In Indonesia, pomfret prices often experience erratic increases and decreases. The fluctuation in the price of pomfret can be caused by various things such as rising feed prices, unstable weather, and a small stock of pomfret ready for harvest.
Yuk, simak artikel ini untuk mengetahui harga ikan bawal per kg!
Characteristics of Quality Pomfret
High-quality pomfret is pomfret that looks fresh from any angle. If it has high quality, pomfret contains many nutrients that are beneficial for the health of the human body.
You are not advised to buy pomfret fish that doesn't look fresh because this fish can be a breeding ground for various kinds of bacteria. If it enters the human body, these bacteria will become poisons which will later cause disease.
Before you know the price of pomfret per kg, let's look at the characteristics of high-quality pomfret so you don't get confused when choosing to buy!
1. Fish Meat Texture
If it's still fresh, pomfret will have a tough meat texture. To find out the texture of pomfret meat, you can press the fish with your index finger. If the texture of the fish meat is soft and crumbles easily, you can be sure that the fish is not fresh and will rot in the near future.
2. Fish Body Condition
The most striking thing about pomfret when you first see it is its scales. This could be the first thing you notice.
To choose high-quality pomfret, make sure none of the scales are detached from the fish's body. A healthy and high-quality pomfret will also not have wounds all over its body.
3. Fish Eye Conditions
Fresh pomfret that has high quality can be seen from the condition of its eyes. If it's still fresh, the pomfret's eyes will protrude, tend to be convex, clear, and clearly visible. If the eye of the fish is wilted, blurry and cloudy, it means the fish is no longer fresh and of high quality.
4. Condition of Fish Gills
Fresh, clean, and wet red gills are the characteristics of fish that have high quality. The redder the color of the pomfret gills, the higher the quality.
Conversely, if the gills of the pomfret are brown or gray and look dry, the fish is not fresh or unfit for consumption. To check the color of the fish's gills, you can lift the gill cover which is located on the side of the fish's head.
Types of Pomfret Fish
Pomfret first entered Indonesia in 1986. Initially, pomfret was traded as an ornamental fish because of its beautiful and unique shape.
However, along with the development of the era, pomfret has become well known as a consumption fish in Indonesia. Pomfret fish has thick, sweet, savory flesh, and is highly nutritious.
Come on, know the types of pomfret in Indonesia!
1. Black Pomfret

As the name implies, this type of pomfret has black scales with a few white spots in between. Black pomfret has a different shape and size than other pomfret fish. Black pomfret has a body shape that tends to be flatter and taller than other types of pomfret.
Fish that have high economic value can grow to weigh up to 1 kg when mature. Besides being cultivated, this fish usually lives in muddy waters or in river estuaries.
2. Freshwater Pomfret

Freshwater pomfret has an orange color on the underside of its body with a more rounded shape compared to other types of pomfret. With small fin sizes, freshwater pomfret also has a small mouth that distinguishes freshwater pomfret from other types.
Freshwater pomfret is much loved by the people of Indonesia because of its thick and tasty flesh which is rich in protein, omega 3 and omega 6. This fish is also known to be suitable for people who are losing weight because of its low calorie and carbohydrate content. Because of this, the price of freshwater pomfret in the market tends to be high.
3. White Pomfret

White pomfret or silver pomfret is a fish that lives in coastal waters, fresh water, also brackish water. The body shape of the white pomfret resembles a rhombus with a maximum weight of 1 kg when mature. Fish that have a beautiful appearance is usually often used as ornamental fish and consumption fish.
In the market, the price of white pomfret tends to be high. This is due to the delicious taste of the meat, its beautiful shape, and the high market demand for this fish.
4. Star Pomfret

Star pomfret or Trachinotus blochii are fish that live in sea water. This type of pomfret is very similar to the body shape of the piranha fish which is flat and tends to be like a rhombus. The star pomfret has a slightly black color on the upper body and silvery white on the lower body.
The star pomfret usually consumes plankton in the sea. Even so, the star pomfret can become cannibals if there is no food around.
Daftar Harga Ikan Bawal Per 1 Kg
Di berbagai daerah, ikan bawal mempunyai harga yang berbeda. Selain karena keberagaman jenisnya, perbedaan ikan bawal bisa dikarenakan ketidaksamaan harga pakan, biaya transportasi, dan biaya operasional.
Harga Ikan bawal Hidup Per Kilogram
Commodity | Province | Price |
Pomfret Live | Lampung | IDR 15,000-IDR 16,000 |
Pomfret Live | West Java | IDR 14,000-IDR 20,000 |
Pomfret Live | Central Java | IDR 16,000-IDR 19,000 |
Pomfret Live | East Java | IDR 15,000-IDR 23,000 |
Pomfret Live | Bali & Nusa Tenggara | IDR 17,500-IDR 30,000 |
Pomfret Live | South Sulawesi | IDR 15,000-IDR 20,000 |
Pomfret Live | West Kalimantan | IDR 19,000-IDR 20,000 |
Pomfret Live | Central Kalimantan | IDR 19,000-IDR 20,000 |
Pomfret Live | South Kalimantan | IDR 18,000-IDR 18,500 |
Ikan bawal merupakan ikan yang bisa Bapak/Ibu temui dengan mudah di pasar maupun di supermarket. Namun, tidak semua ikan bawal yang dijajakan di tempat-tempat tersebut dalam kondisi segar dan berkualitas tinggi. Untuk itu, dalam membeli ikan bawal, Bapak/Ibu perlu mengingat ciri-ciri ikan bawal berkualitas tinggi yang dibahas di artikel ini. Yuk, tingkatkan konsumsi ikan bawal dengan memilih ikan yang berkualitas!