cara budidaya ikan gurame agar cepat besar
cara budidaya ikan gurame agar cepat besar

This is how to cultivate carp to grow big fast

Hello, Mr/Mrs Cultivators! Do you already know how to cultivate carp to grow up fast? Cultivating carp does require patience.

This is because the average carp takes 1 year to reach a weight ready for harvest. When compared with other freshwater fish, carp is losing quickly. However, there are still many cultivators who are interested in cultivating carp because of the high selling price.

To find out how to raise carp fast, let's see the article below!

Gurame Fish Cultivation Stage in 1 Cycle

Mengingat prosesnya yang lama, budidaya ikan gurame membutuhkan kesabaran dan ketekunan. Budidaya ikan gurame harus dilakukan dengan efektif agar bisa menghasilkan keuntungan serta panen yang melimpah. Untuk mengetahui tahapan budidaya gurame, simak cara-cara berikut!

1. Preparation of Gurame Fish Cultivation Tools

Before starting to cultivate carp, you should prepare the tools needed during the cultivation cycle. These tools are divided into 2 types based on their function, namely tools used for raising fish and for harvesting fish.

In the maintenance process, the tools you need are:

  • Net
  • Waring
  • Ha ha
  • Seser
  • Several buckets
  • Basins of various sizes
  • Small and large scale scales
  • Hoe
  • Sickle
  • Knife
  • Secchi disc

Meanwhile, the tools that will be used to harvest carp include:

  • Anco
  • Net
  • Scoopnet fine
  • Panglembangan sieve with a diameter of 100 cm and penandean sieve with a diameter of 5 cm
  • A place to store fish
  • Fish bus
  • kekaban
  • Hapa from tricote fabric
  • Oblok

2. Preparation of Gurame Fish Pond

To avoid the pool from dust and pollution, you must choose the right pool location. The location of the pool must be in a strategic place away from industrial areas and major highways.

In addition, the location of the pond must receive direct sunlight at a temperature range of 26-28 °C so that the carp grow optimally. You can make a tarpaulin, earth or cement pond measuring 8 x 10 x 1 m. Keep in mind, you are also advised to add 200 grams of agricultural lime per meter of pond.

3. Selection of Gurame Fish Seeds

It is common knowledge that superior carp seeds are one of the factors for successful cultivation. The characteristics of superior carp seeds include moving agilely, having a high appetite, and not having wounds all over their bodies. Generally, good seeds weigh about 100 grams with a size of about 2 cm.

4. Process of Enlargement of Gurame Fish

During the rearing process, you need to maintain the quality of the water so that the carp don't get sick. Create good water circulation so that water quality is maintained. Apart from that, you can also add water hyacinth to prevent excessive sunlight from entering the pond.

5. Process of Harvesting Gurame Fish

In order for the carp harvesting process to be optimal, you should prepare the tools mentioned above. If all the tools are ready, it's time for you to look for potential carp buyers, you can from the features Fish Stall that's in the app eFisheryKu, markets and restaurants.

Thus, the carp is still fresh when it reaches the buyer. In addition, it is also important to carry out a sorting process to ensure that only quality carp are sold.

How to Cultivate Gurame Fish to Grow Big Fast

Gouramy is a fish that grows slower than other fresh fish. This is because the cultivation process is still simple. Farmers usually do not optimally feed carp, only taro and market waste such as caisim leaves.

In addition, there are many factors that are ignored by cultivators, such as seed quality, environment, and stocking density. This causes stunted growth of carp. Come on, find out together how to cultivate carp so that it grows up fast!

1. Choose the Right Type of Gurame Fish

Pemilihan jenis ikan gurame yang tepat menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan pertumbuhan ikan gurame. Ikan gurame soang atau angsa merupakan ikan gurame yang cepat besar.

If in general carp reach harvest-ready weight within 1 year, goose carp can reach harvest-ready weight (500 gr) in 9 months. In fact, if you cultivate it longer, this type of carp can reach a weight of 8 kg with a length of 65 cm. 

Besides being able to grow faster, carp which are often found in West Java can produce as many as 5,000-7,000 eggs per brood. Soang carp or also commonly called goose carp has a slightly protruding head like a goose, and a long, flat body shape with a combination of black and white. The tail of the soang carp has a reddish color when it is under 1 year old.

2. Pay attention to fish comfort in the pond

In order to grow faster, carp fish need a large pond so they can move freely. The more it moves, the faster the carp grows. 

Carp is a fish that doesn't really like sunlight. If it is directly exposed to sunlight, the carp becomes stressed. Therefore, you need water hyacinth, lotus leaves, or tarpaulin to protect the pond from sunlight.

Before you spread carp seeds into the cultivation pond, you are advised to dry the pond first. Ponds that are drained beforehand can protect the carp from diseases, such as fungal diseases that will stick to the body of the carp. For that, dry the pool for 10 days, sprinkle the pool with lime, and soak pool equipment with chlorinated water.

3. Perform Intensive Monitoring of Fish

Intensive monitoring is important to do because you can find out the condition of the fish. If you see a carp that has a disease, it's best to separate the fish from the healthy fish. Soak the fish in water mixed with a salt solution of 20 mg per liter of water for one hour.

Diseases in carp can be caused by poor pond management. That way, you are advised to replace the pool water and improve the quality of the pool water. If the carp disease is caused by excessive plankton growth in the pond, reduce the addition of organic matter in the pond.

Feeding Tips for Gurame Fish

pemberian pakan ikan gurame
Source: eFishery

Gurame fish require quality feed during the cultivation period. To meet the nutrients needed by carp, you are advised to provide pellets that contain lots of animal protein and vegetable protein. Protein will make carp grow big fast. Choose pellets that contain as much as 25-30% protein.

The recommended pellet type is floating pellets. Floating pellets will make it easier for carp to eat them. Floating pellets should be given 2 times per day in the morning and evening.

In addition to pellets, it is also recommended that you give boiled corn as additional fish feed. Boiled corn is considered capable of accelerating the maturity of carp gonads. The recommended amount of corn on the cob is 3-5% of the body weight of the fish.

Kembangkan Budidaya Ikan Gurame Pakai Kabayan dari eFishery!

Ikan gurame merupakan ikan yang paling digemari masyarakat Indonesia karena kelezatan dagingnya dan keberagaman olahannya. Berkat hal tersebut, ikan ini makin diminati masyarakat dan permintaannya tidak pernah berhenti. Untuk itu, akan sangat rugi jika bisnis budidaya ikan gurame Bapak/Ibu berjalan di tempat tanpa ada peningkatan produksi.

Jangan khawatir, eFishery Have Kabayan (Love, Pay Later) yang bisa membantu Bapak/Ibu untuk mengembangkan bisnis ikan gurame. Kabayan (Love, Pay Later) merupakan penyedia akses ke institusi finansial yang aman dan diawasi OJK. Dengan Kabayan, Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang prosesnya cepat dan persyaratannya mudah.

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