budidaya ikan nila salin
budidaya ikan nila salin

Increasing Confidence in Copy Tilapia Cultivation

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Anggie Nur
Anggie Nur

Magister Bioteknologi

Tilapia is one of the favorite freshwater fish in Indonesia. The taste is delicious, the size is right, and the price is affordable, making this fish the fish most consumed by the public. Not surprisingly, Indonesia is the best tilapia producer in the world.

In addition to the popularity of tilapia among the public, tilapia is also a prima donna among consumption fish cultivators due to cheap capital and efficient feed. In fact, saline tilapia relatively has a better and stronger immune system against disease which is one of the causes of death in tilapia. 

Tilapia is also easy to adapt to the location of its cultivation, so tilapia can be cultivated in tarpaulin ponds, KJA, or earthen ponds. Tilapia, both red tilapia and black tilapia, also have the potential to be profitable for cultivation because these fish are able to adapt to various environmental conditions of salinity. From that potential, Salin Tilapia was born.

Tilapia has long been known as a freshwater fish that can survive and grow in water with a higher salt content than other freshwater fish. This characteristic has been used by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) to develop tilapia that is resistant to high salinity since 2008. The result is SALINA tilapia which can survive and grow in water with a salinity of 20 ppt.

Salin tilapia is a superior type of tilapia that has undergone gradual adjustment during its larval growth period so that it can live in brackish water with a salinity of 20 ppt. Besides being able to live in water with a higher salt content, Salin Tilapia also has a faster growth rate than other varieties of Tilapia. Common tilapia takes 4-5 months to reach harvest size, while Salin Tilapia can be harvested within 3 months. 

Salin Tilapia also has a more savory taste than freshwater Tilapia, because Salin Tilapia grows in brackish water which has a high salt content. Therefore, Salin Tilapia is a favorite among HOREKA entrepreneurs. The texture of Tilapia Salin meat is very popular with world consumers, so that FAO calls it the "Chicken of the Water" because of the white color of the meat.

Currently, the cultivation of large-scale saline tilapia is only in Pati Regency, Prov. Central Java and East Jabung Regency, Prov. Jambi. For cultivators in Central Java, West Java and Banten, saline tilapia seeds can be obtained from several government agencies such as BBPBAP Jepara and BPBAPL Karawang. 

When cultivating saline tilapia, spread the seeds at a density of 15-20 fish per square meter. Feeding saline tilapia is the same as feeding tilapia, namely with a dose of 3% body weight, divided into 3-5 times in one day.

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Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi
Anggie Nur - Magister Bioteknologi

Anggie merupakan lulusan sarjana dan magister bioteknologi serta memiliki pengalaman riset di dunia perikanan khususnya udang

  • https://kkp.go.id/djpb/artikel/5668-pembudidaya-nila-salin-raup-untung-bersih-minimal-10-juta-per-bulan 
  • http://ojs.unanda.ac.id/index.php/wallacea/article/view/583
  • http://trobosaqua.com/detail-berita/2018/08/08/56/10535/budidaya-nila-salin-lebih-menguntungkan
  • http://www.bibitikan.net/mengenal-ikan-nila-salin-nila-srikandi-yang-tahan-di-air-asin/ 
  • https://www.mongabay.co.id/2018/09/06/budidaya-ikan-nila-salin-terapkan-prinsip-berkelanjutan-seperti-apa/