cara mengatasi ikan gurame mengambang
cara mengatasi ikan gurame mengambang

Effective Ways to Overcome Floating Gurame Fish

Gouramy fish floating on the surface of a cultivation pond is a sign that the fish is being infected with certain diseases caused by certain bacteria and viruses. The most important way to deal with floating carp is to maintain the quality of pond water according to the provisions of oxygen levels and water pH.

There are three types of diseases that have symptoms of carp floating on the surface of the water. Among them are fish worm diseases caused by parasitic worms Dactylogyrus And Gyrodactylus, belo eye disease caused by viruses or worms, and bacterial infections Aeromonas sp And Pseudomonas sp.

If not treated immediately, these symptoms can affect the carp's immunity and make it susceptible to viruses and other bacteria. Therefore, it is important for you cultivators to recognize the initial symptoms of floating carp, causes, and how to deal with floating carp.

Early Symptoms of Floating Gurame Fish

Farmers can find carp starting to float when the fish are more often seen on the surface of the pond. Then the floating fish moves little or nothing at all and tends to move only with the flow of water.

In addition, if you look closely, you can see scars on the carp caused by pests trying to prey on the carp. If you have found these early symptoms, immediately take action before the carp dies.

Causes of Floating Gurame Fish

There are 4 causes for floating carp, including pond water emitting an unpleasant odor, changing pond temperatures, pests in the pond, and improper feeding. The following is an explanation of each of the causes of floating carp that can be listened to.

1. Reduced Oxygen Levels and Odors

When the pool water experiences a decrease in oxygen levels, the carp will have difficulty breathing in the pond so they will swim to the surface of the pond to look for oxygen. One of the causes of decreased oxygen levels is the presence of ammonia contained in carp droppings.

In addition to lowering oxygen levels, carp excrement also creates an unpleasant odor that makes it difficult for carp to breathe. The worst impact when carp has difficulty breathing and difficulty getting oxygen is the increased potential for death.

2. Temperature Changes in Cultivation Ponds

Ideally the pond temperature for carp cultivation is between 28-30°C. When the temperature increases or decreases drastically, the carp will find it difficult to adapt and eventually decide to swim up to the surface of the pond.

3. There are Pests in the Pond

Pests that commonly attack carp include frogs, monitor lizards, cybister larvae, snakes, birds and snakehead fish. Usually all of these pests only prey on carp puppies that are still small. Snakes will prey on carp by stinging until the carp is poisoned and swims floating on the surface of the pond.

It's different with the cybister larvae which directly injure and tear the carp's body. Attacks from cybister larvae will cause many injuries to the carp's body until it can eventually die.

The cork fish, monitor lizards, and birds will immediately prey on the carp. For frogs, the method of preying is the most different from other pests because frogs will only target carp eggs to eat.

Even though the carp can successfully escape from these pests, the risk of death cannot be avoided because the wounds on the carp's body will get worse. Therefore, before these pests manage to enter the carp cultivation pond, the cultivator should take precautions first.

4. Feeding Not According to the Rules

In feeding, there are rules regarding the need for nutrient levels in carp feed, the amount of feed given, to the feeding schedule. All of these rules must be fulfilled exactly and cannot be wrong because the impact is quite alarming for the health of carp.

For example, the levels of nutrients needed by carp to accelerate its growth. When carp lose or lack a little nutrition, the growth of carp can be disrupted. However, it is also not recommended to feed excessively because it will only leave feed at the bottom of the pond and make the quality of the pond worse.

How to Overcome Floating Gurame Fish

There are 3 ways to deal with floating carp that can be done by cultivators, including improving pond water quality, controlling feeding, and providing probiotics.

1. Improving Pool Water Quality

The criteria for the quality of a good carp cultivation pond are clean, contain dissolved oxygen, maintain acid-base levels, and water temperature according to recommendations. Ideally the water temperature in the carp cultivation pond is between 28-30°C. If there is a drastic change in temperature, the carp will find it difficult to adapt. For this reason, check regularly using a pool temperature regulator.

