kolam ikan gurame
kolam ikan gurame

Tips for Determining Gurame Fish Ponds for Cultivation

Gurame fish ponds have a vital role in the success of the aquaculture business after selecting seeds and feed. Gurame fish is known as a delicious fish and is sold at quite expensive prices. In the market, the price of carp can reach IDR 50,000 to IDR 75,000.

Did you know that there are many things that must be prepared to build and care for a carp pond?

You need to pay attention to the suitability of the pool, water quality, temperature and oxygen levels. This article will provide tips and information regarding the types and sizes of carp ponds, water circulation, and how to make one.

Types of Gurame Fish Ponds

Before knowing the type of pond that can be used as a medium gouramy fish farmingFriend Cultivators need to know what things are needed, namely:

  • Spawning pool. We recommend that you use an earthen pond as a spawning pond with a water level of 30-60 cm.
  • Spawning nest, located parallel to the surface of the water made of woven bamboo or baskets.
  • Nursery ponds for raising carp seeds. Ideally, you can use a type of tarpaulin pool, aquarium, or ordinary water tank to make it easier to monitor.
  • Growing pool. You can use any type of earthen pond, concrete pond, or tarpaulin pond provided that the pond must be made according to the number of carp seeds to be stocked.

Meanwhile, the types of ponds that can be selected as cultivation media in are as follows.

1. Ground Pool

The advantage of this type of pond is that it is wider in size compared to other types of ponds, so it can accommodate large amounts of carp. The cost of making an earthen pool is also cheaper so that you can reduce operational costs in making it.

However, you must guarantee the quality of the soil to be used, what is the degree of acidity of the soil, and whether the acidity of the soil can affect the acidity of the pool water. This is because a soil acidity level that is too high has the potential to inhibit the growth of carp.

Another weakness is that fish are susceptible to infection with pests that originate from beneath the soil. Even so, the use of this earthen pond can simultaneously provide natural feed so that you can be economical in buying feed.

2. Concrete Pool

In contrast to earthen ponds, the cost of making concrete ponds is quite expensive, plus the manufacturing process is quite complicated and takes quite a long time. The weakness of concrete ponds is that they can increase stress because the pond environment is very different from the gouramy fish's natural habitat.

Even so, you can work around this by maintaining and controlling the quality of the water in the pool. In addition, concrete ponds provide maximum protection for carp from the potential for infection with pests and insects.

Concrete ponds are suitable as cultivation media because they have a long service life so that in a longer period of time, concrete ponds provide many benefits.

3. Tarpaulin Pool

For budding carp cultivators, it is recommended to use a tarpaulin pond as a cultivation medium because the manufacturing process is quite easy and the manufacturing costs are low. The advantage of using a tarpaulin pool is that this pool can be removed so that you can move it as needed.

Even though they can be moved around, tarpaulin ponds are prone to leaks and collapse, thus threatening the lives of carp. To anticipate this, you must ensure that the tarpaulin used is of the best quality, the pool is made with 2 layers of tarpaulin, and ensure that the pool frame is installed correctly.

4. Biofloc Pool

The advantage of this type of biofloc pond is that you can present a pond environment that is exactly the same as the gouramy fish's natural habitat so that the fish can avoid stress. That way, the growth of carp has the potential to increase so that you can get quite satisfactory yields.

However, one drawback is that making this type of pond requires a fairly high cost.

5. Plain Water Tub

The last type of carp pond is an ordinary water tub made of a bucket or drum. The advantage of this type of pond is that it will be easier and cheaper for you to care for fish.

However, the cultivation of carp can only be done on a small scale because buckets or drums have limitations in accommodating the number of fish.

Gurame Fish Pond Size

The size of the carp pond depends on how wide the scale of your cultivation business is. This is because the size of a 100 carp pond will be different from the size of a 50 carp pond.

The wider the scale of the carp cultivation business, the more fish seeds that will be maintained. Accordingly, the larger the carp pond area needed.

Therefore, you must pay attention to how many carp you will keep in one pond to calculate the required pond area. The goal is for the carp to grow and develop properly and quickly in a comfortable environment for them. Also pay attention to the location of the carp pond. The following are the exact location requirements:

  • The height of the pool is 50-400 meters above sea level.
  • Water temperature between 24-30 0C.
  • Guaranteed quality of clean water.
  • Water acidity value between 7-8.
  • Minimum dissolved oxygen level of 2 mg/L.

Gurame Fish Pond Water

The rules for circulating carp pond water need to be considered to help support accelerated growth. Things that need to be considered include water temperature, water depth, water discharge, acidity level, and oxygen levels.

1. Water Temperature

In their natural habitat, carp can survive with water temperatures between 25-28 0C. 

You need to pay attention to the difference in water temperature between day and night because a significant change in pool temperature can reduce oxygen levels. Ideally, pool oxygen levels range from 4-6 mg/liter, while this significant temperature change can reduce oxygen levels below the minimum limit.

Choosing a carp pond with sunlight is the right thing, but too much exposure to sunlight is also not good for fish health. Likewise at night or during the rainy season. 

Therefore, equip it with shade plants on the edge of the pond as a shelter for fish or to maintain a stable water temperature when it rains. An example of a plant that you can use is water hyacinth.

2. Water Debit

Gouramy fish can be cultivated in polyculture ponds or monoculture ponds. Polyculture ponds can be used for cultivating carp and any fish provided that the pond has a water discharge of 5-12 liters/second. The monoculture pond is only designated as a pond with a water discharge rule of 3 liters/second.

3. Water Depth

The water depth for the ideal carp pond is 70-100 cm. Why is that?

Because a pool that is too shallow has changes in water temperature that are less stable. However, ponds that are too deep have the potential to inhibit fish growth because sunlight has difficulty penetrating the depth of pond water.

4. Water Acidity Level

Gourame fish requires a level of water acidity (pH) within neutral limits, which is between 6.5-7.5 pH. To find out if the water in the pond has the right pH, you can use litmus paper or a pH meter to measure the acidity of the water.

If the result shows that the pool's acidity level is lacking, then you need to mix the pool water with CaCO3 (lime) or soda to neutralize it. Meanwhile, if it turns out that the pool water is too alkaline, then you can add phosphoric acid to neutralize it.

5. Oxygen Levels

Gouramy fish need water with an oxygen level of 5 ppm or 2 mg/L. If the water has less dissolved oxygen levels than that, then the solution is that you can let the water flow smoothly and leave the pool surface open.

6. Anticipate Disease Exposure

The trick to getting carp harvests is proportional weight with healthy conditions, you can add sanitizers in the pool every two weeks. Function sanitizers this is as a killer of germs and bacteria in the pond.

In addition, make sure the condition of the pond is always clean by routinely removing leftover feed and cleaning the pond from various other types of dirt.

How to Make a Gurame Pool

Broadly speaking, the following are the provisions for making carp ponds based on the type of pond, including:

  • Ground pool: Make a pond with a height of 1 m, a width of 0.5 m at the top and 1 m at the bottom with a pool depth of 30 cm. There are pipelines that control the entry and exit of water.
  • Wall pool: In the middle of the pond a special channel is installed like a puddle to make it easier to drain or fill with water.
  • Tarpaulin pool: The supporting frame of the pool is made of bamboo or wood with a pool depth of 90 cm.

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Questions About Gurame Fish Ponds

The ideal water depth for carp ponds is between 70-100 cm.

Cultivator friends need to pay attention to oxygen levels by letting the water flow in the carp pond.