pemberian pakan udang vaname menurut umur
pemberian pakan udang vaname menurut umur

How to Feed Vaname Shrimp According to Shrimp Age

Feeding vannamei shrimp according to age is important to do because it is very meaningful for the growth and development of shrimp. If the shrimp are given too little feed, their growth will be hampered due to lack of nutrients.

However, if the shrimp are given too much feed, the feed will not be eaten by the shrimp and will settle on the surface of the pond and then turn into poison. To provide the right amount of feed according to the age of the shrimp, there is a formula, Mr/Mrs Farmers. Come on, read this article for more details!

The Importance of Shrimp Feeding Management

manajemen pakan udang
Source: eFishery Documentation

Dalam budidaya udang vaname, manajemen pakan adalah proses pengaturan pemberian pakan yang disesuaikan dengan umur dan bobot udang untuk memaksimalkan pertumbuhan udang. Manajemen pakan yang baik, terutama dalam budidaya udang vaname sangat penting diterapkan karena memiliki risiko budidaya yang tidak kecil. Bapak/Ibu bisa saja gagal panen udang vaname hanya karena salah menghitung jumlah dan frekuensi pemberian pakan.

To make proper feed management calculations, you can start by counting Feeding Rate (FR) and Feed Conversion Rate (FCR). So, what are FR and FCR in vannamei shrimp farming?

FR is the daily feed rate which is determined based on the average weight of the shrimp or Average Body Weight (ABW) and calculated based on vannamei shrimp biomass. If the FR calculation is correct, vannamei shrimp can grow optimally because their feeding is efficient. Consider the following example to calculate FR:

FR = Biomassa x FR Pakan

Population = 100,000 heads

ABW = 10 g

Biomass = 1,000 kg

FR Feed = 3,9%

FR = 1,000 X 3.9%
= 39 kg/day

So the amount of feed that you can give to 1,000 vaname shrimp with an average weight of 10 g is 39 kg/day.

Meanwhile, the Feed Conversion Rate (FCR) is the effectiveness rate of the stocked feed. By calculating the FCR, you can see whether the feed spread is actually eaten by the shrimp or is it wasted and pollutes the pond. To calculate it, consider the following example:

FCR = Total pakan yang sudah diberikan (kg) : Biomassa udang


Biomass = 1,000 kg 

The amount of feed that has been given = 1,100 kg

FCR = 1,100 1.000

= 1,1

So, the FCR for the cycle is 1.1.

If the FCR number for your vannamei shrimp farming is at 1.1-1.2, the spread of feed that you are doing is effective. This figure also means that the shrimp biomass to be harvested is close to the weight of the feed spread.

How to Feed Vaname Shrimp According to Age

After knowing the appropriate FR and FCR numbers, now is the time for you to know how to give and the type of feed that is suitable for vannamei shrimp according to their age. For more details, pay attention to the following vannamei shrimp feed table!

tabel pemberian pakan udang vaname

As shown in the table above, the types of feed for vannamei shrimp are divided into 3, namely powder, granules, and pellets. The three types of feed above are classified as artificial feed, feed whose nutritional content has been directly formulated by shrimp feed experts.

In vaname shrimp cultivation, artificial feed is used more often because it is more practical and makes the shrimp grow faster. Come on, see more explanation about the three types of feed!

1. Flour

This type of feed is usually used for vannamei shrimp fry that are under 15 days old which weigh only in the range of 0.1-1 g. The form of flour feed which is very fine and rich in nutrients is very suitable for shrimp fry that cannot process food properly. At that age, vaname shrimp fry have a small mouth shape and a digestive system that is not strong enough to digest larger foods.

The provision of flour feed also aims to make the nutrient absorption process run better, so that vannamei shrimp growth can occur optimally. Flour feed is given to vannamei shrimp fry 3 times a day.

2. Granules/Crumble

This feed, which is larger in shape than flour, is given to vannamei shrimp fry in the age range of 16-45 days. Granules are made from coagulation of flour type feed with added nutrition. Granules can also be regarded as feed produced from the process of destroying pellet type feeds to create a smaller size.

You can give granules 4 times a day to prawns aged 16-30 days and 5 times a day to prawns that are 31-45 days old.

3. Pellets

Pellets are given to vannamei shrimp fry that are 46-120 days old or until they enter the harvest period. Pellets have a more complex nutritional content and can make vannamei shrimp have a better weight until harvest time arrives. You can give vaname shrimp pellets 5 times a day.

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Calculate the Need for Disposable Feed Cultivation Calculator in eFarm

Even though it looks complicated, calculating FR and FCR is very important to know the correct amount of feed and its effectiveness. If you don't want to do it yourself, features Cultivation Calculator which exist in eFarm ready to help!

Cultivation Calculator is a feature created to calculate the growth of shrimp in your pond. In addition, this feature can calculate important predictions that are useful for making cultivation plans for 1 cycle more quickly and accurately in the palm of your hand.

Come on, use the feature Cultivation Calculator in eFarm and feel the ease of predicting shrimp growth!
