and software including to communicate with Users about the various ways they use, for example to provide or send to Users:
      (i) upgrades or updates, or notifications about upgrades or updates, of the Services or third party content or related products, services and software;
      (ii) notices of upcoming promotions, contests, offers and events;
      (iii) personal information, surveys, marketing materials, advertisements or customized content;
    3. collect, use and disclose for promotional and advertising activities which include but are not limited to advertising identifiers, including those provided by other software platforms, or similar identifiers, to facilitate eFishery in performing analytics or providing promotional content or other information that may be relevant to Users ;
    4. managing and developing eFishery business and operations, for example:
      (i) to detect, monitor, investigate, mitigate or prevent fraud and technical or security issues or to protect the property of eFishery;
      (ii) to enable business continuity and disaster recovery operations;
      (iii) to obtain legal services, to seek legal advice and/or to enforce eFishery's legal rights or the legal rights of other members of eFishery;
      (iv) for statistical purposes;
    5. meet legal and regulatory requirements and to respond to emergency situations, for example:
      (i) to respond to a court order, subpoena or lawful request or other law enforcement or legal process;
      (ii) to provide emergency assistance in situations that may threaten your life or physical safety or that of another person; or
    6. eFishery's internal interests for eFishery's business, product, quality and service development including promotional activities, studies, research, and eFishery collaboration with other third parties;
    7. The interests of eFishery, eFishery affiliates, group companies, and eFishery subsidiaries, for business development, products, quality, and services including promotion activities, studies, research, and eFishery cooperation with other third parties;
    8. eFishery's interest to fulfill the purpose of the transaction on behalf of eFishery, including in terms of selling all or part of eFishery's assets including any purchase, sale, lease, merger or amalgamation or acquisition, disposal or financing of eFishery, eFishery affiliates, group companies, and eFishery subsidiaries;
    9. Other purposes conveyed from time to time by eFishery to Users, and permitted or required by applicable laws and regulations.
  9. eFishery has the right to store User's personal data and information to fulfill the purpose of the Service, the purpose of this Privacy Policy, the purpose of applicable laws and regulations, including processing, transferring and/or storing data and information of Users, both within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and outside the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, taking into account regulations, including laws and privacy policies in countries where User data and information is processed, transferred, and/or stored.
  10. eFishery, eFishery affiliates, group companies, and eFishery subsidiaries, including eFishery Representatives, and third parties who cooperate with eFishery, in providing Services have the right to utilize and process Users' personal data and information to fulfill the purpose of the Service, the purpose of this Privacy Policy, the purpose of regulation applicable laws and regulations. Utilization and processing of the data is covered by the agreement and contains a confidentiality clause that binds the parties. This includes eFishery Representatives.
  11. eFishery has the right to utilize and process User data and information to fulfill the purpose of the Transaction on behalf of eFishery, including in terms of selling all or part of eFishery assets including any purchase, sale, lease, merger or amalgamation or acquisition, disposal or financing of eFishery, eFishery affiliates, group companies, and eFishery subsidiaries.
  12. eFishery in utilizing and processing data, including data transmission, in accordance with the objectives of this Privacy Policy will implement reasonable security, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including providing encryption on the utilization and processing of the data.


  1. The user can withdraw the user's consent to provide in connection with the use of the user's personal data and information, including stopping using, accessing the service, and/or closing the account with due observance of the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations (including the retention provisions required by the applicable laws). User hereby declares that User understands the consequences of withdrawing User Agreement, including but not limited to no longer being able to enjoy the Service.
  2. Users can apply for data deletion to eFishery via [x] by attaching:
    1. copy of court order;
    2. valid proof of identity (KTP/SIM/PASPOR) according to their personal identity on the eFishery account page; and/or
    3. reason for the request for deletion
  3. eFishery agrees to deletion of data submitted by the User if he has complied with the provisions in number 2 above and has fulfilled his rights and obligations in eFishery, within a reasonable time.
  4. eFishery at the request of the User can collect User data and information to make it unrecognizable.


