anak ikan gabus
anak ikan gabus

How to Take Care of Children of Snakehead Fish So They Don't Die

Bila ditekuni budidaya ikan gabus memiliki potensial bisnis yang cukup menjanjikan. Kunci kesuksesan budidaya ikan gabus adalah bagaimana Sahabat Pembudidaya merawat anak ikan gabus.

Dari segi modal bisnis, budidaya gabus bisa berjalan dengan modal yang terbatas tetapi angka keberhasilannya justru lebih tinggi dibandingkan budidaya ikan air tawar lainnya. Penyediaan pakan anak ikan gabus cukup mudah dan bisa dibuat sendiri di rumah sehingga bisa menekan biaya pakannya.

In addition, the fast harvest time is a distinct advantage. So, even though it is not yet very popular, the snakehead fish farming business has quite high opportunities. Moreover, the selling price is stable and tends to increase.

Therefore, this article will provide information on how to care for cork children who are ready to harvest with ideal body weight.

Snakehead Fish Food

Considering that snakehead fish is a type of predatory fish in fresh water, it is not difficult to provide snakehead fish feed. Apart from pellets, you can provide alternative cork feeds such as rice field snails, trash fish, snails, shrimp, and soaked aking rice so that it has a slightly softer texture.

However, in contrast to the food for the young snakehead fish that has just hatched, you need to ensure that you are given feed according to the levels needed with the appropriate good nutritional content so that cannibalism does not occur.

The following are options for feeding snakehead fish:

  1. Artemia, which can be given to 2-day-old snakehead fish seeds. Give artemia 3 times a day for the initial food.
  2. Water flea, because it has a fairly high protein content, namely 66%. The high protein content can help accelerate the growth of snakehead fish puppies.
  3. Anchovies, because they contain protein and calcium to help accelerate the growth of young snakehead fish. You can give chopped anchovies to children of snakehead fish under 1 month old.
  4. Silk worms, food recommendations for newly hatched snakehead fish. This is because silk worms have high levels of protein to help the growth of snakehead fish children. You can give silk worms 3 times a day at the beginning of hatching.
  5. Smooth pellets. Even though cork seeds find it difficult to eat pellets, the habit of eating pellets as the main feed can help cork puppies to adapt to eating pellets.

Meanwhile, there are separate rules for feeding snakehead fish according to their age after hatching. The following are the stages of feeding newly hatched snakehead fish.

1. Age 1-4 days

Newly hatched cork puppies still have food reserves in their stomachs, namely egg yolk or egg yolks which will run out in 3-4 days. Therefore, newly hatched snakehead fish do not require special feed so you can reduce feed costs.

However, if you still want to provide feed, you can give plankton or other small microorganisms as supporting food. Artemia is also good to give cork children who are only 2 days old as an alternative choice of feed.

2. Age 5-15 days

At the age of 5-15 days, the young snakehead fish should be given food in the form of silk worms or blood worms which are rich in good nutritional content. Mix worm silk with water and mix well.

Then, spread the feed evenly. You can give it 2 times a day.

3. Age 16-30 days

When the snakehead fish seeds are 16 days old, you can provide feed in the form of pellets in the form of powder or shrimp pellets. Give pellet feed 4 times a day with an amount of feed equal to 30% of the total mass of seeds in the pond. Give pellet feed little by little but continuously until the little snakehead fish are full.

Yang perlu digarisbawahi sebagai catatan Bapak/Ibu adalah hindari pemberian pakan yang berlebih-lebihan karena limbah sisa makanan tersebut bisa memperburuk kondisi air dan berpotensi membuat anak ikan gabus cepat mati.

How to Take Care of Children of Snakehead Fish

The very first thing that must be considered in how to care for cork children is the type of pond that will be used as a shelter for storing cork seeds. You can use a tarpaulin pool or just use plastic storage tanks. However, it is recommended to use a tarpaulin pond type to accelerate the growth of snakehead fish seeds.

Why is that? The reason is, with the same method of treatment, the potential for the seeds to grow quickly in a tarpaulin pool is far greater than in a plastic tub.

The most important consideration is that during the process of rearing snakehead fish, usually the length of the chicks will continue to increase up to 4-5 cm. Therefore, the young snakehead fish do not have enough space for their growth if placed in a plastic tub.

Another factor that needs to be considered is the circulation of water in the aquaculture pond. We recommend that you change the water or siphon the bottom of the pool regularly periodically according to the density of cork children.

In other words, the denser the cultivation pond, the more frequently you need to clean the pond and change the water. Especially when cork puppies start eating pellets. When cork puppies eat silk worms, the quality of the water is more guaranteed in the long term than when feeding pellets.

When cork seeds start eating pellets, cork seed growth is usually irregular due to various factors, such as uneven distribution. Therefore, the potential for cannibalism is higher.

Broadly speaking, the growth of cork saplings should reach 4-6 cm, but surely there are some seeds that grow to a length of 12 cm. Therefore, when the cork seeds start eating the pellets, you need to pay close attention to the growth of the seeds and immediately move the large cork seeds.

Tips for maintaining pond water quality when baby snakehead fish are fed with silk worms is to use a special net or tray made of plastic as a medium for providing feed. This needs to be done so that the worms don't go down to the bottom of the pool and hide at the bottom of the pool.

The net or plastic tray is tied to hang above the surface of the pond with special weights, such as bricks, so that it doesn't move easily. Or, another way is to let the container replace it with a rectangular styrofoam that has been given a hole in the middle. Place the changing container 5 cm above the water level.

Then, even though the children of the snakehead fish are still under 1 month old, you still need to cover the surface of the pond with a special net so that the children do not jump, especially during the rainy season.

Budidaya Ikan Gabus Jadi Lebih Praktis dengan Aplikasi Serba Ada, eFisheryKu

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Keberadaan aplikasi budidaya ikan serba ada seperti eFisheryKu sangat membantu budidaya ikan gabus yang merupakan salah satu jenis ikan tersulit untuk dibudidayakan. Maka dari itu, yuk permudah budidaya ikan gabus dengan aplikasi serba ada, eFisheryKu. eFisheryKu is a fish farming application from eFishery yang mempermudah proses budidaya ikan Bapak/Ibu dengan fiturnya yang sangat beragam.

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Questions Regarding Children of Snakehead Fish

There are many types of feed that can be given to the little snakehead fish, including artemia, water fleas, anchovies, silkworms, and fine pellets.

The provisions for feeding the snakehead fish children are classified into 3 stages, starting from 1-4 days old, 5-5 days old, and 16-30 days old.