cara merawat efeeder udang
cara merawat efeeder udang

How to Take Care of Shrimp eFeeders Easier

Artikel Ini Telah Direview dan Berkolaborasi Dengan:

Sangga Sulistyo
Sangga Sulistyo

Praktisi Aquaculture

Rifki Maulana
Rifki Maulana

Tech Consultant IoT

If you use a Shrimp eFeeder in a pond, you must know how to care for the eFeeder during the cultivation process and after the cultivation is complete. If not cared for, eFeeder will not distribute shrimp feed optimally. Check out the full explanation here to find out how to properly care for an eFeeder!

Shrimp eFeeder and Its Uses

efeeder auto feeder tambak udang
Source: eFishery

eFeeders are auto feeder Shrimp feed or automatic shrimp feeder technology from eFishery which can help you make efficient use of shrimp feed so there is no overfeeding and save more feed. In addition, the use of eFeeder is also able to reduce FCR, maintaining water quality, increasing growth, and accelerating harvest. 

Shrimp eFeeder have several advantages over auto feeder other shrimp feed, as can besettings automatically through smartphones Android, has an ejection distance of up to 12 m radius, consumes only 120 watts of power when catapulting feed and only 1 watt when idle, and has a transparent container with a capacity of 70-75 kgs. In addition, Mr / Ms can get a chance free trial or a free trial of eFeeder for 1 month, according to the terms, conditions and availability of the current promo. 

How to Take Care of the eFeeder

Shrimp eFeeders need to be cared for so that their performance remains optimal and is not easily damaged. Here's how to care for eFeeder properly and correctly:

1. Make sure to use the eFeeder according to the commodity. 

There are 2 types of eFeeders available, namely Shrimp eFeeders and Fish eFeeders. Each eFeeder has different specifications because it has been adapted to the commodity. One of the differences between the 2 types of eFeeders is the range of the feed ejection. Shrimp eFeeder is able to eject feed with a range of 360 degrees, while the Fish eFeeder only throws 90 degrees. The size and type of feed used for each commodity is also different. If the Fish eFeeder is used to eject shrimp feed, the ejection will not be optimal and the feed will be wasted. So, you must choose an eFeeder according to the commodity being cultivated because it will have a big effect on the feeding process.  

2. Clean the eFeeder every 2 weeks

The method is very easy. You only need to use a clean cloth to clean the eFeeder from dust and dirt.

3. Calibrate the eFeeder once a month

The purpose of calibration is to improve the accuracy of the amount of feed that comes out according to the feed that has been set. eFeeder itself has accuracy with error < 5%. Here's how to calibrate the eFeeder:

  • Prepare a container to hold the feed that the eFeeder will eject during calibration.
  • Put the feed into the eFeeder container, a minimum of 1 kg and a maximum of 5 kg. Make sure you know the exact amount of feed to put in.
  • Enter the amount of feed contained in the eFeeder container into the eFeeder application and start calibration. 
  • Let the eFeeder run until all the feed in the container is used up. When finished, save time and data into the eFeeder application.

4. Save the eFeeder components when not in use

When not in use, store the eFeeder and its components in a dry, dust-free storage area to prevent them from rusting. Clean eFeeder components such as feed containers, control boxes, ejectors and feed gauges with a cloth regularly. These components must be stored dry and must not be washed so they are not damaged. When it will be used for further cultivation, the eFeeder can be assembled/di-settings return.

You don't need to worry, eFishery has a team Field Technical Support (FTS) which will accompany and assist you in handling the eFeeder. If you have problems with eFeeder, you can contact the FTS Team, and the FTS Team will help by phone. If the eFeeder problem cannot be resolved by telephone, the FTS Team will immediately head to the farm location. 

Budidaya Udang Lebih Mudah dengan eFarm

Kini budidaya udang vaname akan jadi lebih mudah dengan eFisheryeFishery merupakan aplikasi andalan para petambak karena memiliki banyak fitur dan produk yang dapat mendukung keberhasilan budidaya udang Bapak/Ibu. Salah satunya adalah fitur Cultivation Consultation yang memberikan akses untuk berkonsultasi dan berdiskusi langsung dengan ahli budidaya.

Isi form di bawah dan downloads application eFarm untuk mendapatkan banyak manfaatnya!

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Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture
Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture

Sangga adalah praktisi Aquaculture yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2003 dan sekarang menjadi Technical Support Manager eFishery untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Rifki Maulana - Tech Consultant IoT
Rifki Maulana - Tech Consultant IoT

Rifki menjadi bagian dari Tech Consultant Product IoT eFishery yang bertanggung jawab menganalisis kesiapan dan kerusakan produk IoT, seperti eFeeder

Questions About How to Take Care of Shrimp eFeeders

How to care for shrimp eFeeder is quite easy. You only need to ensure that you use the eFeeder according to the commodity, clean it every 2 weeks, calibrate it once a month, and store the eFeeder components in a dry and dust-free warehouse when not in use.

We recommend using eFeeder according to the commodity. This is because each eFeeder has specifications that have been adapted to the commodity. The Shrimp and Fish eFeeder components have also been adapted to the nature of the feed for each commodity, so if you use an inappropriate eFeeder, the feed will be wasted. In addition, another difference between the 2 types of eFeeders is the range of the feed ejection. The Shrimp eFeeder is able to eject feed with a 360 degree range, while the Fish eFeeder only reaches 90 degrees.