  1. The user is responsible for the security and mitigation of violations of the User's own eFishery account, such as applying appropriate security, limiting access, creating strong passwords, safeguarding passwords, maintaining one time passwords ("OTP").
  2. eFishery is not responsible for the exchange and provision of User's personal data and information by the User himself, including those carried out between Users. Included in these provisions are any and all User errors that result in leakage of User data.
  3. eFishery is responsible for the eFishery System, including the protection and confidentiality of personal data, including notifying the User in the event of a failure in protecting personal data through at least via e-mail the User registered with the eFishery System and reporting to law enforcement officials or Supervisory Agencies and Related Sector Regulator. In the event of a data leak, the party responsible for informing the User regarding the failure in data protection is the party or institution where the data is processed based on this Privacy Policy.
  4. eFishery is not responsible for the authenticity, authenticity, truth, accuracy, completeness of personal data entered by Users into the eFishery System.
  5. By providing User Agreement, the User waives the rights to claims, losses, demands and lawsuits that may occur regarding the acquisition, storage, use, utilization and/or disclosure of data, including personal data, in the eFishery System.
  6. In the event that the User is an immature child, eFishery is not responsible for the input of the child User's personal data and recommends that the parent/guardian of the child monitor the child's internet usage, so that the provision of the child User's personal data is provided and/or under the supervision of the parent/guardian as the responsible party. authorized.
  7. eFishery is not responsible for data leakage that occurs as a result and/or occurs during Force Majeure.


  1. All works contained in the Service or Platform and its supporting systems including but not limited to: (a) the layout, design and appearance of the Service or Platform contained or displayed on eFishery media; (b) logos, photos, images, names, brands, words, letters, numbers, inscriptions, and color arrangements found on the Services or Platforms; and (c) the combination of the elements referred to in letters (a) and (b), is entirely eFishery Intellectual Property Rights and no other party also has the rights to the eFishery Service or Platform.
  2. Users are not allowed from time to time to:
    1. 2.1 copy, modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, sell, transfer, publicly display, reproduce, transmit, transfer, broadcast, describe, or disassemble any part of or otherwise exploit the Platform (including the support system and the facilities therein) licensed to Users, except as permitted in this Privacy Policy;
    2. license, sub-license, sell, resell, transfer, transfer, distribute or commercially exploit or otherwise provide software and/or software to third parties in any way;
    3. publish, distribute or reproduce in any way copyrighted material, trademarks, or other information from eFishery without obtaining prior approval from eFishery's proprietary rights or the rights owner who licensed the rights to eFishery;
    4. remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices contained in the eFishery service;
    5. reverse engineer an eFishery application or access and/or support system to (i) build a counter of a product or service, (ii) build a product or service using similar ideas, features, functions or graphics, or (iii) copy ideas, features, functions or chart;
    6. launch automated programs or scripts, including, but not limited to, web crawlers, web robots, web indexers, bots, viruses, worms or other similar applications and any program that can make multiple server requests per second, create heavy loads, or impede Platform operations and/or performance;
    7. use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other manual or automated process to retrieve, index, “data mine”, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the eFishery application and its contents.


  1. Cookies are small data storage areas found on computers or other devices such as smartphones or tablets, when Users browse and/or visit the eFishery Site.
  2. The User's computer or other device will automatically receive Cookies when the User browses and/or visits the eFishery Site and when the User uses the eFishery service ("Use of Cookies"). However, Users can determine the choice to modify or choose to refuse the Use of Cookies through the User's web browser settings preferences.
  3. eFishery uses Google Analytics ("Features"), where the data obtained from using the Features includes, User's IP address, User's device type, and others ("Data"). The data is used by eFishery for eFishery Site and Content development and advertising. Users can choose not to be accessed by Features by downloading the Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-on on the User's web browser.
  4. eFishery may provide User data and information originating from the Use of Cookies to third parties, such as location data, advertising identifiers, or email addresses used for advertising segmentation, including but not limited to marketing and advertising needs, where such data and information are not personally identifiable.
  5. Users can control the use of Cookies through the preferences of the User's web browser setting, namely by modifying or choosing to refuse the Use of Cookies. However, by making these settings, service performance when accessing the eFishery Site may be affected, such as certain functions and pages on the eFishery Site cannot work optimally for services to Users.


Users can contact eFishery regarding this Privacy Policy via hello@efishery.com


Last Update: January 2023