perbedaan penyakit bwss dan wssv pada udang
perbedaan penyakit bwss dan wssv pada udang

Very Similar, This is the Difference between BWSS & WSSV in Shrimp!

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Sangga Sulistyo
Sangga Sulistyo

Praktisi Aquaculture

Mr / Mrs Farmers may be familiar with white spot disease, namely WSSV in shrimp. However, not all white spot diseases are WSSV, you know! There is also a BWSS with similar characteristics. So, do you know the difference between BWSS and WSSV?

BWSS (Bacterial White Spot Syndrome) and WSSV (White Spot Syndrome Virus) in shrimp both cause white spots to appear on the shrimp shell. However, the causes of the two are very different. There are those that can cause mass death, there are also those that only attack the external organs of the shrimp. Come on, read more in this article!

What is BWSS Disease?

ilustrasi penyakit white spot udang
Source: Aqua Connect

BWSS or Bacterial White Spot Syndrome is a molting disorder that causes the growth of bacteria such as Chinoclastic bacteria in the shrimp shell. The main cause that triggers the emergence of BWSS in shrimp is bacteria Bacilliform And Hey bacillus. Meanwhile, bacteria such as F. odoratum, Shewanella, And Vibrio cholerae is a secondary cause. In some cases, BWSS may also result from exposure to high pH and alkalinity in the absence of white spot viruses or bacterial colonization. Use of probiotics containing B. subtilis also suspected to be the trigger for the emergence of BWSS.

The mortality rate caused by BWSS in shrimp is not too high because BWSS is not a disease that attacks the internal organs of shrimp. BWSS only infects the external organs of shrimp such as shells.

What is WSSV Disease?

ilustrasi white spot virus di udang
Source: The Fish Site

White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) is a virus that also causes white spot disease in shrimp. Since it was first detected in Taiwan in 1992, this white spot disease has spread globally. WSSV has the potential to cause total mortality in shrimp populations in ponds. This disease usually infects shrimp aged > 30 days. Shrimp infected with WSSV will have white spots with a diameter of 0.5-2 mm on the head.

When it gets worse, these white spots can spread all over the shrimp's body. In addition to having white spots, the body of the shrimp affected by WSSV will turn pale reddish. Not only that, the prawns also became weaker and their intestines were empty because they had no appetite.

The difference between BWSS and WSSV

tabel perbedaan bwss dan wssv

Although both are the cause of the appearance of white spots on the shrimp's body, BWSS and WSSV are different, you know, ladies and gentlemen! In general, WSSV infected shrimp is not found fouling organisms or attached aquatic animal/plant species. In many cases, shrimp infected with WSSV can also die within 3-7 days. This is because the white spots on WSSV are internal and interfere with calcium deposits in the shrimp's body.

Unlike WSSV, BWSS will bring fouling organisms which will later stick to the shell of the shrimp when the shrimp is infected. Shrimp infected with BWSS can still survive because the bacteria carried by BWSS can only destroy the chitin on the outer surface of the shrimp shell. BWSS will also disappear by itself during molting.

Even though they both have white spots on their shells, the white spots caused by WSSV are different from those caused by BWSS. WSSV white patches are denser and easily visible on the cuticle surface of live shrimp. Meanwhile, BWSS white patches are only visible on the cuticle that is about to molt. When examined with a light microscope, BWSS does not carry viruses or intranuclear inclusions into the body of the shrimp. Meanwhile, WSSV carries a virus that infects shrimp.

How to Handling BWSS and WSSV Diseases

To deal with BWSS in shrimp, you can use several maintenance methods. Preventing the arrival of BWSS can be avoided by reducing the density of bacteria in pond water. The trick is to replace pond water regularly. For this matter, you can consult directly with an Aquaculture expert.

WSSV, which can cause mass mortality in shrimp, is more difficult to handle than BWSS. Shrimp that have been infected with WSSV can transmit it very easily to other shrimp and eventually cause mass death. For this reason, you must identify it early. If the shrimp in the ponds experience symptoms due to WSSV, immediately have the shrimp checked by an expert and separate them from other shrimp.

You can also harvest prematurely so as not to exacerbate the losses caused by WSSV. However, shrimp that have been infected with WSSV must still be discarded because these shrimp are no longer fit for human consumption.

WSSV is indeed difficult to cure, but WSSV can be prevented with Aqua C Fish Plus and Coforta A products. Aqua C Fish Plus is a feed additives Contains Vitamin C to boost the immune system (immunostimulant) and antioxidants. If the shrimp's immune system increases, the shrimp will be more resistant to disease so that their growth performance is good. 

Apart from Aqua C Fish Plus, you can also use Coforta A to increase metabolism, growth, and reduce stress on shrimp. Coforta A which is a feed supplement contains butaphosphan and vitamin B12 which are useful for boosting the immune system. You can also use Coforta A to restore the health of the shrimp after shock effect due to environmental changes.

Atasi BWSS & WSSV pada Udang dengan Konsultasi Budidaya di eFarm

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An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Just like the proverb, preventing BWSS and WSSV in shrimp is better than treating them. Moreover, shrimp affected by WSSV is difficult to cure and can cause mass death.

Untuk mencegah udang dari jangkitan BWSS dan WSSV, Bapak/Ibu bisa berkonsultasi bersama Ahli Budidaya melalui fitur Cultivation Consultation from eFarm. There are many professional aquaculture experts and shrimp farmers who are ready to discuss with you in person online, sehingga Bapak/Ibu memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pendampingan FREE dalam mengelola budidaya udang.

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Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture
Sangga Sulistyo - Praktisi Aquaculture

Sangga adalah praktisi Aquaculture yang memulai karirnya pada tahun 2003 dan sekarang menjadi Technical Support Manager eFishery untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Questions Regarding the Differences in BWSS and WSSV Diseases in Shrimp

The difference between BWSS and WSSV lies in fouling organisms or the species of animal/aquatic plant that attaches, the possibility of being cured, the cause of the attack, and the appearance of white spots.

BWSS can be overcome by changing the water, adjusting the density of bacteria. While WSSV is indeed difficult to cure, WSSV can be prevented with vitamins or shrimp supplements.
