kunci sukses budidaya musim pancaroba
kunci sukses budidaya musim pancaroba

The Key to Cultivating Success in the Transitional Season

Entering May, the transition season stalks the cultivator business. Erratic weather makes it difficult for cultivators to maintain their ponds. The combination of scorching sun and uncertain rainfall is a threat that is difficult to deal with. 

On the one hand, the transition season, or what is called bedding in Java, brings hot weather which triggers the growth of pests and disease-causing microorganisms. The water supply will be disrupted, making the pond water discharge erratic. On the other hand, unpredictable and sudden rainfall also affects the balance of water conditions, changing pH, discharge, and even temperature. 

This hot-cold combination causes the temperature of the pond water to fluctuate, stressing fish and becoming a comfortable breeding ground for bacteria and pests. So, what can cultivators do to protect their business from threats this transition season?

Tips for Cultivating Success in the Transition Season

Seeing the problems that arise every year, the Aquaculture eFishery team has put together a guide to help you get through the transition season. Let's review the steps you can take to cultivate successfully in the transition season!

1. Mengurangi Padat Tebar Ikan

These tips were initiated by the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service simultaneously to prepare cultivators who would face the transition season several years ago. Indeed, these tips are one of the easiest steps to take to reduce the possibility of crop failure. 

The reduction in fish stocking density has a direct effect on the ammonia content in pond water. Ammonia is a substance that arises from uneaten food residue and fish excretion. If allowed to accumulate, ammonia can poison and kill farmed fish. 

By reducing the stocking density, the ammonia content in the water can be drastically reduced. Not only that, fish are also more free to move in the pond because of its low density.

2. Menjaga Kestabilan Suhu Air

The water temperature in the transition season will change very easily. The combination of hot weather and erratic rainfall makes the water temperature fluctuate. Disconnected or missing water sources also play a role. In fact, water temperature is an important component in cultivation.

There are two reasons why water temperature is an important component to be monitored by cultivators in this transitional season. The first is because fluctuating temperature changes can stress fish and reduce their body's resistance, making them more susceptible to disease or even death. 

The second is that as the temperature increases, bacteria and other pathogens can grow faster. The ideal temperature for bacteria to grow is 31°C. At this temperature, opportunistic bacteria, such as the majority of Vibrio species, can reproduce optimally. 

Some commonly used ways to reduce changes in water temperature are by flowing pool water, and using a waterwheel to increase oxygen levels in the water and anticipate ammonia content. For small pond sizes (under 100 m2), covering the pool with a tarpaulin when the sun is hot can also be an alternative to maintain water temperature. 

3. Merawat Ikan agar Tidak Stres

Fish that are not cared for properly can become stressed easily. The impact of stress on fish is a decrease in the fish's immune system, reduced appetite, and even death. 

Apart from temperature, other water parameters such as pH and discharge also affect the condition of the fish. Keeping these parameters stable is one of the keys to successful cultivation in the transition season.

In addition to water conditions, the method of spreading fish seeds into ponds can also avoid stress on fish. Make adjustments to the temperature and water conditions before releasing the fish seeds into the pond. Changes in the ecosystem that are too drastic will shock the fish and trigger stress.

4. Memberi Vitamin dan Probiotik 

Provision of vitamins and probiotics in the cultivation process is not new, but both are crucial in maintaining cultivation in the transition season.

Giving vitamins or supplements to fish can increase the fish's immune system during the transition period, which brings many threats in the form of temperature fluctuations and disease. With increased body resistance, fish can better resist disease and changing conditions. 

Giving probiotics is also not without reason. Probiotics bring benefits to the condition of the water and the body of the fish. Probiotics can balance the aquatic ecosystem so that pathogenic bacteria are not easy to grow and develop. For fish bodies, probiotics can also boost the immune system, facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients, and help balance the ecosystem in the stomach. 

5. Mengatur Pemberian Pakan

Feed, although a crucial component in aquaculture, can also be the biggest source of problems. Leftover uneaten feed often accumulates at the bottom of the pond and produces toxic ammonia. 

Generally, hot or erratic weather can reduce the fish's appetite, even though fish need extra energy to be able to survive against the threats that come from this weather. When farmers provide the same amount of feed, the feed tends not to be eaten, so it settles to the bottom of the pond.

Lancarkan Pemberian Pakan Ikan pada Musim Pancaroba dengan Kabayan

Cuaca panas atau tidak menentu bisa mengurangi nafsu makan ikan, padahal ikan butuh energi ekstra untuk bisa bertahan melawan ancaman yang datang dari cuaca tersebut. Maka dari itu, Bapak/Ibu perlu memberi ikan makan yang meningkatkan nafsu makannya. Salah satunya adalah pelet. Pelet mengandung nutrisi penuh yang sudah disesuaikan oleh ahli pakan dengan kebutuhan ikan.

Kini Bapak/Ibu bisa membeli pakan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ikan di eFIshery pakai Kabayan. Kabayan (Kasih, Bayar Nanti) yang menyediakan akses ke institusi finansial terpercaya serta diawasi/berizin OJK untuk mempermudah pembelian pakan. Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang dapat dibayarkan setelah panen. Dengan proses cepat dan persyaratan mudah, budidaya ikan pun makin lancar pakai Kabayan.

Isi formulir di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan akses ke Kabayan!

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  • http://trobosaqua.com/detail-berita/2017/05/15/17/8997/budidaya-lele-di-peralihan-musim 
  • http://www.bibitikan.net/pancaroba-petani-ikan-dihimbau-waspada-khv/ 
  • http://www.bibitikan.net/mengantisipasi-serangan-penyakit-ikan-di-musim-pancaroba-dkp-gelar-seminar-pengendalian-penyakit-ikan/
  • https://www.antaranews.com/berita/929241/dkp-imbau-pembudi-daya-ikan-mengurangi-kepadatan-tebar-masa-pancaroba
  • https://dislautkan.jogjaprov.go.id/web/detail/112/pentingnya_pranata_mangsa_untuk_budidaya_ikan 
  • https://padangmedia.com/pancaroba-kurangi-tebar-benih-ikan/