cara menghitung fcr ikan lele
cara menghitung fcr ikan lele

Here's How to Calculate the FCR of Catfish for Aquaculture!

Pakan merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam budidaya ikan lele untuk menunjang pertumbuhan. Apabila Bapak/Ibu tidak mengetahui cara menghitung FCR ikan lele, maka kebutuhan biaya pakan akan tinggi. Seperti yang Bapak/Ibu ketahui, biaya pakan dalam budidaya ikan lele berkisar 45-75%.

To avoid large feed costs, you need to carry out feed management by calculating daily feed requirements and fish FCR. By counting it, you can find out the relationship between feed and fish weight. This information will also be related to the economic value during the growth period of the fish. 

Therefore, you need to complete your knowledge on how to calculate FCR in catfish. Come on, read this article to the end to find out an easy way to calculate FCR for the sustainability of your cultivation.

What is FCR?

Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) is the conversion of feed to fish weight or the ratio of the amount of feed given in a certain period to the weight of the fish produced. You can find out the weight of the fish through the sampling method without weighing the whole fish.

In fish farming, the FCR value can be used as a benchmark for successful farming, both technically and financially. Technically, FCR is related to the management of fish feed, water quality, and the quality of the fish itself. Meanwhile, financially, the FCR value affects the level of profit earned in one period because fish feed is the biggest contributor to costs in aquaculture.

In increasing the conversion value and efficiency of catfish feed, you can use the frequency of feeding. The frequency of feeding is the number of repetitions of feeding in one day. The feeding schedule should be adjusted to a frequency of 3-4 times a day. Feeding times can be morning, afternoon, evening and night.

The ability to feed efficiency is important because it can generate large profits. FCR is also an indicator of feed quality, human resource ability to manage feed and catfish health, and cost efficiency. The lower the FCR, the lower the feed costs incurred to produce 1 kg of meat. 

With feed efficiency will reduce fish mortality. Fish mortality is a factor in the emergence of greenhouse gases due to the impact on FCR and feed requirements. Keep in mind, the more efficient the feed, the lower the greenhouse gas emissions and can significantly increase the FCR.

Fish FCR Value Factor

There are factors that affect the FCR value, namely:

1. Fish factor

Factors such as genetics, fish species, and fish size can affect FCR numbers. In addition, healthy fish convert feed more efficiently than diseased fish. Fish mortality will have a major impact on increasing FCR and reducing profits.

2. Environmental Factors

Fish that live in an optimal environment will use feed more efficiently for growth. This is different from fish that are affected by environmental stress. In order for the environment to be maintained, you need to adjust the stocking density at a reasonable level and provide feed as needed to avoid wasted feed.

3. Feed Management

You must continue to monitor the response of fish to feed. Feed must be of good quality in appearance and nutrition. You must provide feed with the appropriate size and nutrition. 

How to Calculate Catfish FCR

As you know, FCR is the ratio of the ratio of feed given to the amount of biomass produced, the smaller the FCR value, the more efficient the feeding. To calculate the FCR of catfish, you need to know the formula for calculating it.

rumus fcr ikan lele


Pak Jamal has consumed 10 sacks of fish feed, the weight per sack of feed is 50 kg, and the fish biomass produced at the end of the cultivation is 450 kg. an average of 25 grams per head.


Spent feed = 10 sacks x 50 kg/bag = 500 kgs

Initial biomass or weight = 1,000 heads x 25 grams/head = 25 kg

Biomass or final weight = 450 kg

hasil fcr ikan leleSo, the FCR is 1.17.

In catfish the FCR value can reach 1.8 or lower. Whereas for catfish fry, the feed conversion value is 1.0 -1.2.

FCR values exceeding 2 are strongly discouraged. If it exceeds this value, you need to re-check the feed that you provide.

The best feed efficiency/FCR is closest to 1. That is, the weight of the feed given is almost the same as the final weight of the catfish. However, it is very difficult to achieve FCR < 1 because fish also have to use feed for metabolism, energy and other life activities. 

You also need to know the relationship between FCR and protein. The higher the protein value, the lower the FCR value. That is, to produce 1 kg of fish, less feed is required.

Feed with high protein certainly has a higher price. However, the amount used during cultivation would be less and less. That is, the cost of feed issued is more economical.

You already know how to calculate FCR in catfish. The most accurate FCR calculation uses crop yields. The closer to harvest, the more accurate the FCR calculation results will be.

After getting the FCR number for catfish, you can see how effective the feed is stocked, then adjust the schedule and the amount so that the FCR value can be reduced or reduced.

Pembelian Pakan Ikan Lele Jadi Lebih Mudah dan Praktis dengan Kabayan!

Selain penghitungan FCR yang tepat, jenis pakan juga mempengari kecepatan pertumbuhan ikan lele. Pasalnya, setiap jenis pakan yang berbeda mengandung nutrisi yang berbeda pula. Salah satu jenis pakan yang nutrisinya sudah disesuaikan oleh ahli pakan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan ikan lele adalah pelet.

Kini, pelet ikan lele bisa Bapak/Ibu beli di eFishery menggunakan Kabayan (Love, Pay Later), penyedia akses ke institusi finansial yang aman dan diawasi OJK. Dengan Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang prosesnya cepat dan persyaratannya mudah.

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Questions About How to Calculate the FCR of Catfish

In catfish the FCR value can reach 1.8 or lower. Whereas for catfish fry, the feed conversion value is 1.0 -1.2.

  • FPP UMKO. 2022. Understanding FCR in Fish Farming 