cara menurunkan nitrit di tambak udang
cara menurunkan nitrit di tambak udang

6 Easy Ways to Reduce Nitrite in Shrimp Ponds

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Nabilla Anggi
Nabilla Anggi

Magister Budidaya Perairan

How to reduce nitrite in shrimp ponds is mandatory knowledge that must be owned by all Farmers, because nitrite is sais a chemical that is toxic to shrimp. So, how to reduce nitrites in shrimp ponds? Check out the explanation below!

Nitrite Substances in Shrimp Cultivation

Nitrite is a toxic chemical compound found in water, including shrimp pond water. These compounds arise from denitrification and nitrification processes. The denitrification process is the process of reducing nitrite to nitrogen in gaseous form and in low oxygen or anaerobic conditions, while the nitrification process is the process of oxidizing ammonia compounds to nitrite or nitrate assisted by bacteria. 

Ammonia in pond waters can come from various sources. Ammonia can appear from shrimp feces, leftover feed, and dead plankton and other organisms.

Factors that affect nitrite levels in waters are:

  1. Increasing the age of the shrimp. The older the shrimp, the higher the nitrite levels.
  2. Oxygen concentration in water. If the oxygen level in the pond is low, the growth of bacteria will be hampered, and this will result in an increase in nitrite because it is not converted to nitrate.
  3. Alkalinity. If the alkalinity is <20 ppm, the bacteria will die and the nitrification process will not occur. 

Nitrite is very influential on shrimp because this toxic nitrite has the ability to bind blood in shrimp. This can interfere with the absorption of oxygen in the blood and the process of respiration.

Optimum Nitrite Levels in Shrimp Ponds

The maximum nitrite limit for shrimp ponds is 0.06 mg/l. If the nitrite level exceeds the maximum limit that has been determined, then the nitrite turns into a poison that causes stress, decreased appetite, slow growth, disease, and death in shrimp.

Measurement of nitrite in water needs to be done to determine the levels of nitrite in ponds. Measurement of nitrite can use the titration method or can use test kits for nitrites.

How to Lower High Nitrite

High nitrite levels in pond water can kill shrimp. Here are 6 ways to reduce nitrites in shrimp ponds:

  1. Do a regular siphon to clean the pool bottom dirt.
  2. Give probiotic bacteria with doses as needed.
  3. Perform feed management to reduce residual feed in the pond.
  4. Do calcification in pond ponds.
  5. Increase aeration in the pond.
  6. Apply bacteria to help the nitrification process. The provision of nitrifying bacteria is carried out in sediments and pond waters in ponds, with the aim of controlling ammonia and nitrite levels in ponds. 

Nitrification Process for Reducing Nitrite

The nitrification process is a microbial process that reduces nitrogen components (ammonia) into nitrites and nitrates. This process consists of 2 stages, namely:

  1. The process of oxidation of ammonium to nitrite is carried out by bacteria Nitrosomonas sp. (ammonium oxidizing bacteria).
  2. The process of converting nitrites to nitrates by Nitrobacter sp. (nitrite oxidizer).
proses nitrifikasi
Source: eFishery

To help the nitrification process, you can also apply bacteria. The nitrification process is useful for converting nitrite compounds into non-toxic nitrate compounds for shrimp. If the nitrification process is inhibited, the process will turn into a denitrification process. The nitrification process will also be hampered if the organic matter in the pond is very high, so it is important for you to keep the pond pond clean. 

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Nitrit yang melebihi batas optimum akan berbahaya untuk udang karena bisa menyebabkan nafsu makan menurun, pertumbuhan lambat, hingga kematian pada udang. Maka dari itu, Bapak/Ibu perlu mengontrol kadar nitrit pada tambak udang.

Jika Bapak/Ibu ingin langsung berkonsultasi dan mendapatkan rekomendasi terkait pengelolaan kandungan nitrit di tambak udang, Bapak/Ibu bisa langsung mengakses fitur Cultivation Consultation in app eFarm secara GRATIS. Bapak/Ibu akan berkonsultasi langsung dengan Ahli Budidaya eFishery dan mengetahui tips menarik lainnya seputar budidaya udang.

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Nabilla Anggi - Magister Budidaya Perairan
Nabilla Anggi - Magister Budidaya Perairan

Nabilla merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister budidaya perairan serta memiliki pengalaman di dunia perikanan baik hatchery maupun pembesaran

Questions Regarding How to Reduce Nitrite in Shrimp Ponds

You can siphon regularly, provide probiotic bacteria, calcify ponds, apply feed management, and increase pond aeration.

  • Jumraeni, A. Khaeriyah, Burhanuddin and A. Anwar. 2020. The effect of the disposal model on the accumulation of organic matter in intensive vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) ponds. Octopus: Journal of Fisheries Science. 9(1):11-18. 
  • Romadhona, B., B. Yulianto and Sudarno. 2016. Fluctuations in ammonia content and environmental contamination load for intensive vannamei shrimp ponds with partial and total harvest techniques. Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology. 11(2): 84-93.
  • Wulandari, T., N. Widyorini and P. Wahyu. 2015. The relationship between water quality management and organic matter content, NO2 and NH3 in vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) cultivation in Keburuhan Village, Purworejo. Diponegoro Journal of Maquares. 4(3): 42-48.