hemat pakan udang dengan efeeder
hemat pakan udang dengan efeeder

Cultivation Story: Save Feed for Shrimp Cultivation with eFeeder

eFeeders for shrimp from eFishery is an automatic feeding tool specifically made to help farmers spread feed accurately, on time, and effectively. Excellent product from eFishery this has often helped Farmers to earn more profit because of its ability to make feed management more regular. Its easy use and optimal technology allow farmers to manage feeding only from the application eFeeders di handphone.

Seperti yang dialami oleh Pak Mualim di Serang, Banten. Pak Mualim awalnya bekerja di beberapa tambak udang yang berada di Lampung. Lalu, pada tahun 2017 beliau mulai membuka tambak udangnya sendiri di Serang. Pak Mualim memulai budidaya udang vanname dengan memanfaatkan rawa-rawa yang tidak produktif. Saat pertama kali memulai budidaya, beliau hanya mempunyai 1 tambak, sekarang jumlah tambaknya pun semakin bertambah.

Pak Mualim began to find out about eFeeders for shrimp in 2019. After contacting eFishery, team from eFishery even came to the shrimp pond Mr. Mualim to offer eFeeders. He was also interested in trying 1 unit eFeeders in his pond, which at that time only amounted to 1. Pak Mualim said, before using eFeeders, the FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio) number in the vannamei shrimp culture is 1.4-1.6. After using eFeeders, the number changes drastically to 1.1. FCR itself is a number resulting from a comparison of the amount of feed given to the total weight of the harvested commodity. Generally, a good FCR value in shrimp farming is 1.1-1.2. This figure shows that the feed management that is regulated during the cultivation process is implemented properly.

“Before using eFeeders, FCR numbers are in the range of 1.4-1.6. After I use eFeeders, the value is great, dropping to 1.1. Not because of the good feed factor, but indeed the better feeding management. It's better in terms of weighing the measure and the distribution time is more precise than the manual one," he said.

With a more precise dose of feed and distribution hours, eFeeders can give better growth effect to shrimp. Besides that, eFeeders also connected to an application on a mobile phone that can help farmers in terms of recording data on feeding from the start eFeeders began to be operated by Farmers. As is eFeeders, Pak Mualim berharap budidaya udang vanname semakin mudah, semakin nyaman, dan semakin menguntungkan.

Itulah cerita Pak Mualim yang menggunakan eFeeders untuk udang vanname yang dibudidayakannya. Terima kasih sudah membaca! 

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