kelebihan dan kekurangan auto feeder pakan udang
kelebihan dan kekurangan auto feeder pakan udang

Advantages and Disadvantages of Shrimp Feed Auto Feeder

Artikel Ini Telah Direview dan Berkolaborasi Dengan:

Sangga Sulistyo
Sangga Sulistyo

Praktisi Aquaculture

Rifki Maulana
Rifki Maulana

Tech Consultant IoT

Auto feeders is an automatic shrimp feeder, a technology that can help farmers spread feed evenly and on time. This technology was created to make it easier for farmers to manage their ponds, especially in the process of stocking feed.

Tool auto feeder made with the hope of having a positive impact on shrimp farming, but there are advantages and disadvantages auto feeder Shrimp feed that you must know before you decide to use it in a shrimp pond. Check out the complete information here!

Excess Auto Feeder Shrimp Feed

1. Feed More Efficiently

Its main purpose auto feeder is to streamline feed. Use auto feeder leaving less feed in the ponds because the feed is directly eaten and utilized by the shrimp. This is beneficial for the Shooter because auto feeder can streamline the use of feed so as to avoid swelling of feed operational costs. 

2. Save Time and Energy

Use auto feeder saves time and effort compared to manual feeding. However, use auto feeder does not eliminate the role of pond workers because pond workers still have to fill in the feed auto feeder as well as checking the anco and the condition of the pond. However, use auto feeder saves time and energy for pond workers in feeding shrimp, so that time and energy can be used for other work.

3. Maintain pond water quality

Use auto feeder can maintain water quality in shrimp ponds because the feed can be adjusted according to the needs and appetite of the shrimp, so that no feed is wasted or not eaten. The absence of wasted or inedible feed will reduce the amount of ammonia and nitrite in the waters, so that the quality of the water is maintained and the shrimp are not easily exposed to stress. 

Lack Auto Feeder Shrimp Feed

1. Container Is Not See Through and Capacity Is Little 

Feed container auto feeder they are usually made of an opaque material, such as metal or colored plastic. This of course makes it difficult for the farmer because they have to open the lid of the container one by one to check the amount of remaining feed in the container. auto feeder. In addition, the feed container auto feeder usually has a small capacity or feed capacity, so the shrimp feeding process is not optimal. 

2. Throw distance

Auto feeders usually has an average ejection distance of 7 meters. If you have a large shrimp pond, then you will need more auto feeder to cover the entire pond. 

3. High Power

Usually auto feeder Shrimp feed requires a fairly high electrical power, which is at least around 250 watts. Use auto feeder with high electric power has the risk of increasing pond operational costs. 

4. Settings Manuals 

Despite their habit of eating continuously, shrimp have a fickle appetite. Usually auto feeder cannot be managed to accommodate these shrimp's changing appetites and needs. This of course will make it difficult for farmers, because farmers must always control the distribution of feed by auto feeder and change settings auto feeder Manually.

5. Expensive Cost

Another drawback of auto feeder shrimp feed is a high cost requirement for the use of 1 unit auto feeder. If you have 10 pools, then you need 10 units auto feeder. This of course forces you to pay quite expensive fees.

Is Need To Use Auto Feeder Shrimp Feed?

If you can find auto feeder the right way, Mr / Ms can feel the various benefits of existence auto feeder without having to feel its shortcomings. The following points can be considered factors for use auto feeder in your pond:

  1. Optimizing the use of feed so that it does not happen overfeeding.
  2. Maintain pond water quality, because auto feeder able to make the feed that is released is more controlled so that the remaining feed that settles at the bottom of the pond becomes less.
  3. Press FCR. You can suppress excess feed expenditure as a result overfeeding so the FCR value goes down. 
  4. Increase growth and accelerate shrimp rearing period. Auto feeders made in accordance with the habit of eating shrimp, namely a little but continuously. As a result, the feed that is spread will be eaten and used by the shrimp immediately so that the shrimp grow faster. You can also harvest faster. 

How to Choose Auto Feeder Best Shrimp Feed

As already mentioned, one of the keys to the effectiveness of use auto feeder Shrimp feed is choose auto feeder right. To help you, here's how to choose auto feeder good shrimp feed:

tips jitu memilih auto feeder pakan udang terbaik
Source: eFishery

If you are still confused in choosing auto feeder suitable, see the full explanation below!

1. Has a Transparent/Translucent Container

Transparent or translucent containers will be very useful for you. Its function is so that you can check whether the feed in the container has run out or not, so you don't have to periodically open the lid one by one.

2. Throw distance

Weakness auto feeder Generally, the ejection distance is an average of only 7 meters. This of course will cause you to need it auto feeder which is more to cover the entire large pool. Therefore, you need to choose auto feeder which has a wide and flexible ejection distance so that it is easier for you to adjust the ejection distance based on the area of the pool. 

