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Anggie Nur
Magister Bioteknologi
There are many ways to grow plankton quickly. Plankton is important for shrimp farming because plankton and phytoplankton have many benefits in shrimp farming, such as overcoming the excess of certain substances, for example ammonium, nitrate and phosphate.
However, the first thing you have to do is find the right water source. The water must be clean and free from chemical substances that can inhibit the growth of plankton.
Plankton not only play an important role in energy supply and nutrient cycling, but also show extreme sensitivity to environmental changes during the shrimp rearing process. Many studies have shown that the growth and health of shrimp is often influenced by the content of plankton in pond ponds.
Therefore, let's find out how to quickly grow plankton in a shrimp pond!
Fast Ways to Grow Plankton in Shrimp Ponds
Growing plankton quickly must be done properly so that it can provide benefits for shrimp ponds. Here's a quick way to grow plankton in shrimp ponds:
1. Addition of Pond Water in the Morning
The addition of water to shrimp ponds can increase the volume of water and the amount of plankton in the pond. The water that enters the pond contains many minerals that will later be used by plankton to grow.
However, the addition of water to the pond must be considered so as not to disturb the existing ecosystem. The water added to the ponds has to be taken directly from the sea and needs to go through a water sterilization process to avoid disease outbreaks, in particular Vibrio parahaemolyticus.
2. Provision of Calcium Carbonate Lime and Dolomite Lime
Giving lime calcium carbonate and dolomite functions to increase the alkalinity of pond water which will be used by nitrifying bacteria to convert ammonia (NH3) to nitrate (NO3). The resulting nitrate compounds will be used by plankton to grow.
3. Addition of Bran Fermentation
The addition of fermented bran is useful for growing plankton and good bacteria in shrimp ponds. The way to apply it is by pouring it into the pond. Every 1 kg of bran can be used for ponds measuring 1,000 m2 and with a depth of 0.5-1 m.
Plankton in shrimp pond waters can increase the productivity of shrimp farming, because the presence of plankton plays an important role in the formation of good water quality and the natural food that is created. Therefore, the presence of plankton in a waters can describe the fertility characteristics of a waters.
Dapatkan Bantuan untuk Menumbuhkan Plankton pada Tambak Udang!
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Plankton bisa ditumbuhkan dengan cepat melalui proses pemupukan. Plankton yang sudah tumbuh baiknya tetap dijaga agar plankton yang menguntungkan bisa tetap hidup dan plankton yang merugikan bisa hilang.
Jika Bapak/Ibu ingin langsung mendapatkan rekomendasi cara menumbuhkan plankton pada tambak udang dari Ahli Budidaya eFishery, Bapak/Ibu bisa langsung mengakses fitur Cultivation Consultation in app eFarm secara GRATIS. Selain bisa berkonsultasi langsung tentang cara menumbuhkan plankton, Bapak/Ibu juga bisa mengetahui tips menarik lainnya seputar budidaya udang di fitur Cultivation Consultation.
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Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang
Questions About How to Grow Plankton in Shrimp Ponds
There are 3 fast ways to grow plankton in shrimp ponds, namely adding pond water in the morning, giving calcium carbonate lime and dolomite lime and adding bran fermentation to shrimp pond water..
Giving lime calcium carbonate and dolomite functions to increase the alkalinity of pond water which will be used by nitrifying bacteria to convert ammonia (NH3) to nitrate (NO3). The resulting nitrate compounds will be used by plankton to grow.
- Zaqiyah F. 2015. Observation of Plankton Abundance in Intensive System Vannamei Shrimp Ponds at Pt Surya Windu Kartika, Bomo Village, Rogojampi District, Banyuwangi. ADLN. Airlangga University
- Pirzan, AM and PR Pong-Cook. 2007. The relationship between pond productivity and phytoplankton diversity in South Sulawesi. Aquaculture, 2(2):211- 220.