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atur jadwal pakan dengan efeeder
Set Feeding Schedules Made Easy with eFishery's eFeeder Technology!

The key to successful cultivation is not just choosing the right type of feed for cultivation

fitur baru efeeder
Even Easier to Use, Let's Update the eFeeder Application from eFishery!

There's a new feature in the eFeeder app from eFishery! Do you still feel

monitoring pemberian pakan
Monitor Feeding Anytime in the eFeeder Feed Monitoring Feature!

eFishery is always updating its products and services in order to continue to provide the best support

Hitung Pertumbuhan Udang Dengan Fitur Baru eFarm, Kalkulator Budidaya!
Cultivation Calculator: New eFarm Feature to Calculate Shrimp Growth!

Hello, Fellow Cultivators! There's a new feature, you know, in eFarm! It must be the Shrimp Cultivator

Isi “Rencana Panen”, Jual Hasil Panen Udang Jadi Lebih Mudah & Dibeli dengan Harga Menguntungkan!
Fill in the "Harvest Plan", Selling Shrimp Harvests Easier & Profitable!

Ladies and gentlemen of shrimp cultivators, do you know that you are currently looking for buyers for your crops?

pendampingan gratis budidaya udang
Get Free Assistance at eFarm From a Shrimp Cultivation Expert!

Get Free Assistance at eFarm With Shrimp Cultivation Experts! Hello, Shrimp Farmers!

5 New Ways for Farmers to Increase Income!

Confused looking for extra on the sidelines of the busy cultivation? Want to be more productive again

Cara mudah dapat banyak untung
Invite Cultivator Friends: An Easy Way to Get Big Profits

Halo, Sahabat Pembudidaya!  Mau dapat uang ratusan ribu rupiah untuk beli pakan?