pemasaran ikan nila
pemasaran ikan nila

Here's an Easy & Profitable Tilapia Marketing Way!

For cultivators who have been in the tilapia business for a long time, they must already have the right tilapia marketing strategy to implement. Unlike the case with beginners who have just started this business, they often feel confused about how to market tilapia.

Currently, the business of cultivating tilapia is one of the businesses that are most in demand by the people of Indonesia. Tilapia is one of the favorite fish for consumption, so the demand will continue to increase and the profit prospects are very promising. The fast growth of tilapia makes harvesting tilapia not take a long time.

Therefore, for the smooth running of the tilapia farming business, you need to know tips on marketing tilapia that are easy and profitable. Follow these tips, OK!

Tilapia Cultivation Business Potential in Indonesia

Tilapia fish, which has a Latin name Oreochromis niloticus, considered quite strong against disease attacks commonly experienced by other types of fish. This is what makes tilapia cultivation easier to do because of easy maintenance, low cost, and profitable results. 

Tilapia has quite a lucrative business potential compared to other types of freshwater fish, such as catfish or carp. The method of cultivation is relatively easy and the capital is not too large. This tilapia fish business is suitable for novice cultivators.

At present, the tilapia cultivation business can be said to be on the rise trendbecause there are still many opportunities for cultivators to attract consumer interest. This business can be an opportunity for those of you who are looking for business ideas.

Even though tilapia aquaculture has great potential, not too many people are interested in this business. This business has many advantages if done seriously and diligently.

The following are the advantages of tilapia farming business:

1. Business Competition is Still Relatively Loose

Cultivation of tilapia has not been done too much, but the market demand for tilapia is quite high. Therefore, you can take advantage of this opportunity to develop the tilapia farming business that you are currently pursuing. 

2. No need for large capital

The capital to start a tilapia farming business is relatively not too big. This can certainly be a consideration for those of you who are interested in pursuing this business. You only need to take care of tilapia until harvest time arrives, at least 4 months to be able to benefit. 

3. Relatively Easy to Do

Tilapia is a fish that is easy to cultivate. This fish has strong characteristics against disease attacks, so novice cultivators can do this business without difficulty. 

4. Stable Selling Price

The price of tilapia can be said to have never decreased, thereby increasing the opportunity to continue to make a profit.

Tilapia has a relatively stable price. Although there are various types of tilapia, the market price is not much different. The market price of tilapia will be quite different if it is outside Java.

For more details, here is the price of tilapia per kg in the market:

Types of TilapiaPrice of Tilapia per Kg
Red TilapiaIDR 24,000-IDR 27,000
Black TilapiaIDR 24,000-IDR 25,000
Srikandi TilapiaIDR 25,000-IDR 30,000
Nile Tilapia FishIDR 25,000-IDR 27,000
Tilapia Sila BestIDR 24,000-IDR 26,000
Tilapia GiftIDR 25,000-IDR 30,000

The size of tilapia much sought after by buyers ranges from 300-500 grams/head. It takes about 4-6 months to raise tilapia from 10-20 grams to 300-500 grams.

How to Market Tilapia

Marketing tilapia at a high selling price is the dream of all cultivators. Some cultivators may still be confused about how to market tilapia so they sell out. For this reason, it is important for Mr/Mrs Farmers to know tilapia marketing tips & tricks. 

Here are tips that you can do to market tilapia so that it sells out:

1. Collaboration with Tilapia Fish Collectors

One of the most popular marketing methods for cultivators is to cooperate with tilapia collectors. This method is applied so that tilapia cultivation results are sold out. 

Mr / Ms Cultivator only needs to contact the collectors who will accommodate the tilapia. The collectors will take the tilapia fish directly to your pond. 

However, the price obtained is not too high or relatively cheaper. However, this marketing method is popular because the process is fast.

2. Cooperation with fish sellers in the market

If the selling price from collectors is too low, you can try to work with fish sellers in the market. However, you need to guarantee that the fish seller has stock of fish for a certain time.

Therefore, you need to apply a trick to be able to supply tilapia throughout the year. One of them is by making a large number of ponds. Each pond is designed so that it can harvest at different times.

3. Collaboration with Culinary Businessmen

The next way of marketing is to work with businessmen engaged in the culinary field. For example, food stall owners, caterers, to luxury restaurants.

This method requires hard work because you have to directly offer the tilapia that you cultivate to the culinary business. Then, you need to convince the culinary business that the tilapia you are selling is of good quality and fresh.

4. Collaboration with Supermarkets

Maybe working with self-service sounds quite difficult. However, it is something that is possible to do. To be able to work with supermarkets, you need to contact the UKM section of the supermarket.

The advantage is that the selling price of tilapia will be more expensive than in the market. This will make you get optimal benefits.

5. Selling Yourself

Apart from selling it to collectors or fish sellers, you can sell it yourself. Marketing by selling tilapia privately can be tried. You can sell it to neighbors around the area where you live.

Apart from that, you can also leave it to the traveling fish sellers. Marketing in this way will be better if the tilapia is still in the water. This is useful for maintaining the freshness of tilapia.

6. Fishing Business

Fishing business has been found a lot. This is a potential that you can live up to. To build this fishing business, you need to start by preparing a beautiful area. You can provide a typical rural view so that the fishing area looks cooler.

7. Sell outside the city

The next way of marketing that you can do is sell it out of town. Even though every city has stocks of tilapia, if the selling price offered is cheaper, it is possible to get customers in various cities.

This method at the same time makes your business more famous because you are used to shipping out of town. To achieve success in this way, you can provide the best price with good quality tilapia.

8. Export to Neighboring Countries

Exporting tilapia overseas may sound like a very difficult thing to do. However, you do not rule out the possibility for you to export tilapia to other countries. To be able to do this, you should set up a tilapia farming business in the form of a Limited Liability Company.

9. Sell for free On line

In this sophisticated and modern era, you can take advantage of digital technology. The way to market tilapia that you can do is by on line.

By selling on line, Mr / Ms can reach prospective buyers more broadly. You can offer tilapia through social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or platforms on line other.

There are many platforms on line or marketplace which you can use to offer tilapia. Starting from processed tilapia that you process yourself or directly offer fresh tilapia.

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