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jenis ikan air tawar konsumsi
7 Jenis Ikan Air Tawar Konsumsi yang Menguntungkan Budidaya

Indonesia is one of the countries that has the most types of fish in the world.

deteksi penyakit tsv pada udang
See Easy Ways to Detect TSV Disease in Shrimp Correctly!

TSV disease in shrimp or often called red tail shrimp disease is a disease

manfaat molase untuk udang
Know the Benefits of Molasses for Shrimp in Ponds!

Farmers must know the benefits of molasses for shrimp. Because in the process of cultivating disease

anak ikan nila baru lahir
Newborn Tilapia Chicks: Care and Types of Feed

The key to the success of tilapia farming is how you take care of the young tilapia

cara membuat pakan alami udang vaname
Easy! This is How to Make Your Own Vaname Shrimp Natural Feed!

Farmers can reduce production costs by making vannamei shrimp natural feed

cara membuat probiotik untuk udang vaname
The Easiest Way to Make Probiotics for Vaname Shrimp

How to make probiotics for vannamei shrimp is fairly simple and easy to do. Function

ciri-ciri udang segar
Complete Characteristics of Fresh and High Quality Shrimp

To meet domestic and export market demand, shrimp must be deep

penyebab dan cara mengobati penyakit insang hitam pada udang
Causes and How to Treat Black Gill Disease in Shrimp

Shrimp disease is caused by biotic and abiotic factors. These factors can be

perbedaan gurami jantan dan betina
Here Are the Differences between Male and Female Gurami, Check Here!

Maybe you don't know the difference between male and female gourami. It turns out,

fungsi dolomit pada tambak udang
The Function of Dolomite in Shrimp Ponds and the Method of Administration

The problem that is often experienced by novice farmers is the high mortality of shrimp caused