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Sangga Sulistyo
Praktisi Aquaculture
In the shrimp farming business, you need to work on ways to increase the size of the shrimp. This is not something easy to do. What's more, you can take a lot of time and high costs to increase the size. In addition, you also need to consider the risk of disease.
However, this is no longer a problem for Mr / Mrs Farmers, because this article will discuss how to increase the size of the shrimp in the pond. Come on, let's review together!
Size in Shrimp Cultivation
In shrimp farming, it is important for you to know the shrimp size system. The term size in shrimp farming can be interpreted as a shrimp size system based on the number of shrimp per 1 kg. For example, shrimp with size 30 means there are 30 shrimp in 1 kg.

To find out the size of the shrimp you have, you can use the following formula:
Shrimp Size = 1,000 grams/ABW
ABW : Average weight of shrimp (obtained when sampling)
As an example:
You have a sample of shrimp weighing 50 gr. Then, what is the size of the shrimp?
Shrimp size = 1,000 grams/50 grams = 20
So, the size of the shrimp is 20.
By knowing how to calculate the size of your shrimp, you can make the right feed management plan to increase your shrimp size. Here are several types of shrimp with sizes on the market and are often sought after by buyers:
- Shrimp Size 20/Kg
- Shrimp Size 30/Kg
- Shrimp Size 40/Kg
- Shrimp Size 50/Kg
- Shrimp Size 60/Kg
- Shrimp Size 70/Kg
- Shrimp Size 80/Kg
- Shrimp Size 90/Kg
- Shrimp Size 100/Kg
Shrimp prices vary widely, depending on size, weight, and location. For example, the price of shrimp in Central Java in February 2023 is around IDR 53,000-IDR 97,000. You can give the best price according to size, weight, and location. So, you will get optimal benefits from the harvest.
Causes of Shrimp Size Not Going Up
Mr / Mrs Farmers may often wonder what causes the size of the shrimp not to increase. Many factors cause shrimp growth to be stunted so that the size of the shrimp does not increase.
Shrimp that are slow to grow cannot be sold on the market because there are several conditions in the shrimp trade. Therefore, you must take care of the shrimp properly so that their growth is not hampered so that the shrimp grow to an optimal size and can bring profit.
To overcome the size of the shrimp that does not increase, you must know the cause first. Here's the review:
1. Poor Pond Water Quality
Poor pond water quality will inhibit the growth of shrimp. There are many factors that make it difficult to increase the size of the shrimp, such as poor water salinity and cloudy water color, indicating dirty pool water. This of course makes the shrimp stressed so it is difficult for them to grow bigger.
Ammonia content that is too high will be toxic to shrimp. In addition, a nitrate content that is too high will reduce dissolved oxygen levels and a pH that is not ideal will also injure the shrimp's organs.
2. Feeding
In addition to pond water, feed is also very important in the development of shrimp. Incorrect feeding will make it difficult for shrimp to grow big. To provide optimal feed and increase the efficiency of shrimp farming, you can use eFeeders from eFishery.
3. Selection of Shrimp Seeds of Less Quality
The cause of the slow growing of shrimp so that it is difficult to increase in size is an error in choosing seeds. Shrimp seeds that are of less quality will produce shrimp that are slow to grow.
4. Spreading Seeds at the Beginning of Cultivation
Errors in stocking seeds at the beginning of cultivation will make it difficult for large shrimp. The mistakes that often occur are stocking when the intensity of sunlight is high, sowing the seeds right away, sowing the seeds in pool water that is not of good quality, and sowing the seeds in too many quantities.
How to Increase Shrimp Size to Optimal
After knowing the cause of the shrimp size not increasing, there are several ways that you can do to increase the shrimp size to the optimum. Do the following things to make the shrimp bigger faster:

1. Improving Pool Water Quality
Pool water must always be clean so that the shrimp are not easily stressed. You can use a filter so you don't have to clean it every day. To see the appropriate water parameters for shrimp farming, you can see the following table:
Table of Recommended Water Quality Parameters for Shrimp Ponds
Parameter | Unit | range |
Temperature | ℃ | 28-30 |
Salinity | g/l | 23-33 |
pH | – | 7,5-8,5 |
Alkalinity | mg/L | 100-200 |
BOD | mg/L | 3,0 |
Organic Ingredients | mg/L | 55 |
Total Dissolved Solids | mg/L | 150-200 |
2. Selection of Quality Seeds
Choosing quality shrimp seeds is very easy, namely by looking at their physical characteristics and movements. You can see the healthy shape of the shrimp fry firsthand, such as a straight body, full intestines, intact antennae, open tail and active swimming. In addition, the shrimp will react immediately when there is stimulation in the pond water or there is food that enters the pond.
3. Technical Maintenance
Correct maintenance techniques will also increase shrimp growth in order to get optimal size. Providing proper feed, maintaining water quality, stocking seeds, and providing supplements are mandatory things that must be done in shrimp farming.
4. Type and Amount of Feed
Proper feeding is very important for shrimp growth. You can see the right type and amount of feed for different ages of shrimp in the following table:
Shrimp Feeding Table
Shrimp Age | Feed Type | Feed Dosage | Frequency of Administration |
<15 days | Powder | 15-17% | 3 times a day |
16-30 days | Crumble | 15-25% | 4 times a day |
31-45 days | Crumble | 10-15% | 5 times a day |
>46 days | Pellets | 7-10% | 5 times a day |
5. Fulfillment of Feed Nutrition Content
After giving the right type of feed and amount, you must also pay attention to the nutritional content of the feed given. You can see the nutritional needs of shrimp in the following table:
Fulfillment Table of Feed Nutrition Content
Nutrition | Starter | grower | Finishers |
Water content | 12% | 12% | 12% |
Protein Content | 32% | 30% | 28% |
Fat level | 6% | 6% | 5% |
Fiber Content | 4% | 4% | 5% |
Ash Content | 15% | 15% | 15% |
According to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), the provision of types of feed is divided into 3 phases. The phase in question is starter, grower, And finisher. Here's the review:
- Phase starter is the initial phase in the process of cultivating shrimp, namely when the shrimp are still in fry form. With its relatively small size, of course it requires feed with a shape that fits the opening of its mouth. In this case, the best feed used is flour.
- Phase grower is the enlargement phase. In this phase, the size of the shrimp is bigger. For this reason, the feed used is crumbles, so that the shrimp enlargement phase can run optimally.
- Phase finisher is the final phase before harvest. In this phase, it can be said that we are just waiting for the harvest time. However, shrimp still need nutritious feed to stay healthy. The most appropriate feed given is in the form of pellets.
6. Growth Monitoring and Sampling
This monitoring serves to see the growth rate to maintain the survival of the shrimp. You need to monitor each growth phase.
7. Provision of Supplements
Giving supplements is no less important than feeding and maintaining water quality. Surely you need to choose the right supplement so that the shrimp grows faster.
Dapatkan Bantuan untuk Menaikkan Size Udang dengan Konsultasi bersama Ahli Budidaya!
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Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture
Sangga adalah praktisi Aquaculture yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2003 dan sekarang menjadi Technical Support Manager eFishery untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia
Questions About Increasing Shrimp Size
Some of the factors that cause difficulties in increasing the size of shrimp are poor pond water quality, suboptimal feeding, poor quality shrimp seeds, and errors in stocking seeds at the start of cultivation.
Several ways to increase the size of shrimp are by optimizing water quality, paying attention to feed quality, paying attention to fry quality, and monitoring by checking regularly.