manajemen pemberian pakan ikan patin
manajemen pemberian pakan ikan patin

Correct Catfish Feeding Management

An important aspect that can affect the success of cultivation is how farmers control the management of catfish feeding. 

Considering the nutritional content, the large amount of feed, and the feeding schedule, all of these things are included in the management of catfish feeding. If there is a mistake in these factors, such as lack of nutrition or the amount of feed that is not as needed, it will have an impact on the process of growth and development of catfish.

For this reason, if you are just about to start catfish farming or are currently cultivating catfish, consider the following explanation regarding the proper management of catfish feeding according to the needs of the fish.

What is Feed Management?

Fish feeding management is a series of specific procedures to regulate and manage feeding of fish during aquaculture activities. Fish feed or food plays a very important role in the smooth running of the cultivation process because apart from being able to increase the body weight of fish, fish feed also confiscates up to 80% of aquaculture business capital. As a cultivator, you must be more careful and selective in choosing feed in order to accelerate productivity while increasing the profit of the aquaculture business.

To accelerate the growth and development of catfish, you must use feed with good and proper nutrition for fish. For example, Siamese catfish weighing less than 25 g requires a protein of 20-25%, a maximum of 8% of crude fiber, a maximum of 5% of fat content, a maximum of 12% of water content, and an ash content of 13%.

In addition, there are differences between catfish food for larvae and adult catfish. Catfish larvae or fry require feed that contains higher protein than adult catfish. If the protein requirement is not fulfilled, then the catfish enlargement process can be hampered.

Catfish Feed Needs to Harvest

Ideally, catfish consume 3-5% of feed per day of the total fish weight. However, this percentage is flexible. That is, feed consumption may be higher or lower than the percentages mentioned. 

Catfish feeding also needs to consider the age of the fish. The following table shows the feed requirements for catfish until harvest based on their age.

Catfish PhaseAge of CatfishTypes of Catfish Feed
Larvae30 hours – 7 daysWater Flea (Type Moina or Daphnia)
Larvae7-15 daysSilkworm
Seeds15-30 daysFlour pellets containing minimum protein 40%
CatfishUntil Harvest TimePellets containing a minimum of 25% protein

Alternative feed for catfish that could be an option is kitchen waste, trash fish, shrimp, molluscs, chicken farm waste, maggots, chopped golden snails, and fish waste.

Tips for Feeding Catfish Management

In providing catfish feed, there are several factors that you need to pay attention to so that the management of catfish feeding runs smoothly. Here are 5 crucial factors when feeding catfish.

1. Create a Feeding Schedule

Giving catfish feed in one day between 3-4 times a day. The right time to feed the catfish is in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. You can provide feed at these times. 

2. Dosage and Nutrition According to Fish Needs

Choose fish feed that contains high nutrition and protein so that it can accelerate the process of growth and development of catfish. As for the dosage itself, you can assume that 12,500 catfish require 50 kg of feed per month. In the second month the feed requirement increases to 150 kg and in the third month to 300 kg.

3. Additional Fish Feed

In addition to the feeds previously mentioned, you can also provide additional feed in the form of tofu dregs, bran, or household food waste. That way, catfish get additional nutrition. However, keep in mind that artificial feed contains adapted nutrients, so it can meet the majority of catfish nutritional needs.

4. The Best Location to Provide Feed

It was rare for any Cultivator to know that location or spot Specific feed needs to be considered in order to train catfish memory and habits. You can determine the best 3-4 points to provide feed. You can also use a smart feeder, eFeeder, to spread the feed more evenly.

5. Give Overfeeding at Night

Catfish tend to be more active at night because catfish will prey on insects that are around the pond. So that the fish don't focus on preying which causes the fish to be easily preyed on or get out of the pond, it's best for you to adjust the portion of spreading the feed with a larger amount at night.

Beli Pakan Ikan Patin di eFisheryKu Pakai Kabayan Sekarang!

Dari artikel di atas bisa disimpulkan bahwa pemberian pakan ikan patin perlu dilakukan dengan cermat sesuai dengan ukuran mulut dan kebutuhannya agar ikan tumbuh dengan baik dan terhindar dari penyakit. Selain cara pemberian yang tepat, jenis pakan juga sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ikan. Sejauh ini, pelet merupakan salah satu pakan ikan patin yang memiliki nutrisi tinggi dan bisa mempercepat pertumbuhannya.

Sekarang, Bapak/Ibu bisa membeli pelet ikan patin secara online di aplikasi eFisheryKu pakai Kabayan yang semakin memudahkan pembayarannya. Kabayan menyediakan akses ke institusi finansial yang sudah aman, berizin, dan diawasi langsung oleh OJK. Dengan Kabayan, transaksi pakan akan makin mudah, kebutuhan pakan terpenuhi, budidaya pun jadi lancar.

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Questions Regarding the Management of Catfish Feeding

Catfish are more active at night and will look for food around 8-11 pm.

Catfish eat small fish as natural food. Apart from small fish, catfish also eat seeds.
