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Apply Shrimp Feed Index for More Optimal Cultivation!

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Eko Afriantoro
Eko Afriantoro

Praktisi Budidaya Udang

Shrimp feed index or feed index is one method that can be used by farmers to calculate shrimp feed requirements. Read more here to find out how to calculate feed using the feed index!

What is Shrimp Feed Index?

Shrimp feed index is the determination of the amount of feed given using the index percentage. Determining the amount of feed given using this method must know the number of fry stocked, the age of the shrimp (DOC), and the index used. The purpose of using the index method is to simplify the calculation of feeding in 1 (one) day and it is expected that the growth of shrimp is in accordance with the target. 

How to Use the Shrimp Feed Index 

The shrimp feed index method is used when the shrimp are 30 days old until the shrimp are harvested. Mr / Mrs Farmers can use the feed index by calculating the amount of feed used using the shrimp feed index formula:

rumus pakan per hari udang dengan indeks pakan
Source: eFishery

For simplicity, farmers usually get a feed index value of 2 (two) times the ADG target (shrimp growth in 1 day) desired by farmers. For example, the ADG target for a farmer is 0.15 gram, meaning the index value used is 0.30 (double the ADG target). 

However, formulations from technicians in the field usually feed index is in the range of 0.20-0.50. In intensive cultivation systems and under normal cultivation conditions, you can use an index of 0.4. The maximum feed index is generally 0.70 at DOC 70-90. The addition of the index needs to be accompanied by strict anco control in accordance with the ABW/MBW of the shrimp so that it is directly proportional to the addition of the weight and age of the culture, so that from a business perspective it can be accounted for.

The achievement of ADG is more influenced by the factor of feed protein content. The higher the protein content of the feed, the ADG achieved will be higher even though the feed index number is set the same.

The following is an example of calculating the amount of feed using the Feed Index on intensive ponds using the index number of 2 times the ADG:

Calculation Example 1

Is known: 

DOC (shrimp age) = 30 days

Total stocking of shrimp = 100,000 heads

Target ADG = 0.10 grams

Feed index = 2 x 0.10 (ADG target) = 0.20


Feed = (DOC x number of fry x index%)/1000

= (30 x 100,000 x 0.20%)/1,000

= 6 kg

So, the feed used in a day at 30 DOC with a spread of 100,000 is 6 kg.

Calculation Example 2

Is known:

DOC (shrimp age) = 75 days

Total stocking = 100,000 birds

Target ADG = 0.35 grams

Feed index = 2 x 0.35 (ADG target) = 0.7


Feed (kg) = (DOC x number of fry x index%)/1000

= (75 x 100,000 x 0.7%)/1000

= 52.5 kg

So, the feed used in a day at DOC 75 with a spread of 100,000 is 52.5 kg.

Example Table of Use of Shrimp Feed Index

The following is an example of a table using the shrimp feed index in intensive ponds with a population of 100,000 using an index number of 2 times the ADG:

contoh tabel penggunaan indeks pakan udang
Source: eFishery

The shrimp feed index table above is only a reference for making a feed program using the index. Calculation of feed with the index method does not have a standard or standard value like the FR% method (feeding rate). Determination of the index value depends on the growth target desired by the Farmer. This is because farmers understand more about environmental conditions and shrimp in ponds. In addition, farmers also understand more about the potential for shrimp growth in the future. 

Learn the Shrimp Feed Index Clearer by Chatting at Cultivation Consultations

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The use of this shrimp feed index sometimes does not represent the condition and appetite of shrimp because in its application, farmers only focus on the number of fry stocking, shrimp age (DOC), and shrimp growth targets per day (ADG). So it does not consider the current condition and appetite of shrimp. 

You are advised to combine this feed index method with the FR method (Feeding Rate) or you can consult first Cultivation Consultation in app eFarm for optimal feed selection. 

eFarm is a pond management application provided eFishery to help Shrimp Farmers overcome cultivation problems. eFarm provides various features that can help farmers, one of which is a feature Cultivation Consultation. Through this feature, farmers can carry out consultations regarding shrimp farming problems which will be answered directly by aquaculture experts. In addition, this feature can be accessed for free. 

So put it on eFarm now and easy consultation with Cultivation Consultation!

Eko Afriantoro - Praktisi Budidaya Udang
Eko Afriantoro - Praktisi Budidaya Udang

Eko berpengalaman sebagai praktisi budidaya udang sejak tahun 2013 yang kini menjadi Farm Lead Research & Development (R&D) Shrimp eFishery.

Questions Regarding the Shrimp Feed Index

Shrimp feed index is the determination of the amount of feed given using the index percentage.

The function of the feed index is to facilitate the calculation of feeding in 1 (one) day where it is expected that the growth of shrimp is in accordance with the target.

The feed index value is obtained from 2 (two) times the ADG target (shrimp growth in 1 day) desired by the Farmers. For example, the ADG target for a farmer is 0.15 gram, meaning the index value used is 0.30 (double the ADG target). However, formulations from field technicians usually range the feed index in the range of 0.20-0.50.

To determine the feed per day with the feed index, farmers can multiply the age of the shrimp, the number of fry spread, and the feed index number. Then, the result is divided by 1,000.

  • Aziz. SN 2018. Optimization of the Use of Automatic Feeders in Litopenaeus Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation. accessed on 12 April 2023
  • Iskandar, A., Wandanu, D., & Muslim, M. (2022). Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Growing Production Techniques: A Case Study at PT. Goddess of the Sea Aquaculture Garut. NEKTON: Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences. 2(2): 1-13.
  • Renitasari, DP, Yunarty and SA Saridu. 2021. Feeding intensive vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) cultivation with an index system. Salamata Journal. 3(1):20-24