olahan ikan
olahan ikan

6 Successful Processed Fish Product Innovations in the Market!

In Indonesia, there are many types of processed fish products that have been successful in the market and have many fans. Apart from being tasty and delicious, processed fish products are known for their high content of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, omega-3, amino acids, vitamin B12, and protein fiber which is easier for the body to digest.

Want to know what the products are? Check out this article to the end!

Processed Fish Products Industry in Indonesia

In 2015, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries noted that the level of fish consumption in Indonesia had increased, from 2009 which was only 29.08 kg/capita/year, to 41.11 kg/capita/year. This figure has exceeded the provisions of the Expected Food Pattern (PPH) for fish consumption, which is a minimum of 31.40 kg/capita/year. With this increase in fish consumption, the business prospects for fishery products in Indonesia are quite good. 

One of the factors that support the progress of fishery products in Indonesia is the increasing number of fishery product innovations. Many people who previously did not like fish turned into liking fish because of the many innovations. This has further opened the way for MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) who want to create new innovations and try their luck in this industry.

One of the keys to the success of MSMEs is the availability of a clear market for the fishery products they produce. With more diverse innovations, high interest, and support from the local government, MSMEs engaged in the fishery processing industry will be more advanced.

Types of Processed Fish Product Innovations 

1. Shredded Fish

abon ikan
Source: Cookpad

Shredded meat is no longer only made from beef, fish meat can now be processed into shredded meat. Shredded fish is a delicacy that can last for months due to its dry processing. With its long shelf life, shredded fish can be distributed to faraway places and is of interest to many people. Fish meat that is usually good for making shredded fish is catfish, pomfret, catfish, and tuna.

2. Pempek

Source: Jambi Tribune

Who is already familiar with this processed fish product? Pempek is a typical South Sumatran food made from ground fish meat, starch or sago flour, eggs, garlic, seasonings and salt. Fish that are usually processed into pempek are belida fish, cork, mackerel, red snapper, machetes, and yellowtail. Pempek is usually delicious served with vinegar sauce which has a sour, sweet and spicy taste.

3. Fish Meatballs

bakso ikan
Source: Cookpad

Bakso ikan merupakan salah satu inovasi produk olahan ikan yang biasanya terbuat dari ikan kakap, cucut, tenggiri, dan lain-lain. Secara umum proses pembuatan bakso ikan sama dengan proses pembuatan bakso pada umumnya. Bakso ikan juga bisa disajikan dengan berbagai cara seperti direbus dengan kuah, dibuat sup, dibakar, digoreng, dan sebagainya. Dengan diolah menjadi bakso, olahan ikan akan menjadi lebih lezat dan makin menarik minat masyarakat.

4. Fish Crackers

kerupuk ikan
Source: Kompas

Crackers are Indonesian people's favorite complementary food which is suitable to be served with various types of dishes. Its delicious and crunchy taste makes this food loved by people from all walks of life. Crackers are usually served as a side dish.

There are various dishes in Indonesia that serve crackers as a side dish, for example, fried rice, ketoprak, gado-gado, and chicken porridge. The presence of fish meat in the crackers will further add to the delicacy and taste of the crackers themselves. Fish that are often used as one of the compositions of making crackers are snakehead fish, mackerel, catfish, tuna, and milkfish.

5. Fish Dumplings

siomay ikan
Source: Kompas

Siomay is a favorite healthy snack of the Indonesian people. Siomay is usually made from various types of meat, one of which is fish meat. Siomay made from fish meat tends to have a distinctive taste and aroma. Generally, fish dumplings are made from mackerel. However, using other types of fish, such as tuna or mackerel can also make the dumplings still delicious.

6. Fish Sausage

sosis ikan
Source: Raya Machines

Fish sausage is one food that has a lot of fans. Therefore, starting a fish sausage business is the right step because many people like it. The taste of fish sausage is of course different from beef sausage because it has its own distinctive taste. Fish sausage is made from fish paste or surimi mixed with other spices.

