budidaya udang vaname di kolam terpal
budidaya udang vaname di kolam terpal

Cultivating Vaname Shrimp in a Tarpaulin Pool, This is the Way to Success!

Halo Bapak/Ibu Petambak! Apakah Bapak/Ibu tahu jika dalam budidaya udang vaname, ada 3 jenis kolam yang bisa Bapak/Ibu pilih untuk digunakan? Ketiga jenis kolam tersebut adalah kolam tanah, kolam semen, dan kolam terpal.

Among the three, tarpaulin ponds are usually used for cultivation in order to save capital and generate more profits. Come on, see this article to find out how to cultivate vannamei shrimp in a tarpaulin pond!

Characteristics of Vaname Shrimp

udang vaname
Source: eFishery

Before knowing the advantages and ways of cultivating vannamei shrimp in tarpaulin ponds, let's get to know this white shrimp first, ladies and gentlemen!

Vaname shrimp or white shrimp come from subtropical areas, namely on the west coast of America to Peru. Vaname shrimp began to be cultivated in Indonesia after tiger prawns experienced a decrease in production due to deteriorating environmental quality.

The white vannamei shrimp skin is very thin and the body is knuckled. As for the size, vannamei shrimp are relatively smaller when compared to other types such as jebug, pancet, or lobster. This shrimp is included as one of the shrimp that has a high export volume which is almost on par with tiger prawns and other types.

Advantages of Vaname Shrimp Cultivation in Tarpaulin Ponds

budidaya udang vaname dikolam terpal
Source: eFishery

Many shrimp farmers prefer to cultivate using tarpaulin ponds because they are considered cheaper and more economical. Even so, tarpaulin pools are no less efficient than other types of ponds.

Tarpaulin pool construction only takes a short time, unlike concrete ponds. Tarpaulin pools are also considered more durable, can be used for up to 10 years.

How to Cultivate Vaname Shrimp in a Tarpaulin Pool

1. Preparation for Vaname Shrimp Cultivation

The earliest step that must be carried out in vannamei shrimp cultivation is to choose a cultivation location. You can adjust the location for shrimp farming according to your needs.

Choose a quiet but strategic location that can be accessed by four-wheeled vehicles. A quiet location away from industrial and urban areas is needed so that the quality of the water used for cultivation is maintained.

After determining the location for cultivation, what you can do is prepare the tools and materials for cultivation. Because in this case you want to use a tarpaulin pool, the most important thing to prepare is the tarpaulin. The bottom of the ground or tarpaulin pool walls can be earth.

So that the tarpaulin does not leak when it is placed over the pond with an earthen bottom, it is recommended that you bury the edges of the tarpaulin used. After making sure that there are no leaks, you can prepare complete facilities for the cultivation pond, such as making drains.

Drains are useful for maintaining water clarity without having to drain it. Water channels are also useful for improving air circulation, so that vannamei shrimp can grow and develop properly.

2. Selection and Distribution of Vaname Shrimp Benur

Vannamei shrimp fry that are suitable for cultivation must be healthy, certified, and have a minimum size of 0.8 cm. In addition, fry also have to adapt to the temperature of the pond. Due to their cannibalistic nature, fry stocking density must be considered. Ideally fry are stocked at a density of 50-100 tails/.

3. Vaname Shrimp Feeding

Feed is a component that costs a lot. Therefore, feed must be regulated properly so that farmers do not suffer losses. For vaname shrimp, feed is divided into 3 types, namely flour feed (for shrimp aged <15 days), granule/crumble feed (for shrimp aged 16-45 days), and pellets (for shrimp aged 46-120 days).

4. Treatment of Water and Tarpaulin Pools

In order for the vannamei shrimp to grow properly, you are advised to maintain the temperature, pH level, and oxygen content in the water. The ideal pH level for vannamei shrimp maintenance is 7.0-8.5. In this range, shrimp can experience optimal growth. Meanwhile, to increase the oxygen level in the tarpaulin pond water, you can use a waterwheel and place it on the surface of the water.

The water in the tarpaulin pool is also recommended to be replaced periodically. Substitution of pool water is carried out after the shrimp pond is 60 days old, and only 10% of the pool water volume is filled. After that, you can increase the volume of water to 15–20%.

5. Harvest Vaname Shrimp

Before harvesting, pond water should be given lime to prevent molting (shell replacement process) during harvest. Harvesting is done when the shrimp weigh 16-20 grams/head or are 3-4 months old. To maintain quality, harvesting can be done in whole (total harvest) or in part (partial harvest) using nets.

Budidaya Udang Vaname Lebih Mudah dengan eFarm

Kini budidaya udang vaname akan jadi lebih mudah dengan eFisheryeFishery merupakan aplikasi andalan para petambak karena memiliki banyak fitur dan produk yang dapat mendukung keberhasilan budidaya udang Bapak/Ibu. Salah satunya adalah fitur Cultivation Consultation yang memberikan akses untuk berkonsultasi dan berdiskusi langsung dengan ahli budidaya.

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  • https://jfmr.ub.ac.id/index.php/jfmr/article/view/208/209#:~:text=Kisaran%20nilai%20pH%20yang%20optimal,reaksi%20kimia%20di%20dalam%20air.
  • https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309957125_PEMANFAATAN_BIOFLOK_PADA_BUDIDAYA_UDANG_VANAME_Litopenaeus_vannamei_INTENSIF
  • https://indo-digital.com/cara-budidaya-udang-vaname.html
  • https://kkp.go.id/an-component/media/upload-gambar-pendukung/DJPB_BBPBAP%20JEPARA/Juknis%20Udang%20Vaname.pdf
  • https://www.isw.co.id/post/2020/04/03/mengenal-3-jenis-pakan-untuk-udang-vanamehttps://hinyong.com/cara-budidaya-udang-vaname-air-tawar-di-kolam-terpal/