cara pemasaran ikan gabus
cara pemasaran ikan gabus

The Fastest Way to Sell Snakehead Fish

Snakehead fish is a fish that will be easier to sell if you know the right way to market snakehead fish. There are many ways that you can do to sell the snakehead fish you harvested. However, do you know how to make snakehead fish not only sold, but sold quickly?

Find out more in this article, come on!

Why is Snakehead Fish Cultivation Profitable? 

budidaya ikan gabus menguntungkan
Source: Seconds

One of the reasons why snakehead fish cultivation is a promising commodity is because this fish has not been widely cultivated. Most of the snakehead fish that are currently circulating in the community are natural caught fish, not cultivated. In addition, recently the market demand for snakehead fish has jumped sharply because many dishes made from snakehead fish have become popular.

Snakehead fish is also known as a cultivation commodity that does not require a lot of capital and is easy to operate. As long as you can follow the guidelines for snakehead fish cultivation and provide feed and probiotics according to the dosage, the harvest will surely be abundant.

In addition, this fish, which is known to accelerate wound healing after surgery, does not take long to reach harvest. Within 4 months, snakehead fish can be harvested at a fairly large size (3 fish per kg). However, if you want a bigger fish, you can wait longer.

How to Marketing Snakehead Fish 

pemasaran ikan gabus
Source: Lifestyle Okezone

Snakehead fish is a fish that has an average selling price of IDR 50,000 per kg. For old cultivators, marketing snakehead fish may be very easy to do. In fact, many snakehead fish cultivators whose fish have been sold out before the harvest are sold. 

However, it is different with new cultivators who may not know where to sell the snakehead fish they harvest. For this reason, it is important for Mr/Mrs Farmers to know how to market snakehead fish.

Here are tips that you can do to market snakehead fish so that it sells out:

1. Cooperate with fish collectors or sellers

One of the easiest ways to market snakehead fish is to work with fish collectors. This method is applied so that the harvested cork fish can be sold out easily. 

To work with collectors, you can directly contact the collectors who will collect the snakehead fish. If you have been contacted and an agreement has been reached, collectors will usually come directly to the pond to transport the snakehead fish. Even though snakehead fish can be sold quickly, collectors usually offer a purchase price that is not too high or relatively cheaper.

However, if you feel that the purchase price offered by collectors is too low, working with fish sellers in the market is not the wrong choice. Fish sellers in the market can give a higher price for your snakehead fish because they will sell it directly to consumers.

2. Become a fish supplier in supermarkets and restaurants

Maybe being a supplier of fish in a supermarket sounds quite difficult because there are lots of documents that must be taken care of before an agreement is made. However, this is something that is very possible to do. To be able to work with supermarkets, you need to contact the UKM section of the supermarket. Supermarkets can offer higher prices for snakehead fish than sellers in the market and make you more profitable.

Apart from being a supplier of fish in supermarkets, you can also become a supplier of fish in restaurants that sell snakehead fish such as Betawi restaurants. This method requires hard work because you must directly offer the cork fish that you cultivate to the restaurant. Then, you need to convince them that the snakehead fish you are selling has guaranteed quality and freshness.

3. Sell outside the city

The next way of marketing that you can do is to sell snakehead fish out of town. In Indonesia, there are still many areas that really do not produce snakehead fish. You can sell snakehead fish to areas like that or areas that have special food made from snakehead fish.

This method can make your cork fish farming business more famous because you are used to shipping out of town. To achieve success in this way, you can provide the best price with good quality snakehead fish.

4. Sell On line

In this sophisticated and modern era, you can use digital technology to sell snakehead fish. By selling online, you can reach a wider range of potential buyers. You can offer snakehead fish via social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or platforms on line other.

Selling Snakehead Fish Quickly and Practically only at my eFishery Fish Stall!

In addition to the four methods above, you can immediately sell your harvested snakehead fish very easily and quickly in Fish Stall. Fish Stall is one of the features in the app eFisheryKu which can make it easier for you to sell fish directly in large quantities without going through intermediaries.

The method is easy, you just need to snap your fingers on your cellphone, enter data on harvest yields, and negotiate directly with representatives eFishery who will come to the pond. If the checking is complete, the fish that you have sold will be paid immediately in cash. It's easy, isn't it?

Selling fish at fair and profitable prices? Fish Stall the answer!

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