Cultivating tilapia in stagnant water is a method of cultivating tilapia in still water ponds without using an aerator. This cultivation method is starting to get a lot of attention from cultivators because it is considered capable of reducing operational costs, especially electricity costs, if your cultivation location is far enough from a water source.
Tilapia cultivation itself is a cultivation business that has quite promising business prospects. This is because you can start this business with minimal capital because the fish seeds are easy to find, the market segmentation is quite broad because many people like tilapia, and the selling price for tilapia is quite stable.
One way to reduce the operational costs of tilapia cultivation is to cultivate tilapia in stagnant water. That way, you can save electricity consumption.
Tips for Successful Tilapia Cultivation in Non-Flowing Water
Untuk melakukan budidaya ikan nila tanpa aerator, Bapak/Ibu perlu mencari tahu terlebih dulu faktor-faktor penting dalam berbudidaya ikan nila, termasuk jenis ikan nila seperti apa yang bisa dibudidayakan di dalam kolam tenang. Berikut ini tips dan cara budidaya ikan nila di air tidak mengalir.
1. Making Cultivation Ponds
The ideal pond used as a medium for cultivating tilapia in a quiet pond is an earthen pond measuring 500-1,000 m2 with a depth of 0.5-1 m. The location of the pond itself must be in an area that is easily exposed to sunlight to help create oxygen in the water so that photosynthesis occurs in the pond.
In addition, you can make drainage on the side of the pond with a filter made of bamboo, wire or net. The drainage is made with a width of 50-200 cm and a depth of 20-50 cm.
2. Selection of Tilapia Fish Seeds
The main factor that needs to be considered when choosing tilapia seeds for cultivation in still water ponds is the fish seeds from tilapia brooders which are placed in spawning ponds without an aerator. That way, these tilapia seedlings are used to living in still water pools since they were still larvae.
If it is difficult to find tilapia seeds that are used to living in pools of still water, then the solution is to look for tilapia seeds that are 1 finger in size or about 8-12 cm.Â
The size of the seed must fit 1 finger. If it turns out that the tilapia seedlings are more than 1 finger in size, it is feared that the seedlings will find it difficult to adapt in still water ponds without an aerator. Instead of risking mass death of the seeds, it is better for you to pay attention to the size of the tilapia seeds.
3. Stocking density

The next factor that must be considered when cultivating tilapia in stagnant water is stocking density or stocking density. Ideally, the maximum number of fish in still water ponds is 50 fish/m³. Nevertheless, you need to readjust the number of seeds you stocked to avoid oxygen starvation.
You can start sowing seeds of 20-25 heads/m³ first and see their condition. If possible, you can add the seeds back in stages while monitoring the condition of the tilapia seedlings.
4. The Process of Changing Pool Water
Even though you don't need an aerator and the location of the pond is strategic to get sunlight so that oxygen can be created in the water, you still need to change the pool water regularly because tilapia seedlings still need a new supply of oxygen.
To find out the right time to change the water in the tilapia pond, you need to pay attention to the condition of the fish in the pond. If during the day the tilapia begin to rise and appear on the surface of the pond, then at that time the tilapia will lack oxygen. Especially at night, the tilapia's oxygen demand is even higher. Therefore, if you find these symptoms, immediately change the tilapia pool water.
5. Seeding Feed

Proses pembibisan pakan ikan nila ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memaksimalkan penyerapan nutrisi di dalam kandungan pakan pelet. Pasalnya, pelet ikan yang keras bisa menghambat pencernaan sehingga nutrisinya sulit terserap dengan sempurna.
In fact, to optimize growth, tilapia seeds need pellets that are rich in good nutritional content. Therefore, you can mix the pellets with probiotics and vitamins specifically for fish farming.
Even though you hope that tilapia can grow big in a short time, farmers are prohibited from overfeeding fish. If you spread the feed excessively, the remaining uneaten feed will settle to the bottom of the pond and accumulate so that it becomes a source of ammonia.
6. Ammonia disposal
The last step that must be considered when cultivating tilapia in stagnant water is to remove the ammonia that appears due to the remaining feed residue. If left for a long time, ammonia can interfere with growth and is harmful to all animals, including tilapia.
Instead of taking the risk that all tilapia will die simultaneously, it's better for you to regularly check the ammonia and throw it away. The way to get rid of the ammonia is to suck it up using a pump through the sewer.
Beli Pakan Ikan Nila Berkualitas di eFishery Pakai Kabayan
Hal utama yang perlu diperhatikan untuk meningkatkan bobot tubuh bibit ikan nila supaya cepat besar adalah pemberian pakan yang kaya akan nutrisi baik seperti protein. Sekarang, pakan yang kaya akan nutrisi tersebut bisa Bapak/Ibu beli di eFishery pakai Kabayan.
Kabayan (Love, Pay Later) menyediakan akses ke lembaga finansial aman dan diawasi OJK yang memudahkan pembelian pakan. Dengan Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang prosesnya cepat dan persyaratannya mudah.
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Questions about how to cultivate tilapia in non-flowing water
Tilapia fish, especially tilapia fingerlings, can live and grow in still water ponds without an aerator.
The first method of cultivating tilapia in stagnant water is to pay attention to the construction of the pond, determine which tilapia seeds are suitable for cultivation in still water, determine the appropriate stocking density, change the pond water regularly, carry out seeding of feed, and carry out ammonia disposal.