budidaya ikan gurame di kolam terpal
budidaya ikan gurame di kolam terpal

Ways and Tips for Successful Cultivating Gurame Fish in Tarpaulin Ponds

Yields of carp cultivation in tarpaulin ponds are not too different when compared to carp cultivation in other types of ponds, such as earthen ponds and concrete ponds. However, from a business perspective, cultivating carp in tarpaulin ponds has many advantages, especially from a financial and cultivation capital perspective.

A quite striking difference from the method of cultivating carp in tarpaulin ponds lies in the availability of cultivation land and water circulation. Cultivating tarpaulin pool gouramy can be done on limited land, for example the yard of a house, with a very affordable cost of making a pond.

For more details, here are the opportunities and analysis of carp cultivation in tarpaulin ponds, the advantages of carp farming in tarpaulin ponds, and how to cultivate carp in tarpaulin ponds.

Types of Gurame Cultivation Media

Before reviewing the cultivation of carp in tarpaulin ponds, let's review the various types of existing carp cultivation media. Each pool has its advantages and disadvantages. The following is the cultivation media for carp.

1. Tarpaulin Pool

Tarpaulin ponds are the most economical choice for fish ponds because they do not require high costs to build a pond. You only need to have a tarpaulin of a certain size and a strong pool support frame so it doesn't collapse easily.

Another advantage of using a tarpaulin pond for cultivating carp is that this type of pond can be disassembled and moved according to your wishes, making it more practical if you want to move the location of your cultivation.

2. Ground Pool

The advantage of using earthen ponds for carp cultivation is the creation of natural food for fish. However, ground pools also have drawbacks. 

This is because soil contains many organisms. However, not all of these organisms are good for carp. There are several organisms that can become pests for carp. For this reason, before sowing carp in an earthen pond, you need to carry out special treatment to kill organisms or pests that can interfere with the health of the carp.

3. Concrete Pool

The last choice of cultivation media is a concrete pond. This type of pool is also commonly referred to as a wall pool or cement pool. 

Because it is made from cement, the robustness of this pool is guaranteed, so it will not collapse. In addition, it is easier to make a water circulation system for entering and draining water than the other two cultivation media, because pipes are more easily installed in concrete pond types.

However, because the conditions in concrete ponds are very different from their natural habitat, carp tend to be more easily stressed when cultivated in concrete ponds. Gourami fish need to adapt to the smell and conditions of concrete ponds. Not only that, the cost of making a concrete pool is also more expensive than the previous two types of pools.

Gurame Fish Cultivation Business Opportunities in Tarpaulin Ponds

To start cultivating carp in a tarpaulin pond, you need around IDR 10-11 million in capital. The capital includes making tarpaulin fish ponds, 1,000-1,500 carp seeds, feed, to vitamins and medicines.

Assuming that within 8 months you can harvest carp with a success rate of 85 percent, the total number of fish that have successfully gone through the rearing process with perfect weight is 1,275 heads.

If the average weight of carp is 800 grams/head, then the total that has been successfully harvested reaches 1,020 kg. If you sell carp at a price of 40 thousand/kg, then the estimated income that you will get is around IDR 40.8 million. You have earned more than 2 times the profit. 

Advantages & Disadvantages of Cultivating Gurame Fish in Tarpaulin Ponds

Apart from being able to reduce the cost of making ponds and maintaining them, there are many advantages of cultivating carp in tarpaulin ponds, including:

  1. It does not require a large area so it can be done in the yard of the house.
  2. Making a practical and easy pond.
  3. The time for making cultivation ponds is much shorter.
  4. The cost of making a pond is cheaper than other types of carp cultivation ponds.
  5. Aquaculture ponds can be disassembled and moved.
  6. Tarpaulin pools can be placed on sandy soil.
  7. Cultivated carp will not smell of mud.
  8. The level of resistance and survival of gourami is higher because of the intensive monitoring system.
  9. It can be done even though it is difficult to get clean water.
  10. The process of enlarging and growing fish can be faster because of the intensive monitoring system.

Even though there seem to be many advantages, the business of cultivating carp in a tarpaulin pond also has some drawbacks that you need to pay attention to and find a solution so that it doesn't become a big problem. Following are the disadvantages of cultivating using tarpaulin ponds:

  1. Ponds are prone to leaks because the environment around the pond is punctured by nails, bitten by pests such as rats, or exposed to fish food.
  2. The pool is easily weathered because it is often exposed to rain.
  3. The age of use of the pool is very short, a maximum of 2 years.
  4. Requires special vitamins, minerals and nutrients, in contrast to soil pools which already contain good substances.
  5. Pool water smells faster.

Tips for Cultivating Gurame Fish in a Tarpaulin Pool

Beginner farmers are highly recommended to cultivate carp in tarpaulin ponds to minimize the swelling operational costs of cultivation or even possible losses. Before starting, find out first how to make a tarpaulin pond and how to cultivate carp in a tarpaulin pond that is correct and proper.

