Natural food for catfish from plants is one type of natural food that is effective for the growth and development of catfish. Feed from this plant is generally often used as an alternative feed for catfish only.
However, several types of plants with certain nutritional content can also be used as the main feed. Usually, catfish feed made from plants contains high fiber which is good for fish digestion.
Come on, find out the types of plants that can be used as catfish feed in this article!
Types of Catfish Feed
Feed is a determining factor for the success of fish farming. In catfish farming, feed is grouped into 2 types, namely natural feed and artificial feed. The two types of catfish feed have different nutritional content and benefits.
So, what are the differences? Come on, let's see together!
1. Natural Feed
Natural feed is feed made from various kinds of organic ingredients taken directly from nature and contains absolutely no chemicals. To make natural feed, you can mix animal and vegetable protein.
Natural feed is suitable for use at the beginning of the cultivation cycle because some types have a small size so that fish are easily digested. Natural feed can reduce cultivation costs because the price is affordable and can be easily found in nature.
2. Artificial Feed
Artificial feed is feed that is made in a factory with nutritional content that has been regulated in such a way by a feed expert. One popular example of artificial feed is pellets. Pellets are highly recommended artificial feed to help fish grow. Usually, the more complete the nutritional content contained in the pellet, the more expensive it is.
Natural Feed for Catfish from Plants
1. Papaya Leaves

Papaya leaves are a type of natural food for catfish which is very easy to find at an affordable price. In addition, papaya leaves contain substances that can help increase the body's immunity so that catfish are protected from various kinds of dangerous diseases. Papaya leaves are also known to be effective in maintaining the pH level of the acidity of pool water.
There are 2 ways that you can use papaya leaves for catfish. The first way is to give papaya leaves directly without being processed first. In this way, you can immediately put some papaya leaves into the pond and then wait a few days for the leaves to grow moss. After the moss grows around the papaya leaves, the catfish will eat it voraciously.
The second way is to chop it finely and mix it with water and pellets. Once mixed thoroughly, boil and stir the mixture until the texture turns into mush. Finally, shape the dough into balls before spreading it into the catfish pond.
2. Cassava Leaves

Apart from papaya leaves, cassava leaves can also be used as additional feed for cultivated catfish. Cassava leaves contain a lot of protein which is good for catfish growth and development. The leaves that are easy to get are mostly priced at very cheap prices so that they can save on cultivation expenses.
To give cassava leaves to catfish, you can process them first. The trick is to wash the cassava leaves thoroughly first. Then, boil cassava leaves until boiling, drain by squeezing.
After that, dry the cassava leaves in the sun to dry, then puree the leaves with a blender. Finally, mix the finely ground cassava leaves with the egg or fish meal evenly. The feed is ready to be given to the catfish!
3. Banana Stem

Banana tree trunks are suitable as catfish feed if the catfish are 1-2 weeks old. To facilitate processing, first cut the banana stems into several parts. After that, clean the wax substance that sticks and put it in the catfish pond. Let stand for 2-3 days, later the larvae will emerge from the banana stem. These larvae will later become catfish food.
4. Taro Leaves

Taro leaves are suitable as an alternative feed for catfish. Taro leaves are rich in energy, fat, protein and carbohydrates which can accelerate the growth of catfish. In addition, taro leaves also contain high antioxidants which can improve the quality of pool water.
Before being given to catfish, taro leaves need to be processed first. First, prepare some taro leaves and separate the leaves from the stalks. To make it easy for the catfish to swallow, cut the leaves into small pieces. You can also add other feed ingredients, such as fish meal, so that the nutritional content of the feed is more complete.
5. Kale

As one of the delicious plants that are rich in nutrients, kale is not only liked by humans, catfish also like this healthy plant. With its existence that is easy to find and the price is very affordable, water spinach is often used as a substitute for pellet feed.
Giving kale to catfish can be done directly or processed first. Kangkung is usually processed with fish meal to strengthen the aroma of the feed so that the catfish's appetite increases. The content of protein and fiber in kale is quite high so it is very good for the development of catfish.
6. Azolla microphylla

Azolla microphylla is a type of fern that grows a lot around the house. Although it is a parasitic plant, Azolla microphylla is a good alternative feed for fish growth. However, Azolla microphylla has a relatively low protein content so it can only be used as a distraction feed.
In giving it, the cultivator must apply a special trick so that the catfish will eat this plant. The reason is, catfish will not want to eat this fern if you still give it pellets within 24 hours. Therefore, avoid giving pellets within 24 hours so that the catfish will eat Azolla microphylla.
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Jenis-jenis pakan ikan lele dari tumbuhan di atas memang baik kandungannya bagi pertumbuhan lele. Namun, memakai pakan buatan, seperti pelet, yang nutrisinya sudah disesuaikan oleh ahli pakan merupakan tindakan yang tepat untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ikan.
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Questions Regarding How to Feed Catfish
Yes, can. Vegetables that are suitable to be given to catfish are papaya leaves, cassava leaves, taro leaves, and kale.