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4 Types of Ponds for Goldfish Cultivation

Goldfish ponds have a crucial role in the success of goldfish farming. The type of pond and poor pond water quality conditions can slow down the rate of growth and enlargement of goldfish.

Treatment errors in keeping goldfish in certain types of ponds can also worsen the condition of goldfish enlargement. Therefore, you must recognize the types of ponds for goldfish farming and their special treatment.

Goldfish or cyprinus carpio is a freshwater fish that has quite a lot of enthusiasts. In addition to consumption, goldfish can also be used as pet fish or ornamental fish. Seeing this opportunity, many people started to work as goldfish cultivators.

As a novice cultivator, you can start cultivating using a tarpaulin pond. However, for maximum results, it is recommended to use an earthen or concrete pool. 

What are the differences between the three types of ponds? Are there other types of goldfish ponds? Let's find out the answer.

Types of Goldfish Ponds

The choice of a goldfish pond can affect the inlet and outlet water circulation system, the basic design of the pond, to the location of the aquaculture pond. As a cultivator, you must be more careful in deciding what type of cultivation pond to use. 

Usually, ponds for the maintenance and enlargement of carp are not too big, only 100 m in size2. Sometimes, the size is smaller than that.

Let's review the various types of special ponds for goldfish farming. Check it out below!

1. Tarpaulin Pool

Beginner farmers are usually advised to cultivate fish using tarpaulin ponds because maintenance is easy and the installation costs are affordable, because they only need tarpaulin and a pond frame.

In addition, cultivators who will cultivate in a small area can also use a type of tarpaulin pond which is easy to place in narrow areas and easy to disassemble. Following are the advantages of tarpaulin ponds as a cultivation medium:

  • Suitable for use on a small area of land / narrow.
  • Easy to disassemble.
  • Can be stored on a sandy surface area as tarpaulin is water resistant.
  • The process of making and maintaining it does not require too much money.
  • Does not give off the smell of mud.

Even so, there are still some obstacles when cultivating using tarpaulin ponds. For example, when you use tarpaulin with low quality, the potential for a leaky pond can occur. In addition, if the framework used to support the pool is made of low quality materials or installed incorrectly, the pool is prone to collapse.

2. Ground Pool

Apart from tarpaulin ponds, you can also cultivate goldfish using an earthen pond. Ground pools are considered more practical and require less construction costs but still bring profits. The ecosystem of the earthen pond resembles the fish's natural habitat so that it can reduce the potential for fish stress. In addition, earthen ponds can bring out natural food so that you can reduce operational costs for providing fish feed. 

Even though there are many advantages, you still need to be more careful and vigilant when deciding to use an earthen pond as a medium for goldfish cultivation. Because ground pools are more susceptible to attack by pests that come from the ground. 

Not just any land can be used as a medium for fish cultivation. Choose clay soil and soil that is not porous as a media for fish cultivation because this type of soil has the property of being able to hold water and can supply sufficient amounts of nutrients according to the nutritional needs of fish.

3. Concrete Pool or Wall

Concrete pools or wall pools have a better level of pool resistance than other types of pools. Because the material for making pools is concrete or cement, these pools are not easily collapsed or damaged, have a longer service life, and are not easily eroded by water.

You will easily create circulation of incoming and outgoing water easily using pipes in concrete pools. As for pond and fish maintenance, it will be much easier to use a concrete pond. In short, for long-term investment, the use of concrete ponds is considered more effective, efficient and inexpensive.

Even though there seems to be a lot of profit, you need to prepare quite a large amount of funds at the start of cultivation. Making concrete or wall ponds is much more expensive than other types of goldfish ponds. A crucial drawback of concrete ponds is that goldfish get stressed easily because the pond ecosystem is far different from their natural habitat. 

But don't worry, to deal with goldfish that stress easily in concrete ponds, you only need to ensure and control the water quality. Gradually, the goldfish will adapt.

How to Maintain Goldfish Pond Water Quality

After deciding what type of pond you will use as a cultivation pond, you need to find out how to maintain the quality of the goldfish pond water so that it remains stable and can support the growth rate of goldfish.

The following are the terms and conditions for the cultivation pond for goldfish:

  1. The pool is at an altitude of 150-1000 meters above sea level.
  2. Pools have acid-base levels or water pH levels between 6-9.
  3. The pool has an ideal temperature between 20-30 oC.

Even though at the beginning of your cultivation you have ensured that the pond has a maintained quality, the quality of the water and the pond can decrease during the cultivation and rearing period of the fish. You need to check the pool water quality regularly. 

On a regular basis, you need to ascertain whether the pool water contains elements or chemicals, ammonia, nitrates or nitrites. You also have to maintain dissolved oxygen levels. One solution to this problem is to add microbes to the pond.

In addition, if the problem of water quality concerns the temperature and acid-base levels of the pool, then the following is how to solve the problem of pool water quality:

  1. If the pool water is too alkaline, use calcium powder or chunks of lime to neutralize the pool water.
  2. If the pool water is too acidic, use ketapang leaves which are simply sprinkled on the cultivation pond to lower the pH of the water.
  3. If the water temperature changes drastically, use shower-style aeration or use microbes and pond plants such as water hyacinth to lower the water temperature.

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Questions About Goldfish Ponds

Goldfish can live in dead water ponds or ponds without aerators, provided that the goldfish must come from broodstock from dead water pond systems and replace pond water only when the pond water has decreased in quality.

Requirements for water content for goldfish ponds include acid base/pH levels between 6-9 with an ideal temperature of 20-30 oC.

  • https://gdm.id/kolam-ikan-mas/
  • https://gdm.id/budidaya-ikan-mas-di-kolam-terpal/#Syarat_Hidup_Ikan_Mas
  • https://www.minapoli.com/info/cara-budi-daya-ikan-mas-sesuai-jenis-kolam-yang-digunakan 
  • https://agromedia.net/inovasi-baru-budi-daya-ikan-mas-di-kolam-air-mati-2/
  • https://paktanidigital.com/artikel/syarat-tumbuh-ikan-mas/#.Y-6fVXZBy5c