1. Determine the Size and Type of Tarpaulin Pool

The size of the cultivation pond depends on how much land is available. However, you need to pay attention that the narrow area of the cultivation pond will affect the stocking density of carp seeds. Also determine what type of tarpaulin pond will be used as a cultivation medium.

There are 4 types of tarpaulin pools, namely:

  • Tarpaulin pool with wood frame or pipe walls.
  • Tarpaulin pool with brick walls.
  • A combination of earthen pools and tarpaulin pools, where the tarpaulin is used as the base of the pool and the walls are made of earth.
  • A combination of concrete pools and tarpaulin pools, where the tarpaulin is used as the base for the pool and the walls are made of concrete/walls.

In addition to the 4 types of ponds previously mentioned, there are also several cultivators who cultivate carp in round tarpaulin ponds. Whatever type of tarpaulin pond you use, the most important thing is how you control and maintain the quality of the pond water so that the carp are protected from pests and diseases.

2. Techniques for Filling Water in Cultivation Ponds

Because tarpaulin is made of plastic, you should clean the tarpaulin before filling it with water so that certain chemicals contained in the plastic do not harm the carp. After the tarpaulin is clean, fill it with water up to a height of 75-100 cm. The water level should not exceed the maximum limit because there is a potential for carp to jump out easily or the pond water will overflow when it rains. After the pond is filled with water, let it sit for 1 week before you sow the carp seeds.

3. Density of Gurame Seeds

Ideally, the stocking density of carp seeds for a 4 x 2 x 1 meter pond is 200 seedlings. So, the best stocking density for carp cultivation in tarpaulin ponds is around 25 individuals/m3. 

4. Rules for Feeding Gurame Fish

All farmed fish, including carp, need feed that contains the best nutrients needed. Ideally fish feed should contain high protein of 25-30%. You can provide artificial feed such as pellets or natural food such as fine bran, aquatic plants, egg yolks, kale leaves, or sweet potato leaves. However, to ensure that the carp get complete nutrition, manufactured feed in the form of pellets is the best choice.

The right time to provide feed is in the morning and evening. You only need to provide feed 2 times a day.

5. How to Maintain and Maintain Pool Cleanliness

Apart from paying attention to the water temperature, you need to pay attention to the acidity level of the pond, which is known as the pH level. Ideally, the pH level of carp cultivation pond water is between 6.5-7.5 or in neutral conditions. If it's too sour, then you can add lime or baking soda. If it's too alkaline, you can add phosphoric acid to neutralize it.

As for maintaining dissolved oxygen levels in carp ponds, you can clean the pond regularly. This step needs to be done especially when there is visible leftover carp food residue at the bottom of the pond. These deposits can create ammonia which can reduce dissolved oxygen levels in pond water and produce toxic substances for fish.

Another way to maintain and care for aquaculture ponds is to install a special filter or filter such as in an aquarium so that the water in the pond is not easily cloudy.

6. Tricks to Control Water Temperature

Gouramy fish can live in ponds with a temperature of 24-28 oC. If there is a sharp change in temperature, such as from night to day or when it rains, this condition can affect the health condition of the carp.

To overcome this, you need to control the temperature of the water using aquatic plants such as water hyacinth. In earthen ponds, water hyacinth can grow naturally. However, in tarpaulin and concrete ponds, you need to plant water hyacinth. In addition to lowering the water temperature, water hyacinth is also able to absorb heavy metals contained in pond water.

7. Harvest Gurame Fish

The period or cycle of carp cultivation varies, depending on the size of the fish seeds being cultivated. If you cultivate carp seeds that weigh 2.5 ounces, within 5 months the carp weight will increase to 7 ounces and be ready to be harvested.

Usually, carp can be harvested 4-6 months after the seeds are put in the pond. When harvesting carp, you also need to look at market needs, what size carp is most in demand by the market.

Beli Pakan Ikan Gurame Berkualitas Terbaik di eFishery Pakai Kabayan

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Questions Regarding Gurame Cultivation in Tarpaulin Ponds

You will get carp harvests between 4-6 months after the seeds are put into the cultivation pond. If the initial seed weight is 2.5 ounces, then within 5 months the carp will weigh 7 ounces and be ready for harvest.

Cultivation of carp can be done in a tarpaulin pond. The advantage of using a tarpaulin pool is good water circulation and does not require too much land. There are several types of tarpaulin pools to choose from, namely tarpaulin pools with wooden/pipe walls, brick walls, earthen walls, or brick/concrete walls.

  • https://arenahewan.com/budidaya-ikan-gurame-di-kolam-terpal
  • https://tanahkaya.com/budidaya-ikan-guramigurame-kolam-terpal/#Keuntungan_budidaya_gurami_menggunakan_terpal
  • https://www.infoikan.com/2017/04/teknik-budidaya-gurame-kolam-terpal.html