budidaya ikan konsumsi
budidaya ikan konsumsi

Do you want to start cultivating fish for consumption? Check Here!

Cultivating consumption fish is one way to get fish for human consumption as a food source. Cultivation of consumption fish is one of the efforts to provide food needs as a source of protein.

Sources of protein from fish are increasing day by day, in line with increasing public awareness about the importance of the nutritional content of fish. This could be a promising opportunity for consumption fish farming due to the high demand for consumption fish.

Are you interested in starting a consumption fish farming business? Come on, check out this article to find out how to start successful consumption fish farming! 

Business Potential for Fish Cultivation for Consumption in Indonesia

In Indonesia, consumption fish cultivation business trends are increasingly popular. The need for consumption fish in the market from time to time is increasing. This makes the cultivation business more profitable.

However, the number of fish cultivators is still relatively small, so fish stocks on the market are very minimal. Entering the consumption fish farming business has very good potential because consumption fish is easy to cultivate.

Currently, fish farming is increasingly being carried out by fish cultivators because the need for fish consumption is increasing every year. In fact, national fish consumption in 2020 will reach 56.39 kg/capita. This figure increased by 3.47% compared to the previous year, which was 54.5 kg/capita. In addition, many culinary business actors, both tent stalls and star hotels, need a large supply of fish for consumption.

With the increasing need for consumption fish, of course you can pursue this profitable consumption fish farming business. Cultivation of consumption fish can be started with small land, such as ponds or yards. You no longer need to worry about the difficulties of cultivating consumption fish.

Types of Fish Consumption

There are many types of consumption fish that are easy to cultivate. What types of freshwater consumption fish are easy to cultivate? Let's see the review here!

1. Catfish

Ikan lele menjadi salah satu jenis ikan yang paling banyak dibudidayakan dan menjadi bisnis yang menguntungkan. Sebab, ikan ini memiliki banyak penggemar sehingga menyebabkan permintaan pasar terhadap ikan lele tergolong tinggi. Tak heran jika ikan ini memiliki banyak penggemar karena rasanya yang gurih dan lezat.

Apart from that, the emergence of more and more catfish pecel stalls and spread in various big cities has made catfish the target of some restaurant owners. The advantage of cultivating catfish is that the cultivation process is easy and the maintenance time is quite short. The growth process of catfish is relatively fast and the treatment method is not complicated because catfish have the ability to survive and adapt well so that they are able to adapt to their environment.

2. Tilapia

Kebutuhan ikan tidak pernah ada habisnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Usaha budidaya ikan nila merupakan usaha yang potensial karena banyak diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. The tilapia fish farming business is suitable for beginners because the cultivation method is quite easy and does not require large business capital. 

Tilapia is one of the favorite fish consumed by Indonesian people. The level of consumption of tilapia is very high, the average consumption of tilapia is 3.06 kg/month. Apart from that, the meat tastes delicious, the meat is relatively large, and the price is quite affordable, which is the reason people like this fish.

3. Gurame Fish

Saat ini, ikan gurame menjadi salah satu bahan makanan yang banyak dicari masyarakat. Ikan gurame banyak disukai karena memiliki daging yang gurih, enak, padat, dan duri-durinya besar sehingga mudah dimakan. Permintaan akan ikan ini di pasaran juga tinggi, membuat usaha budidaya ikan gurame sangat menguntungkan. 

In running the carp business there are advantages to be had, namely the price of carp is quite high, the mortality rate is low, the feed needed is small, and the number of carp on the market has not been fulfilled due to high market demand.

4. Pomfret

Bisnis budidaya ikan bawal juga berpotensi cukup menguntungkan. Banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang menyukai ikan ini karena memiliki rasa gurih, daging yang lembut, kaya nutrisi, dan cocok diolah dengan resep masakan apa saja menjadikan ikan bawal disukai oleh semua kalangan usia. Keuntungan dari bisnis budidaya ikan bawal ini tentu menghasilkan profit yang stabil tiap bulannya karena permintaan selalu meningkat. 

5. Goldfish

Budidaya ikan mas adalah bisnis yang populer karena ikan mas adalah salah satu komoditas ikan air tawar favorit warga Indonesia, sehingga permintaan pasarnya tidak pernah sepi. Ikan mas merupakan jenis ikan yang sangat suka makan. Hal ini membuat pertumbuhannya 5 kali lebih cepat dari ikan tawar lainnya.

In addition, many cultivators are interested in cultivating carp because it can live in various types of environments. The reasons why goldfish farming is profitable are broad market demand, easy to cultivate because it can spawn naturally without human assistance, high adaptability, easy feed because it can consume both natural and artificial feed, and high selling prices.

6. Catfish

Currently, catfish is one of the leading commodities in the fisheries sector. This grayish-white freshwater fish has a delicious, unique taste and is quite high in protein. This fish is safe for consumption because it has very low cholesterol content.

Budidaya ikan patin menjadi potensi bisnis yang menguntungkan karena permintaan pasar tinggi, jumlah konsumsi ikan patin terus meningkat, pemeliharaan cepat hanya sekitar 3-4 bulan sehingga biaya produksinya rendah namun harga jualnya tinggi di pasaran. Jadi, Bapak/Ibu dapat meraup untung besar.

