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Must Try: Eel Cultivation with Export Opportunities!

Cultivating eels is one of the big potential income generators for you. Eel is very popular in Japan, known as unagi, so it has export potential.

Did you know, in Indonesia there are 7 types of eel out of a total of 18 species in the world. This eel, which at first glance looks like an eel, also has a high price.

For a kilo, the price of eel can reach Rp. 200,000-300,000. Even in Japan the price of eel is fantastic, the price per kg of eel chicks once reached USD 35,000 which if converted to Rp. 505,000,000.

Interesting isn't it, Mr/Mrs? In this article, we will thoroughly examine eel cultivation, starting from its opportunities, morphology, to how to cultivate eels. Let's see!

4 Eel Cultivation Business Opportunities

Cultivating eels is one type of fish that has great opportunities. In the following, we summarize 4 advantages and opportunities for cultivating eels.

1. High Price

It is undeniable that eel is a luxury dish that has a high price. The price of eel varies depending on the type which can range from IDR 200,000-300,000. Even if it is exported, the price can be even higher.

2. Huge Market Potential

Eel has a high export potential, especially to Japan and South Korea. The two countries are the biggest consumers of eel, importing up to 500,000 tons of eel per year. This number continues to grow due to increased demand.

3. Low Competitors

Eel cultivation has few competitors because the price is quite expensive, so many cultivators choose other types of fish that are easy to trade, such as carp, tilapia, and catfish. 

4. High Productivity

If you use superior eel seeds, they will only be kept for 5 months with weights ranging from 200-500 grams. Productivity is also quite high, with 1 ton of eel seed it can produce up to 5 tons of eel.

Eel Morphology

Before cultivating eels, of course you need to know the morphology of eels. In terms of shape, eels are quite similar to eels so you shouldn't be mistaken.

  • Body shape 

The eel has an elongated body shape covered with small scales. The arrangement of the scales is perpendicular to the length of the body which forms a mosaic pattern like woven batik.

  • Fin Shape

The fins of the eel on the anus are fused and shaped like fingers. While the chest consists of 14-18 fin rays.

  • Stomach and Back Shape

The eel has a belly that is yellow to silver in color. While the back is blackish brown. Eel also has mucus that coats its body.

  • Body size 

When small, eels are only a few millimeters long. However, after adulthood it can reach 160 cm in length with a diameter of approximately 7.5 cm. Usually consumers like eels with a size of 40-60 cm.

How to Cultivate Eel Fish

If you are interested in cultivating eels, you definitely want to know the steps for cultivating them. Here we summarize the easy and precise ways to cultivate eels.

1. Preparation of the Cultivation Pond

You need to be able to choose several types of pools such as earthen, concrete, and tarpaulin pools. You can choose this type of pool based on the funds and resources you have. However, keep in mind that circulation and aeration must be carried out for 24 hours.

2. Pool Water Quality

The optimum temperature for eel cultivation ranges from 28-32 degrees Celsius depending on the type of eel being cultivated. For example, for glass eel seeds, the optimal temperature is 28-31 degrees Celsius, while for elver seeds, the temperature is 29-32 degrees Celsius.

You also need to adjust the optimal pH in eel cultivation, namely at pH 7-8. pH measurement can be done with pH indicator paper which can be purchased at a chemist shop. 

If the water is too acidic, pH <7, you can make adjustments by adding lime. 

Furthermore, the level of oxygen in the water also needs to be considered. Optimal growth of eels has oxygen with a range of > 5 mg/L. Make sure your pond has a good aeration system.

If the quality of the pond water is maintained, your eel cultivation can be faster and optimal.

3. Selection of Eel Fish Seeds

The process of selecting eels is the main step that you need to pay attention to. Superior seeds will make your cultivation easier because the cultivation is faster and easier.

Unfortunately, the best fish seeds are obtained directly from nature because no one has been able to breed them yet. However, some Cultivators could find their seeds in stores on line.

4. Seed Dispersal

When spreading the seeds, you need to pay attention to the stocking density of the eels. For every liter of water, 20 eel seeds can be spread. Furthermore, the seeds are bred for 45-50 days to produce 500 fish/kg.

5. Enlargement Stage

The eel enlargement process can be carried out in a special enlargement pond until it weighs 0.3-0.5 kg per head. The stocking density is 5 individuals/m² with water change of 40% every three days.

At this stage you need to provide pellets with a protein content of at least 40%. 

6. Eel Fish Feeding

There are several types of feed for eels, namely natural and artificial feed. Several types of natural food such as blood worms, plankton, to silk worms. 

In addition, you can provide artificial feed such as pasta and pellets. Feeding with a dose of 2-4% from eel biomass with a frequency of 2 times a day, 40% in the morning and 60% in the evening.

7. Eel Harvest Period

You can harvest eels when they weigh 0.18-0.2 kg per head. During this process, you should do it carefully. Don't let the fish you catch get disabled and injured, even die. This can lower the price of eel.

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