3. Has Low Electric Power

The need for electricity operational costs in one month is the biggest cost after feed. You must choose auto feeder which has low electric power to avoid cost overruns.

4. Settings Automatic 

You can search auto feeder which can be set automatically. The goal is to make it easier for you if there is a change in your shrimp appetite, so you only need to change the settings auto feeder automatically through the application that has been provided without having to make settings manually on the machine auto feeder.

5. Customer Service the Standby 

Use auto feeder cannot be separated from problems such as a jammed ejector, farmers' ignorance of how to make arrangements auto feeder, and other technical problems. That's why you need customer service who are always on standby so that problems are quickly resolved and shrimp farming runs smoothly. 

6. Free Trial or Free Trial

That's expensive auto feeder shrimp feed makes you have to be more selective in choosing auto feeder which ones are really beneficial for shrimp ponds. You can use the product auto feeder that gives a chance free trial or free trial. The aim is to assess whether at a high price of use auto feeder really beneficial for the pond or not. 

Shrimp Feeder Auto Feeder Recommendations

foto efeeder di tambak udang
Source: eFishery

If you are looking for auto feeder the best shrimp feed, you can try auto feeder from eFishery, namely Shrimp eFeeder. Shrimp eFeeder is an automatic shrimp feeder that can be fully controlled via cellphone Android, so that you can monitor and regulate feeding according to the needs of the shrimp pond. eFeeder has the following advantages:

1. Translucent Container with Large Capacity

The eFeeder has a see-through container made of heat-resistant plastic which makes it easier for you to know the amount of feed remaining in the container. In addition, the eFeeder can accommodate as much as 70-75 kg of feed. eFeeder is also equipped with a measuring motor that will always be measure the exact amount of feed for each shot.

2. Throw distance

The eFeeder is capable of ejecting feed from a distance of 7 to 15 meters and can be adjusted according to the needs of the pond, so the eFeeder is very suitable for small and large ponds. 

3. Electrical Power 

eFeeder only requires a power consumption of 120 watts when working (ejecting feed) and 1 watt when in standby position (not ejecting feed). The use of an eFeeder is able to minimize electricity usage thereby preventing operational cost escalations. 

4. Automatic Setting

eFeeder can besettings automatically use cellphone Android so that if there is an increase or decrease in shrimp appetite, you only need to change the settings eFeeder via cellphone. In addition, data on feeding will be recorded automatically on line and can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

5. FCR efficiency

Effective and efficient feeding using an eFeeder will optimize FCR, accelerate shrimp growth, and maintain optimal water quality so that you can get maximum and profitable production results. 

6. Field Technical Support (FTS)

The FTS team is a team that is ready to serve and help you if there is a problem with the eFeeder. The FTS team will help solve eFeeder problems by phone and directly at the farm, so you don't have to worry about difficulties when installing, using, or maintaining the eFeeder. 

7. Rental System & Free Trial

eFeeder from eFishery can be obtained in 2 ways, namely renting and buying. The rental option is open to those of you who don't have a lot of capital to purchase an eFeeder device but want to feel the convenience of owning one auto feeder from eFishery. eFishery also provides limited opportunities to free trial or a free trial of eFeeder, subject to current terms, conditions, and promo availability. With free trial, Mr / Ms can feel the advantages of eFeeder before deciding to use it in ponds.

efeeder rekomendasi terbaik auto feeder udang
Source: eFishery

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Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture
Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture

Sangga adalah praktisi Aquaculture yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2003 dan sekarang menjadi Technical Support Manager eFishery untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Rifki Maulana - Tech Consultant IoT
Rifki Maulana - Tech Consultant IoT

Rifki menjadi bagian dari Tech Consultant Product IoT eFishery yang bertanggung jawab menganalisis kesiapan dan kerusakan produk IoT, seperti eFeeder

Questions Regarding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Shrimp Feed Auto Feeders

Excess use auto feeder is mmake efficient use of feed, save time and energy for pond workers in feeding, and maintain pond water quality.

Lack auto feeder is expensive purchase costs, transparent feed container and small feed capacity, short feed ejection distance of about 6 meters, and still need to be set manually.

Choose auto feeder shrimp feed has low electric power, has a transparent/translucent container, can catapult food from near or far, can be adjusted automatically, provides customer service ready to stand by in case of problems, and provide free trial or free trial.

  • crocodic. 2022. Autofeeder as a “Weapon” for Optimizing Aquaculture Activities. Accessed on 27 January 2023
  • Jumalli, S., UM Tang, and Mulyadi. 2014. The Modified of Automatic Feeder for Increasing Effectiveness of Fish Meal in Take. Online Journal of Students of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. 1-10
  • Trobos Aqua. 2017. Plus Minus Shrimp Autofeeder. Retrieved 27 January 2023