makanan ikan gurame
makanan ikan gurame

Types of Gurame Fish Food to Grow Big Fast

Have you ever wondered what carp feeds on so that it grows quickly and harvests?

Ikan gurame adalah salah satu ikan air tawar yang menguntungkan apabila dibudidayakan karena memiliki harga jual yang tinggi. Namun, produksi ikan ini masih sangat sedikit karena memiliki stigma masa pertumbuhan yang tergolong lambat. Budidaya ikan gurame membutuhkan teknologi yang baik, seperti budidaya intensif, pakan bermutu, dan strategi pemberian pakan sehingga ikan dapat lebih cepat tumbuh besar. 

Provision of food or a balanced intake of vegetable and animal protein for carp is very important. If the carp grow quickly when cultivated, Friends of Cultivators can reap huge profits due to high market demand.

Do Cultivator Friends know what to eat for carp so they grow up quickly? Come on, see this article to find out what types of carp food to grow big fast!

Gurame Fish Nutrition Needs

Gurame is an all-eating fish (omnivore) where the main feed consists of plants (vegetable) and animals (animal). Unique facts about carp, namely this fish is a gnawing fish (grazers), namely fish that eat food by gnawing.

The purpose of feeding the carp is to increase the body weight of the carp. In providing feed for carp, Cultivator Friends need to pay close attention to nutritional needs so as to accelerate the growth of carp.

The nutritional needs of carp gourami come from feed that contains complete nutrition which really helps accelerate fish growth, including reproductive abilities. Complete nutrition needed by carp, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

Ideally, the composition of carp feed, as follows:

  1. Protein content, fish need feed with protein content of 20-60%.
  2. Fat level, the need for fat content in the feed needed by fish is around 4-18%. The fat needed by fish must come from animal fat or vegetable fat.
  3. Carb content, the need for carbohydrates in fish is around 20-30%, consisting of crude fiber and extract ingredients without nitrogen (BETN).  
  4. Vitamin and mineral levels, fish need vitamins and minerals as much as 2-5%.

Types of Gurame Fish Food to Grow Big Fast

Feed is the most important thing in the success of cultivation. Friends of Farmers must ensure that the carp get the right and quality feed. Carp can be given food in the form of artificial feed (pellets) or additional feed (feed derived from plants or animals).

Here are the types of carp food to grow big fast:

1. Artificial Feed (Pellets)

The first carp food is pellets. Fish pellets are food that contains nutrients and is specially made in the form of granules and sizes according to the shape of the mouth opening. Pellets used as feed contain animal protein of 25-30%. 

When choosing pellets, make sure the feed composition is correct. Pay attention to the type of feed, whether for seeding or for enlargement. The type of feed is closely related to the size of the pellets and the age of the fish.

2. Additional Feed

To reduce costs in raising carp, Farmers Friends can utilize additional feed derived from animals and plants. The following are types of additional feed for carp along with their nutritional content:

Food Type/100 grNutritional Content
Maggot41-42% crude protein, 31-35% ether extract, 14-15% ash, 4,18-5,1% calcium, and 0,6-0,63 phosphorus.
Papaya leaf8 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 11.9 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of fiber.
Banana leaf11,66% crude protein, 15,5% crude fat, 19,9% crude fiber.
Taro Leaves35 calories, 6 grams carbohydrate, 4 grams protein, < 1 gram fat, 3 grams fiber.
Kale Leaves3.4 grams of protein, 0.7 grams of fat, 3.9 grams of carbohydrates, 2 grams of fiber.
Johar Leaf4,01% protein, 12,36% fiber, 12,02% fat, 46,01% water content, 12,93% ash content, 7,67% carbohydrates.
Dregs of Tofu33-42% protein, 18-22% fat, 19% carbohydrates, 29,59% crude fiber, 5,45% ash content, 9,84% water.
Snail400 grams of calories, 48.7 grams of protein, 20 grams of fat, 60 grams of carbohydrates.
bran17 grams of protein, 66 grams of carbohydrates, 15 grams of dietary fiber, 7 grams of fat.
Sweet corn19 grams of carbohydrates, 85 calories, 1.2 grams of fat, 3.2 grams of protein.

The Correct Way to Feed Gurame Fish

After knowing the right composition for the nutritional needs of carp, now Farmers Friends need to know the right way to feed carp. However, what needs to be considered to fulfill the needs of carp feed is that it must be in accordance with the composition and also operational costs.

In feeding, carp are given food twice a day, namely in the morning and in the evening. Additional feed such as plants and animals is given once per day.

Feeding should be given little by little, do not give too much food. For example, enough with 80% glut level. This can be seen when the fish have started to move away from the food. If you provide more food, it will cause sedimentation and can be toxic to fish.

Here's how to feed carp, including:

  1. Preparing feed in a special bucket or tub.
  2. Measuring the amount of carp food given must be according to the dosage, namely 2-3% per day from the weight of the carp sampling.
  3. Give additional feed such as plants and animals 1-2% per day of the weight of the carp.
  4. After the feed is ready, you can start spreading the feed evenly on the surface of the cultivation pond.

Beli Pakan yang Mendukung Tumbuh Kembang Gurame dengan Kabayan!

Pelet merupakan salah satu jenis pakan ikan gurame yang bisa mempercepat pertumbuhan karena nutrisinya yang sudah disesuaikan oleh ahli pakan. Kini, Bapak/Ibu bisa membeli pelet ikan gurame di eFishery menggunakan Kabayan (Kasih, Bayar Nanti). Kabayan bisa menyediakan Bapak/Ibu akses ke institusi finansial yang aman dan diawasi OJK. Dengan Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang prosesnya cepat, persyaratannya mudah, dan bisa secara syariah.

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