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Know Important Terms in Shrimp Cultivation Here!

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Nabilla Anggi
Nabilla Anggi

Magister Budidaya Perairan

The term in shrimp farming is very important knowledge for a shrimp farmer to know. Some of these important terms are the main parameters in the operational analysis of shrimp farming. All terms in shrimp farming are related to production performance parameters so that you can obtain representative data to increase the survival of the cultivated shrimp. Here are 6 important terms in shrimp farming:

1. FCR or Feed Conversion Ratio

FCR is value of feed conversion ratio or feed ration. The aim is to determine the effectiveness of feeding as seen from the amount of feed spread (given) compared to the weight of the shrimp (growth size) of the shrimp. This FCR value shows how much feed is converted to weight.

FCRdiuse as an indicator of the efficiency of aquaculture production, as well as to show the results of feeding management, economic and environmental performance.

FCR values vary based on the production system and the type of feed used. FCR values of 1.1-1.5 are generally obtained from vaname shrimp cultivation with an intensive cultivation system. This study evaluates environmental-economic efficiency using the FCR concept. FCR is calculated by the ratio between feeding and weight gain of the shrimp population.

FCR is calculated using the following formula:

cara menghitung fcr udang

2. DOC or Day of Culture

DOC or Day of Culture is the calculation of shrimp cultivation days which is calculated from the spread of shrimp fry until the harvest arrives. Number of days of shrimp farming used to determine the value of AGD (Average Daily Growth), and predicting the merits of other parameters in cultivation such as SR, ABW, FCR values, and water quality.

3. ADG or Average Daily Gain

ADG is the daily weight gain in a certain time, the aim is to determine the speed of shrimp growth. ADG is calculated using the formula below:

cara menghitung adg udang

4. Shrimp Biomass

Shrimp biomass is the total population at a certain time (unit weight). The formula for calculating biomass is as follows:

cara menghitung biomassa udang

5. ABW or Average Body Weight

ABW is average weight of shrimp per individual. Generally ABW calculations are carried out at the time of sampling. The calculation is done by calculating the net weight of the shrimp at the time of sampling and counting the number of shrimp at the time of sampling. ABW is calculated using the following formula:

cara menghitung abw udang

6. SR or Survival Rate

SR or Survival Rate is the percentage of live shrimp from the total population at the end of cultivation (harvest). SR can be calculated by dividing the final population and initial population, using the following formula:

cara menghitung sr udang

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To speed up and simplify the process of calculating and predicting cultivation correctly, you can use the feature Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm. With eFarm, Mr / Ms can also get support and direction to control the six important parameters above.

eFarm equipped with features that provide solutions to shrimp farming business problems. Further information about insights about shrimp cultivation from experts, has features Cultivation Calculator in app eFarm, FREE!

Nabilla Anggi - Magister Budidaya Perairan
Nabilla Anggi - Magister Budidaya Perairan

Nabilla merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister budidaya perairan serta memiliki pengalaman di dunia perikanan baik hatchery maupun pembesaran

Questions Regarding the Terms of Cultivation in Shrimp

Parameters that are important to consider in shrimp farming are survival rate (SR), production biomass, average body weight (ABW), average daily growth (ADG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR).

SR or Survival Rate is the percentage of live shrimp from the total population at the end of cultivation (harvest). SR can be calculated by the shrimp biomass divided by the number of shrimp stocks multiplied by 100%. 

  • Supono. 2006. White Shrimp Productivity in Intensive Ponds in Tulang Bawang, Lampung. Journal of Fisheries Science. Vol2(1): 48 – 53.
  • Suriawan A, Efendi S, Asmoro S, Wiyana J. 2019. Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Cultivation System in Hdpe Ponds with High Salinity Underground Water Sources in Pasuruan Regency. Journal of Brackish and Marine Aquaculture Engineering. Volumes 14:6-16.
  • Yuliadi. 2019. Performance and Feasibility of Vaname Litopenaeus Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation in Super Intensive Ponds. Dissertation. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Brawijaya.