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sukses budidaya ikan lele
Cultivation Story: Successful Catfish Cultivation at KPD Using eFeeder

Hello, Mr/Mrs Cultivators! Let's visit the Digital Fisheries Village! Digital Fisheries Village

pendederan ikan lele
Pendederan Ikan Lele, Tahap Penting Sebelum Pembesaran

Pasti Bapak/Ibu pernah mendengar istilah pendederan dalam proses budidaya ikan lele. Nah,

penyakit myo pada udang
Recognize the Characteristics of Myo Disease in Vannamei Shrimp

IMNV or Infectious Myonecrosis Virus, which is also often referred to as Myo, is

penyakit ikan nila
Beware of Tilapia Fish Disease! Prevent From Now!

When cultivating tilapia, disease and epidemics are something that will

budidaya ikan nila
Tips on How to Cultivate Fast Tilapia Harvest and Big Profits!

Currently, the tilapia fish farming business is one of the most profitable aquaculture businesses

jual ikan lele
Selling the Best Fresh Catfish – Latest and Updated Prices!

It is undeniable that catfish is a fish that is in great demand by

cerita budidaya ikan patin
Cultivation Story: Catfish Cultivation Makes More Profit Using eFeeder!

Patin fish, which is also known in the market as dori fish/ dory fish, is

jenis pakan ikan udang yang tepat
Choose the Right Type of Feed for Optimum Growth of Fish & Shrimp!

Feed contributes around 80% of cultivation capital costs, both fish and shrimp.

pinjaman untuk pembudidaya
Kabayan: Financial Solutions for Farmers

Introducing you, Kabayan! Kabayan (Kasih, Pay Later) is a financial service from eFishery, created

Kenali Penyakit pada Ikan Gurame Akibat Patogen Parasit blog1 (1)
Diseases in Gurame Fish Due to Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens

Halo, Sahabat Pembudidaya! Kita berjumpa lagi di SIAR, Seri Informasi Akuakultur episode