Marketing Strategy for Processed Fish Products 

Processed fish products require an appropriate marketing strategy to become more advanced and sustainable. If processed fish products become more advanced and have a sustainable existence, the company will become bigger and stronger to face the competition.

There are many marketing strategies commonly used in marketing products, one of which is the 4P strategy (Product, Price, Place, And Promotions). The following is an explanation regarding the 4P marketing strategy:

1. Product

Here, you can increase the value of processed fish products by using quality ingredients. You can get quality raw materials easily through cooperation with trusted fish suppliers so that the quality is guaranteed. 

In addition to quality ingredients, processed fish products must also be hygienic and meet SNI (Indonesian National Standards), so that raw materials that do not pass laboratory tests cannot be marketed. After ensuring the quality of raw materials and product hygiene, you must also ensure the safety of product packaging. In order to last longer, some processed fish products need to be vacuum packed in airtight plastic. Product packaging must also include an information label containing the product brand, product composition, product content (quantity), and expiration date.

2. Price

You can specify price or the price of processed fish products themselves. Usually the selling price is based on the price of raw materials, wages for processing workers, operational costs and profit margins adjusted to the prices of similar products from competitors.

3. place

place or the place that you use to market processed fish products also greatly influences the selling of the product. You can choose cities or places that are suitable for selling the products that you have. Or, you can customize processed fish products that are made according to the preferences of the people in the city where you live. In addition, so that the product is more widespread, you can market the product through existing distributors or agents.

4. Promotions

You can promote your product in several ways, one of which is word of mouth marketing techniques (word of mouth) carried out by distributors and consumers who are satisfied with your product. You can also do direct sales (direct selling) by participating in exhibitions that are crowded with visitors. In addition, you can also do promotions with the internet through advertisements or website directly accessible to the public.

Challenges in the Processed Fish Product Innovation Business

There will always be challenges in doing business, including in the processed fish product business. Here are the usual challenges in this business:

1. Limited Capital 

Limited capital has become a classic problem faced by small and medium industries, especially if you want to enlarge your business. Uncertain raw material prices are also one of the obstacles in the smooth running of the business. To overcome this, you can borrow business capital from a bank with the type of business capital loan in order to get lower interest.

2. Production Facilities

Incomplete production facilities will greatly hinder the process of making products. Not only cooking equipment, production facilities also include raw material storage facilities, finished product storage facilities, transportation facilities, and waste treatment facilities at production sites.

3. Knowledge Related to Product Hygiene

Knowledge of producing products in a hygienic way is necessary so that no bacteria and other organisms enter and contaminate the product. Unfortunately, there are still many entrepreneurs who do not pay attention to this. The lack of knowledge of employees in the production sector about product hygiene is also very dangerous for product hygiene. Therefore, you must conduct hygiene-related training for anyone involved in the product production process.

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Starting a processed fish product business can be started by finding fish suppliers first. It's not difficult, you can find supplies of various types of fresh fish at the best prices at eFishery

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Questions Regarding Processed Fish Products

Fish can be processed into crackers, pempek, dumplings, meatballs, sausages, shredded, and so forth.

Some examples of processed fish products are fish dumplings, fish balls, fish crackers, fish sausages, fish floss, pempek, and others.

  • https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jurnalmpi/article/view/20987/13103
  • https://www.kompas.com/food/read/2020/08/17/100900375/resep-kerupuk-ikan-untuk-makan-kerupuk-bersama-keluarga-di-rumah?page=1
  • https://www.liputan6.com/hot/read/5012648/5-cara-membuat-kerupuk-ikan-yang-renyah-dan-lezat-bahan-mudah-didapat 
  • https://endeus.tv/artikel/aneka-produk-olahan-ikan-yang-banyak-digemari
  • https://mediatani.co/ini-4-produk-olahan-ikan-yang-paling-populer-di-indonesia/