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Types of Feed for Tilapia to Grow Big Quickly & Profit Abundantly!

Hello Mr/Mrs Cultivators! To be able to make parrot fish to grow healthily and quickly, tilapia feed must contain a balanced nutritional composition. In addition, the types of feed that you choose also greatly affect the growth of tilapia.

So, what is the nutritional composition of the balanced feed and the type of feed that is good for the growth of tilapia? Come on, read the full article below!

Nutrients Needed by Tilapia Fish to Grow Faster

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Source: eFishery
  • Protein content in the fast growing feed is 28-50%. Low or high percentage of protein content in the feed depends on the presence or absence of natural feed in the pond. If natural food such as plankton is available in the pond, then you can reduce the protein content in the feed that you provide.
  • Carbohydrate is one of the main sources of energy needed for tilapia to grow properly. Tilapia feed which contains lots of carbohydrates has a relatively cheap price. One example of tilapia food that is rich in carbohydrates is bran and leftover rice.
  • Fats and oils in the composition of fish feed is used to dissolve vitamins A, D, E, K, and a source of essential fatty acids. You can adjust the fat and oil content in the feed yourself as long as it is still at 5-12%. However, if the feed contains 12% fats and oils, tilapia will grow faster.
  • Vitamin is a substance that is useful for the process of tilapia metabolism. If the tilapia that you are cultivating has appetite disturbances, scale color disturbances, and balance disorders, it indicates that your tilapia fish lacks vitamins.
  • Mineral content in the feed can improve the growth, survival, and health of fish, even though the amount needed is small. 

Types of Tilapia Fish Feed

1. Organic Feed

Organic feed is feed made from natural ingredients without chemical content in it. The use of organic feed will save more on feed costs. However, fish that eat organic feed will grow relatively slower than fish that eat artificial feed.

You can make your own organic feed by mixing ingredients that are rich in nutrients for tilapia. Come on, get to know the ingredients that are usually used as organic feed mixtures!

  • Coconut pulp suitable mixed with rice or bran as a nutritional complement. To provide feed in the form of coconut dregs to tilapia, you simply spread it into the pond.
  • Bran able to accelerate growth because it contains 18% protein, 66% carbohydrates, and 7% fat. With its smooth texture, bran is suitable for small tilapia. Although it contains a lot of nutrients that are good for tilapia, bran has phytate compounds which have a negative impact because they can bind proteins and minerals. If proteins and minerals are bound by filate compounds, the tilapia body cannot absorb them optimally.
  • Spinach contains protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, fat, vitamin A, vitamin C, and phosphorus which are good for tilapia. However, leeches often land on kale, so tilapia are at high risk of contamination of their eggs. Leech eggs can damage the tissues in the fish's body and cause anemia.
  • Plankton and phytoplankton rich in fiber so that it can nourish the digestion of tilapia. In addition, plankton and phytoplankton contain 21-37% protein which can stimulate fish growth. To grow plankton and phytoplankton in the pond, you only need to sprinkle a special fertilizer at the start of the pond construction.
  • Leftover rice has a relatively cheap price but contains enough protein and carbohydrates to accelerate growth and increase fish weight. In order to provide the nutrients needed by tilapia, leftover rice can be mixed with bran, leftover vegetables, and coconut dregs. Even though it has good nutritional content, leftover rice also has the risk of being a medium for bacterial growth which can be toxic to tilapia.
  • Water fleas contains complex proteins that can increase fish weight. If consumed regularly, water fleas will make tilapia healthier and fatter.

2. Inorganic feed

Inorganic feed is factory-made feed whose nutrition has been adjusted by feed experts to support fish growth. Inorganic feed is considered to raise fish faster because it contains additional ingredients and more complete nutrition than homemade feed.

Inorganic feed can also make it easier for you to cultivate because this type of feed is very practical to use. Come on, get closer to pellets, a type of inorganic feed that is good for tilapia!

Pellets are highly recommended for those of you who want to cultivate tilapia. Apart from the various sizes and variations, you no longer need to bother mixing them.

Usually, the more complete the nutritional content contained in the pellet, the more expensive it is. However, it is the more complete nutritional content that can accelerate fish growth.

When buying pellets, you have to make sure the pellets are in good condition. Pellets that are in good condition will not disintegrate after being placed in water for 10 minutes. Pellets that are still in good condition will be fine if stored for 2 months.

Distribution of Tilapia Fish Feed

After knowing the types of feed that are good for tilapia and how to choose them, it's time for you to pay attention to the right way of feeding tilapia.

In a day, tilapia can be fed 3 times, namely in the morning, afternoon and evening. The amount of feed sufficient for tilapia is as much as 3-4% of fish weight. You are also advised to provide additional intake of probiotics, vitamin C, antifungal and antibacterial. This is useful for increasing the vitality of fish and strengthening the body's resistance to disease.

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