In Indonesia, the price of snakehead fish is quite expensive. This is because the number of snakehead fish on the market is not much and is a natural catch fish, not cultivated fish. Moreover, if you want to buy cork in an area far from cork fish producing areas. Besides being expensive, the price of snakehead fish per kilo also tends to be less stable, often experiencing increases and decreases.
Untuk tahu harga ikan gabus per kg terbaru, let's read this article until it's finished!
Characteristics of a Good Snakehead Fish
Not all snakehead fish on the market are of good quality. Sometimes, the seller still sells snakehead fish which has not been selling well from the previous days, so there are also fish whose quality is not good. To know the characteristics of fresh and good quality snakehead fish, see the full explanation below!
1. Body Shape
Good quality snakehead fish has a symmetrical and proportional body shape, especially in the head, body and tail. Of course, this is one of the important factors that you need to pay attention to when buying snakehead fish.
2. Meat Texture
The texture of snakehead fish meat is also an important characteristic that shows the quality of the fish. High-quality snakehead fish has chewy meat and is not too soft. Chewy meat indicates that the fish is healthy and fresh, and has a delicious taste.
3. Aroma
If the snakehead fish that you meet at the market has a pungent fishy smell and tends to rot, you should not buy the snakehead fish. A pungent fishy smell indicates that the snakehead fish meat is no longer fresh and there is decay occurring in the meat. Fresh snakehead fish will have a fishy smell that doesn't sting.
4. Fish Stomach Condition
To check the condition of the snakehead fish from its stomach, you can gently press on the belly of the fish. Feel it really, then if the stomach feels soft, the snakehead fish is no longer fresh.
5. Eye Conditions
Before buying snakehead fish, pay close attention to the fish's eyes. Make sure the eyes of the snakehead fish are bright red, look clear or bluish, and there is no mucus around them.
6. Color of the gills
The color of fresh snakehead fish gills is deep red. However, many irresponsible traders usually fake the red color of cork gills. To distinguish between real and fake red, you can touch it yourself. If the color is difficult to remove from your hands, it could be an artificial red tint.
Most Interested Types of Snakehead Fish
Snakehead fish, which is also often called channa fish, belongs to the Channidae family which is known as a freshwater predatory fish. There are 50 species of snakehead fish spread across Asian waters with tropical and subtropical climates. Some of these fish are located in Myanmar, India, Iraq, China (China), Bangladesh and Indonesia. Come on, see some of the types below!
1. Channa Barça Snakehead Fish

The channa barca cork fish lives in the waters of the Brahmaputra river valley in Northeast India and Bangladesh waters. The local name of the channa barca fish is cheng garaka or cheng garaka. This type of cork fish is generally only used as an ornamental fish and not for consumption because the price is very fantastic.
Channa Barca has a green body with black dots all over its body, and a yellow line on its fins. The combination of colors and patterns makes this type of fish look elegant and exotic. The maximum length of the channa barca fish is between 90-105 cm.
2. Auranti Snakehead Fish

The next type of snakehead fish in Indonesia is the snakehead fish auranti or channa auranti fish. This predatory fish lives in the waters of the Brahmaputra river in northern India. Channa auranti can live in a tropical rain forest climate which has heavy rain intensity with high humidity and temperature during summer or dry season.
Cork auranti is famous by name spotted snakehead because there are white or orange spots or spots all over his body. Apart from its spots, the channa auranti also has characteristic orange or yellowish vertical stripes and black and blue fins. The maximum length of the channa auranti only reaches 40-50 cm.
3. Gachua Snakehead Fish

Also known as fish dwarf snakehead This species can be found in the territorial waters of Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. The natural habitat of the cork gachua is lakes, swamps and large rivers with small currents.
The maximum size of the gachua cork reaches 25 cm. The cork gachua has a dark brown body with black on some sides. In addition, the gachua fish has black fins combined with bright blue and orange.
4. Fish Snakehead Striata

Striata cork fish is a type of cork fish in Indonesia which is usually intended for daily consumption. So, if you have ever eaten snakehead fish, it is most likely the striata type of snakehead fish.
This type of striata is indeed recommended for consumption rather than rearing because it contains high levels of nutrients and albumin protein. Albumin itself is useful for the wound recovery process, such as in postoperative or postpartum patients.
Striata snakehead fish can be found in the waters of Southeast Asia. This type of cork fish has many local names, among them chevron snakehead, common snakehead, snakehead murrel, And striped snakehead, depending on the region.
Cork striata has a black body with white on the lower body. The size of the cork striata fish can reach 1 m. Although all types of Channa striata fish are consumed, there is also a type of snakehead fish which is used as an ornamental predatory fish because it has a unique body shape, namely the albino Channa striata fish.
5. Yellow Sentarum Snakehead Fish

Sentarum yellow cork fish is often found in the waters of Lake Sentarum, Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan. Channa yellow sentarum cork fish has a combination of black and yellow all over its body. The price of the yellow sentarum channa fish is quite affordable, starting at 30-45 thousand Rupiah per head for a size of 5-6 cm.
Snakehead Fish Price per Kg
In various regions, the price of 1 kg of snakehead fish can vary. For example, in South Sumatra the price for a kilo of snakehead fish is IDR 40,000, in Central Java the price could be IDR 25,000. Selain karena keberagaman jenisnya, perbedaan harga ikan gabus per kilo-nya bisa dikarenakan ketidaksamaan harga pakan, biaya transportasi, dan biaya operasional.
Harga Ikan Gabus Hidup per Kilogram
Commodity | Province | Price |
Live Cork Fish | aceh | IDR 40,000 |
Live Cork Fish | Lampung | IDR 60,000 |
Live Cork Fish | East Java | IDR 30,000 |
Live Cork Fish | West Kalimantan | IDR 20,000-IDR 45,000 |
Live Cork Fish | South Kalimantan | IDR 30,000- IDR 40,000 |
Live Cork Fish | South Sulawesi | IDR 20,000 |
Live Cork Fish | North Sulawesi | IDR 50,000 |
Ikan gabus merupakan salah satu ikan air tawar yang banyak dicari masyarakat Indonesia karena hasil olahannya yang sangat lezat, seperti gabus pucung. Namun, tidak semua ikan gabus yang ada di pasar memiliki kualitas baik. Untuk itu, Bapak/Ibu bisa mempelajari ciri ikan gabus segar sebelum membelinya. Yuk, konsumsi ikan gabus segar dan jaga kesehatan keluarga!