cara membuat oksigen untuk tambak udang
cara membuat oksigen untuk tambak udang

Very important! This is How to Make Oxygen for Shrimp Ponds

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Anggie Nur
Anggie Nur

Magister Bioteknologi

In the process of growth, farmers must understand how to make ideal oxygen for shrimp. Dissolved oxygen is needed to oxidize nutrients to produce free energy in catabolism (the process of breaking down large molecules into simpler ones) inside the shrimp cells.

The increase in shrimp stocking density becomes worse when the dissolved oxygen content cannot meet the needs of the shrimp community in pond ponds. Lack of oxygen can have an impact on death on your shrimp harvest. 

If the dissolved oxygen in the water is of low value, you can make your own oxygen to increase the dissolved oxygen levels in the water. How to make oxygen for shrimp is very easy, namely by correlating the intensity of feed management with water quality parameters. Approximately how? Come on, see the explanation here!

The Role of Oxygen in Shrimp Ponds

Dissolved oxygen (DO) plays an important role in shrimp pond production and shrimp metabolism, such as burning food ingredients to produce energy and shrimp growth. In general, the characteristics that can be seen if the DO value in ponds <2.0 mg/L are the shrimp rising to the surface, slow shrimp growth and a high risk of death. Low oxygen concentrations can be caused by several things:

  1. Stocking density is too high/over capacity. High stocking densities cause competition for oxygen between shrimp, causing low oxygen 
  2. There is a buildup of organic matter in the cultivation pond. Organic matter in the pond will be broken down by bacteria by utilizing oxygen. If there is a buildup of organic matter, the decomposition process will increase and the demand for oxygen will increase
  3. blooming plankton. At night, plankton need oxygen for respiration so when it occurs blooming plankton, there will be competition between shrimp and plankton. This causes DO at night to drop faster. A similar situation can also occur on days without sunlight or with cloudy and rainy weather.
  4. Lack of aeration. The use of pinwheels and blowers helps in increasing the oxygen levels in the ponds. If the use of windmills and blowers is not optimal, it will cause DO in the water to be low

Factors Affecting Oxygen Levels

Dissolved oxygen can be affected by several factors, such as temperature, organic matter levels, populations of aquatic species, and more. Higher temperatures can lead to lower dissolved oxygen. This causes an increase in the amount of toxic substances, such as ammonia, sulfur and methane. 

One of the best ways to maintain dissolved oxygen levels is to control organic matter that enters pond water, such as leftover feed. The problem of low dissolved oxygen can also be overcome by avoiding overfeeding. Providing high quality feed and low FCR numbers serves to obtain maximum shrimp growth rates, increase shrimp immunity, and produce the desired pond water environment.

How to Make Oxygen Levels Stable

One way to keep oxygen levels too stable is to use an aerator. Several types of mechanical aerators used in Aquaculture are aerators paddle wheels and vertical pump aerators. aerators paddle wheels or aspirators that are most often used in shrimp ponds consist of three basic types, namely:

  1. Floating electric aerator with steel mill. This type of aerator has been used in small numbers in shrimp farming in the United States and Latin America. This steel mill is equipped with a 10 hp propulsion engine.
  2. Floating electric aerator with plastic pinwheel. In this aerator, the position of the wheel above the float is attached to the pond embankment. This type is popularly used in Asia and is equipped with a 1-2 hp propulsion engine.
  3. aerators long arm diesel, equipped with a 2-5 hp propulsion engine or a 7-16 hp diesel engine.

Meanwhile, vertical pump aerators are usually used for aeration of small and shallow ponds. These aerators usually have a submerged electric motor that is suspended inside a float. Propellers located just below the surface of the water move the water vertically upwards.

Vertical pump aerators provide good local oxygen transfer around the aerators, but may not affect DO concentrations laterally in large ponds. A vertical pump aerator is not a good circulation device, because most of its energy is working vertically to force water up into the air. Determination of oxygen levels in water can be done in two ways, namely by titration (titrimetric) and DO meters.

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Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi

Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang

Questions Regarding How to Make Oxygen for Shrimp Ponds

Dissolved oxygen (DO) plays an important role in shrimp pond production and shrimp metabolism, such as burning food materials to produce energy and shrimp growth. 

Dissolved oxygen can be affected by several factors, such as temperature, organic matter levels, populations of aquatic species, and more.

Several types of mechanical aerators used in Aquaculture are aerators paddle wheels and vertical pump aerators. aerators paddle wheels or aspirator is the aerator most often used in shrimp ponds.

  • Farida R. 2019. Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus in Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) in the Gampong Paya Kameng Community Pond, Masjid Raya District, Aceh Besar District. Thesis. Ar-Raniry State Islamic University.