amdal tambak udang
Don't Get Wrong, This Is the Importance of Shrimp Pond AMDAL!

Perhaps not many farmers are familiar with the EIA for shrimp ponds. In fact, the AMDAL permit

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Complete Discussion of Goldfish Cultivation Analysis of 1000 Heads

Hello Mr/Mrs Cultivators! Are you looking for articles that discuss cultivation analysis

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Discussion of Tilapia Biofloc: Stages, Methods, and Tips

The tilapia biofloc cultivation system is one of the most common cultivation systems

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Weak Shrimp Until the Shrimp Dies? Here's How to Overcome It!

Shrimp cultivation is known to be difficult and has quite a lot of problems, especially in

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Example of 1000 Tilapia Business Analysis, Complete!

Are you looking for a new commodity to cultivate? If so, read the article

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Are Cannibal Shrimp? Check the Answers Here!

The question of whether shrimp are cannibals is one of the most frequently asked questions.

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Latest and Updated List of Gurame Fish Prices per Kg!

In Indonesia, carp prices often experience increases and decreases which do not

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Why Do Shrimp Jump in Ponds? Read the Explanation Here!

Shrimp behavior has differences between one type and another, such as

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7 Jenis Ikan Air Tawar Konsumsi yang Menguntungkan Budidaya

Indonesia is one of the countries that has the most types of fish in the world.

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See Easy Ways to Detect TSV Disease in Shrimp Correctly!

TSV disease in shrimp or often called red tail shrimp disease is a disease