The oxygen level needed in the aquaculture pond is 5 ppm. When the oxygen level decreases, the cultivator will often see carp floating on the surface of the pond. The trick to maintaining pond oxygen is to use aeration which can break down the oxygen in the pond so that it will be easier for the carp to get oxygen.

Another way to improve the quality of aquaculture ponds is to clean the pond from leftover feed and fish waste before they turn into ammonia which can poison carp. Clean the pool manually or by using a water pump to control pool water circulation.

As for the acid and alkaline aquaculture pond water, the ideal range is between 6.5-8. Water that is too acidic can cause injury to carp. To maintain and control the acid-base levels of pool water, you can use limestone which is mixed directly into the pond. However, if the pool water is too alkaline, you can mix limestone with ketapang boiled water which contains good substances so that the pool is more acidic.

2. Spread Probiotics and Supplements into the Pool

Provision of supplements and probiotics can increase the body's immunity and facilitate the digestion of carp. The probiotics and supplements in question are those containing the genus Bacillus bacteria, Pseudomonas alcaligenes bacteria, and Micrococcus roseus.

Bacteria of the Bacillus genus can create their own natural antibiotics which can increase the carp's resistance from exposure to various diseases or viruses. The bacteria Pseudomonas alcaligenes and Micrococcus roseus play a role in breaking down dissolved organic matter from precipitated feed residue or feces.

3. Nutritional Feeding

The last way to deal with floating carp is to provide feed that contains the nutrients and nutrients needed by carp. The nutrients needed by carp include phosphorus, iron, sodium, and minerals which can help the growth of carp.

In addition to providing feed in the form of pellets, cultivators can provide feed in the form of alas leaves, tofu dregs, soybean meal, cassava leaves, or papaya leaves. All of these pellets can be mixed with the right and suitable concentration. In addition, also control the feeding schedule and the amount of feed to be given to the carp.

Sewa/Beli eFeeder di eFisheryKu untuk Mengontrol Pemberian Pakan Gurame

efeeder alat pakan ikan otomatis
Source: eFishery

Pemberian pakan yang tidak sesuai aturan merupakan salah satu penyebab gurame mengambang di permukaan kolam. Untuk itu, Bapak/Ibu perlu mengikuti aturan pemberian pakan ikan gurame yang menyesuaikan kebutuhan nutrisi ikan, jumlah pemberian, hingga jadwal pemberiannya.

Sekarang mengontrol pemberian pakan yang efektif bisa dengan eFeeders, alat pemberi pakan ikan otomatis yang dapat diatur melalui handphone sehingga dapat mempermudah proses budidaya ikan gurame Bapak/Ibu. Dengan menggunakan eFeeders, sebaran pakan menjadi lebih merata dan nutrisi pakan tetap terjaga sehingga FCR lebih optimal.

eFeeders dapat Bapak/Ibu beli/sewa di eFisheryKu, aplikasi yang mempermudah proses budidaya ikan Bapak/Ibu dengan fiturnya yang sangat beragam. Selain beli/sewa eFeeders, di eFisheryKu Bapak/Ibu juga bisa membeli pakan ikan dengan mudah, mendapatkan akses ke institusi finansial yang diawasi OJK, dan menjual ikan hasil panen.

come on, downloads eFisheryKu dan registrasi sekarang untuk dapat banyak keuntungan dengan klik tombol di bawah ini!

Questions About How to Overcome Floating Gurame Fish

The cause of the carp rising to the surface is due to unstable oxygen levels and temperatures in the pond, the presence of pests, and the feeding that is not according to the rules.

The way to deal with floating carp is to improve the quality of the pond, such as improving the temperature, oxygen levels and acid-base levels. In addition, cultivators can also provide probiotics and control the feeding of carp.
