cara memberi pakan ikan gurame
cara memberi pakan ikan gurame

Types of Feed & How to Feed Gurame Fish Properly

One of the success factors gouramy fish farming is to know how to feed the right carp. For example, the protein levels needed by carp.

Carp is one of the fisheries commodities with quite a lot of enthusiasts and is spread throughout Indonesia. Almost all people in Indonesia like this freshwater fish. Therefore, it is not surprising that the carp cultivation business is very tempting.

However, you need to remember that success in cultivation is when you get a crop with the ideal fish weight. To get it, you must know the composition of the carp feed and how to feed it. Here is the full explanation.

Composition of Gurame Fish Feed

Factory-produced carp feed is widely recommended because it is easy to obtain and the method of administration is very easy, it only needs to be spread. However, it turns out that only giving factory-made feed is not recommended because it will make the carp meat so soft. Therefore, the ideal composition of carp feed is the provision of feed containing animal and vegetable protein.

The ideal protein content for carp brooders ranges from 25-28% and 750 mg/kg of vitamin E to speed up the recovery of female carp and increase her productivity, because carp female carp takes about 3 months to produce eggs.

For vegetable feed, you can use forage noodles which include sente leaves, cassava leaves, sweet potato leaves, taro leaves, kelad leaves, tofu dregs, bran, papaya leaves, bean meal, cassava leaves, kale, and aquatic plants or plants. young land. As for administering complex enzymes to feed, you can provide a mixture of animal and vegetable feeds as much as 2%/kg.

Based on the experience of professional farmers, plant-based feeding can be given when the seeds are approximately 3.5 years old or when they are the size of a match. The right feed for carp seeds namely sente leaves or a kind of taro.

Feeding for carp enlargement process depends on the size of the fish. The following is a list of carp feed compositions based on their size, including:

  1. Gourami fish measuring 3-5 cm require feed with a protein content of 38%.
  2. Gourami fish measuring 5-15 cm require feed with a protein content of 22-28%.
  3. Gourami fish measuring more than 15 cm require feed with a protein content of 24-28%.

How to Feed the Right Gurame Fish

How to give carp feed 2 times a day ie in the morning and evening. The dose of artificial feed in the form of pellets is given in the range of 1-3% per day from the weight of the biomass. Meanwhile, for providing vegetable or forage feed, you can provide feed with a dose of 1-2% per day of biomass weight with a frequency of providing forage once a day.

Then, there are a number of things you need to pay attention to regarding feeding. The first is the amount of feed in the morning and evening is different. Usually more feeding in the afternoon than in the morning.

Then how to provide the feed, you should spread the feed for the carp little by little. Finally, the feed dose will increase as the weight of the carp biomass increases. You can do sampling to find out the average weight of carp. Do sampling once every 2 weeks.

Tips for choosing the right carp feed, including:

  1. Choose artificial feed products (pellets) that have guaranteed testimonials from fellow cultivators.
  2. Pay attention to the composition of the carp feed written on the package.
  3. Choose feed based on needs, whether feed for the hatchery or enlargement process. This is because the type of feed will be related to the size of the pellets and the age of the fish and the texture of the pellets which are soft, coarse, large or medium in size.
  4. Pay attention to the quality of packaging or feed packaging bags. Choose feed that has good packaging and is not torn or has holes.
  5. Carefully read the expiration date.

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Questions About How to Feed Gurame Fish

How to feed carp 2 times a day, namely in the morning and evening. The dose of artificial feed in the form of pellets is given in the range of 1-3% per day from the weight of the biomass. Meanwhile, for providing vegetable or forage feed, you can provide feed with a dose of 1-2% per day of biomass weight with a frequency of providing forage once a day.

The way to feed the carp is to feed it 2 times a day, namely in the morning and in the evening. The dose of feeding in the afternoon is more than in the morning. Then also provide vegetable feed or forage feed 1 time a day.
