cara pemijahan ikan gurame
cara pemijahan ikan gurame

6 Easy and Successful Ways to Spawn Gurame Fish!

The method of spawning carp is important for carp cultivators to master. You can produce carp seeds yourself so that their cultivation is more profitable.

Besides that, you can also open a carp hatchery business. Currently, many cultivators are starting to cultivate carp enlargement, so that the need for superior carp seeds will increase. 

Through proper carp spawning, you can select superior carp seeds. With superior seeds, it can increase the productivity and speed of growth of carp.

However, the weakness in spawning carp is that it requires expertise, so you need to learn proper spawning techniques.

In this article, we will discuss in full how to breed carp, to tips for success in spawning carp. Let's see!

Business Prospects for Gurame Fish Spawning

Carp spawning has a good business opportunity for you. We can see this from the following factors.

1. Superior Gurame Fish Seeds

Carp spawning can find superior carp seeds. From a genetic standpoint, spawning can genetically select carp that are good in terms of growth speed and disease resistance.

2. The Need for Superior Seeds

Market demand for carp is increasing day by day. Therefore, many cultivators have started the carp growing business. These cultivators need superior carp seeds so that they have the potential to become your consumers.

3. Lower Production Costs

If you spawn carp for your own production, then doing carp spawning yourself can reduce production costs. You no longer need to buy carp seeds which are quite expensive.

How to Distinguish Male and Female Gurame Fish

Distinguishing male and female carp is very important before spawning carp. The following are the differences between male and female carp.

There are 5 different characteristics of carp and female carp that you can understand. We summarize these differences in the table below.

NoCharacteristic featuresMale GurameFemale Gourami
1lumpBig lumpSmall bump
2Tail fin shapeFlat shapeFan-shaped
3Pectoral finThe base of the pectoral fins is whiteThe base of the pectoral fins is black
4Chin ShapeThe chin is large and advancedThe chin is smaller and less advanced
5Gill CoverThe gill covers are stiff and largeThe gill covers are smoother and brighter

6 Ways to Spawn Gurame Fish Easily and Precisely

There are several steps that you can follow regarding how to properly spawn carp.

1. Spawning Pool Preparation

Cleanliness of the pond is one of the success factors in spawning carp. So you have to make sure the pool used is clean. You do this by draining the pool for 1-2 days, then fill it with water a quarter of the height of the pool.

Install floating nests from paralon and wire para-paras, the number of floating nests is adjusted to the number of females to be spawned. Then let the pool sit for a few days before using it.

2. Selection of Gurame Broodstock

You must select the best male and female carp to be used in the spawning process. The following are the criteria for broodstock in the spawning process.

Weight 1.0 kgWeight 1.0-1.5 kg
Normal belly is not as big as the femaleBelly protruding elastic and soft
Rough pectoral finsSlimy pectoral fins
If the stomach distipping secrete white liquidIf the distipping stomach does not emit white liquid

3. Gurame Fish Spawning Process 

Male and female carp were put into the spawning pond with a ratio of 2 males and 1 female. Perform maintenance as usual with regular feeding.

You can put fish in the spawning pond at night. Spawning process usually occurs for 6 to 8 hours. The next day you observe whether there are carp eggs.

4. Harvesting Gurame Fish Eggs

If the nest contains eggs, an oily layer will appear on the surface of the water near the nest and there will be a fishy smell. Fertilized eggs have a clear yellow color and those that are not fertilized are whitish and pale yellow.

Next, the carp eggs are removed and transferred to the pond for hatching.

5. Hatching Gurame Fish Eggs

The process of hatching carp eggs can last for 40 to 72 hours. If the weather in the environment is cold, the eggs will take longer to hatch. However, if the weather is hot, the eggs will hatch faster.

6. Carp Seed Treatment

After 3-4 days of hatching, the fish seeds are put into the treatment pond. In this treatment pond the seeds are raised until they are 2-3 cm in size. This process can take 14-15 days. 

Furthermore, fish seeds can be sold or put in rearing ponds for further cultivation.

Gurame Fish Spawning Success Tips

There are several factors that are the key to success in spawning carp. Here are some factors that you need to know.

1. Environmental Conditions

You must pay attention to the environmental conditions during spawning, starting from the optimal pool temperature at 28 degrees Celsius, the water pH is 6-7 and the cleanliness of the pond.

2. Feed

Two weeks before the spawning process, you also need to provide high quality feed to the sires. 

3. Egg Harvesting

When harvesting eggs, make sure that the eggs are not damaged. You need to be careful when moving the eggs.

Budidaya Gurame Makin Sukses dengan Akses ke Institusi Finansial yang Mudah

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