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rekomendasi obat ahpnd pada udang

Overcome AHPND Disease in Shrimp with These 6 Recommended Drugs!

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Anggie Nur
Anggie Nur

Magister Bioteknologi

AHPND disease in shrimp is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world of Indonesian shrimp farming. This disease is often a source of anxiety for farmers because it can cause mass death of shrimp and cause farmers to suffer huge losses. 

As a farmer, you must know how to prevent this disease. Check out this article to find out 6 recommended drugs to prevent AHPND disease in shrimp!

1. Aqualisan

Aqualisan is an environmentally friendly and non-hazardous disinfectant for shrimp farming.

disinfektan aqualisan 22 kg
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Aqualisan for Shrimp Cultivation:

  • Eradicate harmful microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria
  • Suppressing the amount of harmful compounds such as H2S, NH3, NO2, and algae toxins
  • Implement biosecurity by killing or weakening diseases, controlling the spread of diseases that harm shrimp, and preventing diseases from infecting other ponds

Dosage and How to Apply Aqualisan:

  1. To target bacteria, dosing is done at night when there is no sunlight. Make sure it's not used at the same time as using probiotics. 
  2. Dosage used (adjusted to plankton composition and TVC/TBC ratio):
  • Ground pool: 4 ppm during cultivation
  • HDPE ponds, plastic, mulch, or concrete: 2 ppm, adjusted to water quality conditions during cultivation

2. Aquasept 3.0

Aquasept is a tablet-shaped disinfectant effervescent, so that it is easy and fast to apply to aquaculture ponds. The active ingredient contained in this product is NaDCC (Sodium dichloroisocyanurate).

elanco aquasept 3
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Aquasept 3.0:

  • Reducing the number of bacteria causes of disease in ponds

Dosage and Application Method Aquasept 3.0:

  • In the Water Preparation Stage

Use 1 tablet for 5 m3 as much as 1 ppm. Disinfection of water and pool bottom for kill harmful microorganisms.

  • Reservoir Pool/Pond Reservoirs 

Use 1 tablet for 10-20 m3 as much as ¼-½ ppm. Disinfection (water and basic) to reduce ferric acid (ferric acid) and organic matter.

  • For Vibrio Conditioning (Culture Period, DOC > 30) 

Use 1 tablet for 30-40 m3 as much as ⅛-1/6 ppm.

Calculate the correct dose according to the needs of the pond, then insert the Aquasept 3.0 tablets directly into the pond pond.

3. Arike 3

Ariake 3 is a probiotic that helps increase the growth and productivity of shrimp. Ariake 3 contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain, Bacillus pumilus strain, And Bacillus licheniformis.

probiotik udang ariake 3
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Ariake 3:

  • Controlling the density of plankton in the water
  • Inhibits infection with pathogenic bacteriaVibrios spp., Fusarium spp., etc.)
  • Decomposes organic matter from dead organisms 
  • Helping the denitrification process

Ariake 3 Dosage:

  • Standard conditions/for precautionary measures: 100 g/3000-5000 m.m2 every 2-3 days
  • Control conditions/when the concentration of phytoplankton is high: 100 g/3,000-5,000 m2 every day for 3 days

How to apply Ariake 3:

Dissolve Ariake 3 with 50-100 liters of clean water to activate the bacteria. Stir evenly and probiotics can be spread directly into the pond.

4. Coforta A 

Coforta A included feed additives for shrimp. Coforta A functions to increase growth and metabolism and reduce stress.

elanco coforta a
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Coforta A:

  • Restore health after shock effect due to environmental changes 
  • Increases metabolism
  • Improve the immune system and growth
  • Able to restore shrimp health quickly (eg during partial harvest)

Dosage and How to Apply Coforta A:

  • DOC < 30

Mix Coforta A with feed on one of the 1 feed stocking schedules (20% total feed). Apply once a day with the addition of 3 g/kg of feed.

  • DOC > 30 days

Mix Coforta A with feed on one of the 1 feed stocking schedules (15% total feed). Apply 2 times a day for 3 days, then break for 7 days, with the addition of 3-5 g/kg of feed.

5. Paraqua Bivio

Paraqua Bivio is the result of selecting bacteria that are able to control the growth of bacteria Vibrios sp., like green colonies (Vibrio parahaemolyticus And Vibrio vulnificus) and some yellow colonies (Vibrio cholerae) which causes various diseases in shrimp. 

probiotik udang paraqua bivio
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Paraqua Bivio:

  • Controlling vibrio growth
  • Controlling AHPND/EMS and other diseases due to the increasing number of vibrios in aquaculture ponds

Dosage and Application Method of Paraqua Bivio:

  • Prevention : 0.2-0.3 ppm 1-2 times in 1 week
  • Mild infection : 1 ppm for 3 consecutive days. Then given 3 times a week.

6. Stimuno Plus C-Take

Stimuno Plus C-Take is a vitamin product that functions to complement shrimp's vitamin needs.

vitamin udang takeshu stimuno plus
Source: eFishery

Benefits of Stimuno Plus C-Take:

  • Complete the vitamin needs of shrimp farming 
  • Helps increase the body's resistance of shrimp so they don't get sick easily
  • Preventing vitamin deficiency in cultured shrimp

Dosage and Method of Application Stimuno Plus C-Take:

The use of this product is 2 g/kg of feed, given every hour of feeding. 

Find the Right AHPND Prevention Products Through Cultivation Consultation 

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At present, there is no proper and effective treatment for AHPND. You can only take precautions so that the shrimp don't get AHPND. One of the prevention that can be done is by giving disinfectants, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals for shrimp ponds. 

There are many recommendations for cultivation products on the market that you can use. However, if you are still unsure when choosing the right product, you can first consult via Cultivation Consultation in application eFarm.

Cultivation Consultation is a feature of the application eFarm which you can use if you want to ask questions and consult issues regarding shrimp farming. Your questions and problems will be answered immediately by a cultivator who will provide the right treatment steps for your pond. Apart from that, you can also ask for recommendations on the right products for shrimp farming. 

So what are you waiting for? Get recommendations for the right AHPND prevention products for your pond through the feature Cultivation Consultation in eFarm, right now!

Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi

Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang

Questions Regarding AHPND Drugs on Shrimp

Recommendations for drugs that can be used to treat shrimp AHPND are: Aqualisan, Aquasept 3.0, Ariake 3, Coforta A, Paraqua Bivio, and Stimuno Plus C-Take.