budidaya ikan mujair
budidaya ikan mujair

Mujair Fish Cultivation Tips for Beginners!

Tilapia fish cultivation is very popular among cultivators in Indonesia because this fish only takes 3-4 months to reach the harvest cycle. That way, you can harvest several times a year. The cultivation process is also not difficult if you do it with the right tips.

Come on, check out this article to find tilapia fish farming tips for a quick harvest!

Characteristics and Body Shape of Mujair Fish

Tilapia fish has a flat body shape with a maximum length of 40 cm. The mujair fish's mouth is in the shape of a snout with a fairly large size. This fish also has a long dorsal fin with a hard and sharp front that resembles a thorn.

This dull green, yellowish or gray fish also has 9 vertical lines on its sides. The 9 vertical stripes of tilapia fish are dark in color and are from the gill cover to the base of the tail. This fish usually lives in fresh water or brackish water with a temperature of around 25-30 degrees Celsius.

Mujair Fish Cultivation Cycle

1. Selection and Spread of Seeds

The first stage that must be carried out in the tilapia fish cultivation cycle is the selection and distribution of seeds. You can get tilapia fish seeds by buying them directly at the seed shop or doing the spawning yourself. Spawning is done by mating adult male and female tilapia fish.

However, keep in mind that spawning requires a lot of time and special skills to produce quality seeds. You are advised to buy seeds directly at a trusted seed shop so that cultivation can be carried out immediately.

The right time to spread the seeds into the pond is morning or evening. This is done to reduce stress on the seedlings which will increase if sown during the day. Tilapia seeds that are ready to be cultivated are usually 1.5 months old or 8-12 cm in size with a weight of ± 15-20 grams per head.

2. Enlargement of Mujair Fish

After selecting and stocking the seeds, you will enter the fish rearing process. At this stage you must determine the type of feed, water treatment, and pond maintenance. Tilapia fish can be raised by means of polyculture or monoculture.

The polyculture enlargement method is carried out by combining mujair fish with goldfish, tawes fish, and carp in 1 pond. As for the monoculture enlargement method, you must separate the male and female tilapia fish in different ponds.

3. Harvesting Mujair Fish Cultivation

After the enlargement stage is complete, it's time for you to enter the harvest stage. The average weight of tilapia fish that are ready for harvest is 30-45 grams per head. To reach this weight, mujair takes 3-4 months.

However, you can adjust the size of the fish according to market demand when you want to do the harvesting process. Harvesting is done in the morning when the weather is not hot scoopnet smooth. Harvest quickly and carefully to avoid injury to the fish. 

Tips for Successful Mujair Fish Cultivation

1. Feeding Tips

You are not advised to give tilapia fish feed in the form of factory-made pellets. Because tilapia fish is known as a fish that requires a lot of food to be full. Meanwhile, factory-made pellets have a relatively high price so that it will increase production costs and reduce profits.

To save on feed costs, give tilapia fish food in the form of natural household leftovers such as kale leaves, cabbage or carrots. If you still want to use pellets, make pellets as additional feed only.

Tilapia fish that have just been stocked into ponds should be fed as much as 10–20% of fish weight, while adult tilapia fish are fed as much as 5% of fish weight. For the time of feeding, you are advised to provide feed 2-3 times per day.

2. Pool Care Tips

Before the pool is used, you are advised to do the calcification first. Liming aims to kill germs and diseases at the bottom of the pond. Don't forget to sprinkle fertilizer to grow natural food for fish.

After the lime and fertilizer have been sprinkled, you can fill the pond with clean, uncontaminated and non-toxic water. To accelerate the growth of tilapia, you can change the pool water every 2 or 3 days by removing 20–30% of water. Replace discarded water with fresh water.

In addition, you also need to clean up leftover feed or dirt that has settled at the bottom of the pond so that the dirt doesn't poison the fish. Then, to increase the oxygen level in the pool water, add 1 wheel over the pool per pool.

Mujair fish are usually popularly cultivated in tarpaulin ponds with a water depth of 75-100 cm. Tarpaulin ponds are used because of their relatively low cost and simple construction. Usually, the volume of water in the tarpaulin pool quickly decreases, therefore you have to check it regularly and add water to the appropriate volume.

3. Pest and Disease Prevention Tips

Diseases and pests are things that can inhibit the growth of tilapia fish. Here are ways to anticipate the arrival of diseases and pests:

  • Dry the bottom of the pond after every harvest
  • Do not spread the seeds excessively beyond the capacity of the pond
  • Provides a pond with one water entrance with a parallel system
  • Give adequate feed in quality and quantity
  • Sow the seeds carefully
  • Do not let animals such as birds, snails and millipedes enter the pond

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