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How to Harvest Catfish Quickly & Safely, Check Here!

Halo Bapak/Ibu Pembudidaya! Apakah ikan lele yang sedang Bapak/Ibu budidayakan sulit untuk mencapai ukuran siap panen? Mungkin, Bapak/Ibu kurang memperhatikan beberapa detail budidaya seperti cara memilih bibit berkualitas, manajemen pakan yang baik, dan merawat air.

Come on, see this article to find out how to harvest catfish that is fast and safe!

How to Choose Quality Catfish Seeds

To speed up the catfish harvesting cycle, the first thing you should pay attention to is choosing catfish seeds. You are required to know the characteristics of high quality catfish seeds before buying them at a nursery.

High quality catfish seeds have agile movements, dark skin color, and are 5-7 cm in size. In addition, good catfish seeds have a high appetite and do not have wounds or defects on their bodies.

Apart from the condition of the seeds, you must also pay attention to the type of catfish to be cultivated. This is because there are types of catfish that can grow quickly and some that grow slowly. So, adjust the type of catfish with cultivation needs, OK!

How to Set Catfish Feed

Next is the selection and arrangement of feed. The ideal feed for the growth of catfish should contain about 30% of protein, 10-20% of carbohydrates, vitamins and other minerals.

In order not to get confused about managing the nutritional content in catfish feed, you can buy factory-made pellets. The nutrition in factory-made pellets has been regulated by a fish nutritionist so that it will guarantee the nutritional needs of catfish.

In addition to pellets which are artificial feed, you can also provide natural food in the form of snails, worms, fly maggots, water hyacinth, and fermented tofu dregs. In contrast to artificial feed, whose nutritional content has been regulated by a fish nutritionist, if you use natural feed, you must be smart about managing the nutrients in the feed.

To help you choose between natural and artificial feed, let's find out the differences between the two. Natural feed is feed made from ingredients derived from nature or organic ingredients, while artificial feed is feed made in factories in bulk.

How to Take Care of Water & Catfish Ponds

To make catfish grow faster, you are also advised to always pay attention to the quality of catfish pond water. Treatment of catfish pond water must be done from the beginning of the cultivation cycle.

Before starting the cultivation cycle, you are advised to fill the pond with full water for one month to form moss and phytoplankton so that the water is not cloudy. The presence of phytoplankton in the pond will be indicated by the color of the pond water which will turn green and slightly muddy.

Catfish is a fish that is quite sensitive to temperature. For this reason, you must maintain the temperature of the fish pond water at around 20-28°C.

However, the catfish pond water should only be replaced when it enters the harvest period. If you insist on replacing it before entering the harvest season, this will potentially hinder the growth of the catfish.

How to Eradicate Catfish Pests & Diseases

The predatory pests that interfere with the growth of catfish are otters, snakes, sero, water weasels, and birds. You can install filters at the inlet and outlet of the water or install a fence around the pool to prevent pests.

As for catfish disease, it is usually caused by protozoa, bacteria, and viruses. These three microorganisms can cause white spot disease, flatulence, and injuries to the head and tail which will kill the catfish.

To prevent this, you must maintain water quality, control excess feed, maintain pond cleanliness, and maintain pond temperature in the range of 28°C.

How to Harvest Catfish

Catfish are ready to be harvested when they have a size of 4-7 fish per kilogram. To reach this size, catfish usually takes 3-4 months.

To harvest catfish, first, drain the catfish pond water until it's dry. Draining pool water can be done using a drain hole in the pool or using a water hose. If all the pond water has been removed, take the catfish that are ready to be harvested using a net.

If you feel that there are fish that have not reached the size ready for harvest, you can return the fish to the pond to be raised again. Then, transfer the ready-to-harvest catfish to another container which will facilitate the fish marketing process later.

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