7. Mujair Fish

Tak kalah dengan jenis ikan lainnya, ikan mujair merupakan ikan yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia sehingga memiliki peluang bisnis yang besar untuk dibudidayakan. Ikan ini memiliki rasa yang nikmat dan memiliki manfaat mengatasi obesitas serta mencegah kanker.

Many factors are the reasons why tilapia is very profitable, namely tilapia can be cultivated in minimal land with high stocking densities, tilapia is easy to market due to high demand, and is a fish with a high price in the market.

Preparation for starting a consumption fish farming business

The consumption fish farming business is one business that never dies. Considering that fish is a source of animal protein that is widely consumed in Indonesia, and the amount of fish consumption is increasing day by day. 

To start a fish farming business, you need to prepare a number of things, such as a special land for fish farming, the best fish seeds, feed, and the fish harvesting process. The important thing to remember in consuming fish farming is to be diligent in checking it every day. In addition, waste also needs to be considered because the accumulated waste will cause fish to become stressed and attacked by disease.

Tips for Successful Consumption Fish Cultivation Business

Before you start a consumption fish farming business, follow these tips!

1. Selection of the Best Fish Seeds

The initial factor that determines the success or failure of a cultivation process until the harvest season is approaching is the provision of quality and healthy fish seeds, so that the yield is in accordance with what is expected.

Here are tips on choosing quality fish seeds:

  • Pay attention to whether the fish fry are actively swimming in the water.
  • Choose seeds that are uniform in size.
  • Make sure the seeds are guaranteed quality and free from disease.

By relying on good quality aquatic fish seeds, you can shorten the cultivation period by 30% from the estimated harvest time that has been determined.

2. Selection of Fish Cultivation Media

In general, cultivating fish can use various cultivation media, such as tubs, ponds, ponds, and cages. The selection of the container to be used is of course based on the type of fish to be kept, the location of the cultivation, and the costs that are owned. However, each type of fish has treatments different ways, including choosing fish farming media.

3. Sow Fish According to Container Capacity

Before sowing fish seeds, you need to know the stocking density of fish seeds. Determination of stocking density provides benefits including:

  • Can determine the amount of feed to be given.
  • Optimizing the enlargement container in accordance with the carrying capacity of the enlargement container.
  • Reducing the incidence of disease.
  • Determine production targets at the end of maintenance.

Stocking density is a reference for the number of fish to be stocked in rearing ponds. The following is the formula for calculating the stocking density or the number of seeds that can be spread according to the size of the pond:

Stocking density = Number of Fish Stocked / Pool Area

4. Fish Care

Fish care is important. To care for fish, you need to pay attention to the current condition of the water in the cultivation container. Pay attention to how the condition of the water is, how often it has to be changed or pay attention to whether there is dirt in the container that comes from leftover feed.

Leftover feed has the potential to create bacteria that are not good for fish seeds. Also make sure the condition of the fish one by one to minimize the spread of pests and diseases that cause mass death in fish.

5. Fish Feed and Supplements

In general, the feeding of each type of fish is different. You need to know the feed rules for each type of fish. Provision of supplements or vitamins also has a certain dose for each fish.

If you always pay attention to the rules for feeding and supplements, the fish can grow well. Feed and supplements also affect the acceleration of fish growth. There are two methods of feeding, namely as full (ad satiation) and according to the calculation of feed requirements based on body weight (ad libitum).

The weight of the feed given to the method ad libitum is 3-5% body weight per day. Feed given 3-4 times a day. It should be noted that there are no leftover feed stored and settled in ponds or cultivation containers. This actually inhibits the growth of fish.

Kembangkan Bisnis Budidaya Ikan Konsumsi Bersama Kabayan

Bisnis ikan konsumsi merupakan bisnis yang permintaannya relatif makin meningkat setip tahunnya. Untuk itu, Bapak/Ibu perlu mengembangkan bisnis agar tidak tertinggal dari pesaing di bidang yang sama.

Mengembangkan bisnis budidaya ikan konsumsi bisa Bapak/Ibu lakukan dengan menggunakan Kabayan (Love, Pay Later) yang menyediakan akses ke institusi finansial terpercaya serta diawasi/berizin OJK. Bapak/Ibu bisa mendapatkan pakan berkualitas dengan sistem pembayaran tempo yang dapat dibayarkan setelah panen. Dengan proses cepat dan persyaratan mudah, budidaya ikan pun makin lancar pakai Kabayan.

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  • https://www.orami.co.id/magazine/jenis-ikan-konsumsihttps://www.berdesa.com/peluang-usaha-budidaya-ikan-konsumsi-yang-menguntungkan/
  • https://www.gramedia.com/best-seller/ikan-konsumsi-yang-mudah-dibudidaya/
  • https://jurnal.ummi.ac.id/index.php/agrifish/article/download/577/270/1176
  • https://databoks.katadata.co.id/datapublish/2021/10/18/konsumsi-ikan-nasional-naik-347-pada-2020