kisaran nilai tom udang yang baik untuk tambak udang
Range of Good Shrimp TOM Values for Shrimp Ponds

One of the water chemistry parameters that you must pay attention to as a farmer is

telur ikan mas
Complete Ways to Care for and Hatch Goldfish Eggs

As a professional or novice cultivator, you need to complete your cultivation insights. For example about

apakah saponin membunuh udang
Do Saponins Kill Shrimp? Here's the Explanation!

"Do saponins kill shrimp?" is one of the most frequently asked questions

cara merawat ikan lele agar tidak mati
7 Ways to Take Care of Catfish So They Don't Die

How to care for catfish so they don't die is quite easy and can be implemented

cara menurunkan nitrit di tambak udang
6 Easy Ways to Reduce Nitrite in Shrimp Ponds

How to reduce nitrites in shrimp ponds is mandatory knowledge that must be possessed

bibit lele sangkuriang
Tips for Cultivating Sangkuriang Catfish Seeds

The best quality sangkuriang catfish seeds are the forerunner to the success of sangkuriang catfish cultivation.

cara membuat oksigen untuk tambak udang
Very important! This is How to Make Oxygen for Shrimp Ponds

In the process of growth, farmers must understand how to make oxygen for the shrimp

warna air kolam gurame yang bagus
Good Gurame Pond Water Color for Big Profits

To maintain water quality, you need to know the color of the carp pond water

penyebab dan cara mengatasi udang sering molting
Thoroughly Discuss the Causes & Ways to Overcome Shrimp Molting Often

Have you ever experienced molting shrimp? During the season of molting or turnover

kolam ikan nila
Find out the type and size of 500-1000 tilapia fish ponds

Tilapia ponds have a fairly crucial role in the success of fish farming